In an update on that story about IRS audits of ObamaCare critics that John Hayward and I reported on last week, here, here and here, iOWNTHEWORLD reports that an IRS employee visited C. Steven Tucker, Friday morning.
The IRS employee stated that the letter informing Tucker, a healthcare broker and Obamacare critic, that there was an irregularity on his taxes ten years ago, had nothing at all to do with Tucker’s participation in aiding an outspoken Obamacare critic who had recently lost coverage during his cancer treatments. The fact that the cancer patient received an audit on the very same day Tucker received his letter left the efficient IRS agent unfazed.
Tucker said, “they took my statement and advised me to resolve this issue with the IRS as soon as possible. If not, I will be visited again by the IRS and they could garnish my wages or put a lien on my home.”
I spoke with C. Steven Tucker on the phone about his case. He told me that two agents from the Treasury Inspector General Chicago field office visited his home, this morning, after an unannounced visit to his business office which has been closed since 2010. A treasury agent called his home yesterday afternoon, and they agreed to meet this morning to talk about “resolving the problem.”
Tucker has until the December 26 to pay a fine of $4,000 for the year 2003 and $2,000 from the year 2010, though he maintains that his tax record is clean and he shouldn’t owe them anything.
When his lawyer asked the agents if they really believed that the audits were a coincidence, especially in light of the IRS’s recent history of targeting conservative groups, they replied that they couldn’t comment.
Coincidence. And you can keep your plan and your doctor too.
More at Breitbart
If the idiot agents weren’t working for the irs, they would be unemployed. Most of the irs employees would be unemployed if they did not have their job.
Reality check, it does not take much to work the irs. Most of the agents have only high school certificates.
In light of this, do you really think the pres went to law school or even college? No one can find his grades nor his alleged birth certificate. The left put an illegal immigrant into the wipe house.