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So, when the Hebrews built the pyramids, they were just on a lark?
96% of all the Greek population, at the height of Greek civilization were slaves.
Over 70% of the people under Roman rule, at its height were also slaves.

Europe, under the Kings, called their slaves, serfs.
The USSR, for 80 years, called their slaves, the proletariat.

Muslims, to this day, call their slaves, servants.

Has Tim Kaine ever recovered from his Pagliacci plastic surgery that leaves him smiling (like the clown) no matter what?

Our Republic was conceived as having a government with the wisest, most experienced leaders in charge.
Now we have dweebs who know nothing at all.
We only know about slavery for the last 5,000 years. Earlier records have not yet been found. But there have always been slaves, and slavery continues today.

recall when this AH’s son got busted on cocaine use and trafficking?? this AH went to the presiding judge for a reduction in charges. never hear anything more.

if one looks at the records less than 400,000 slaves were imported to to America beginning in 1630 to mid 1870. so “who is your daddy” is anyone’s guess. these protestors are no different that jihad or isis: loot, rape, murder and steal but do nothing to establishment a governmental structure. the piece of shit area in seattle is just a piece of shit and will become an even bigger shithole when vacated.
were you aware that tim, like slut hillary, has a very bad drinking problem? no joke

Every ancient society from the beginning of time will be glad to know they’re off the hook.

Imagine, in addition to the worst criminal to ever have run for the office of President, we could have had this uneducated, pandering dumbass as VP.

Our ancestors did, in fact, create the institution of slavery in what became the United States of America. They recognized it, qualified it, and created laws that protected it. The unity of the nation was temporarily destroyed in an ultimately successful effort to rid ourselves of it, and we’re still living in its fading shadow. The racism that rationalized it has lingered to the present day.

Senator Kaine obviously is not claiming that they invented the concept. Any fool knows that. If it is your will to misunderstand him, then you will do so.


Our ancestors did, in fact, create the institution of slavery in what became the United States of America.

No they did not. They used an institution that was used the world over, including Black African nations (still used in some parts today).

White Christian Men freed the slaves and gave them equal rights.


The racism that rationalized it has lingered to the present day.

That is a false narrative and politically convenient 16-year-old level of racial understanding in America.

“Rid ourselves of it’s fading shadow” is impossible, as all nations and all peoples have some bit of racism, bias, and prejudice. The only way to minimize such is to give people the freedom to think and say whatever they want.

Black crime and violence is not White Privilege, it’s Black Culture. That’s something whites have been trying to aid with money, time, and affirmative action.

The result is a permanent under-class that is used for only one political party to get power.

Trump has done more for blacks than most presidents, and this is a threat because racism is a cornerstone to the Dems backwards platform. Pull that out, they have little to stand on.

The BLM and Antifa movements are putting racial harmony back decades, and they’ve already killed far more blacks (by their own hand) than whites have.

Institutionalized slavery did not exist in what is presently the United States until our European ancestor brought it here. They created that institution here. It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference that they weren’t the first to presume their own superiority and assert their right to treat other human beings as property. The moral flaw is the same in either case. Murder or rape are no less morally reprehensible because a particular perpetrator wasn’t the first to conceive of the idea.

The argument against Kaine is nothing but semantic b.s. Senator Kaine’s meaning is clear, and that meaning is an accurate historical statement.

Black crime and violence is not White Privilege, it’s Black Culture.

No more than white crime and violence are “White Culture”.


Institutionalized slavery did not exist in what is presently the United States until our European ancestor brought it here.

It did exist, and quite savagely. Many native American tribes practiced it.

So do I continue, or treat you like the historically ignorant idiot you are?

I’ll continue to educate you, then. You’re welcome.

No more than white crime and violence are “White Culture”.

Agreed. You idiotically proved my point.

White culture obeys Constitutional laws more often than Black culture, at least statistically and per capital.

I do indeed believe those Americans who obey our Laws and social contract are “superior” to those that don’t…regardless of their race, sex, or religion.

The argument against Kaine is nothing but semantic b.s. Senator Kaine’s meaning is clear, and that meaning is an accurate historical statement.

Hardly. America led the world in abolishing slavery. Kaine’s comments are meant imply we are backwards so people like you will be duped into giving people like him power. It obviously worked.

The basis of our culture is freedom of speech and thought. If you take that away, no matter how justified you feel, you will maximize death and minimize freedom.

Any cursory study of history shows as much.

@Nathan Blue: You can not win an argument by arguing with a rock. I finally agreed with “Another Vet”. It is impossible to debate with ignorance. I do admire your efforts!

It is pointless to engage any of the leftist trolls who post here. None of the leftist trolls are the least bit interested in honest discussion. Instead, sadly they display an on board lack of intelligence that they might otherwise possess. Most, if not all that they say they do not believe. They do so to instigate an ongoing meaningless discussion. Conservative posters here have demonstrated a consistent dominance of facts and reality when engaging with the leftist trolls here. I recognize banning them is not an option nor do I advocate that. It is unfortunate that what might be quality discussion is instead more emblematic of what is seen every day by the leftists.


Institutionalized slavery did not exist in what is presently the United States until our European ancestor brought it here.

It wasn’t the UNITED STATES when slavery was brought here, so the UNITED STATES didn’t “create it” in any way, form or fashion. Kaine is simply a stupid, ignorant, pandering idiot… not unlike his collegues.

Senator Kaine’s meaning is clear, and that meaning is an accurate historical statement.

Yes, his meaning is clear. “I hate this country and, to pander to blacks, I will accuse the US of any atrocity that serves the purpose, facts be damned.” I didn’t hear Kaine mention the accurate historic part his party played in promoting slavery, protecting slavery, creating the KKK, institutionalized racism or Jim Crow. I didn’t hear him mention George Wallace or Robert Byrd. Accurate my ass.

@Randy: Indeed, but it’s important to not let fascists like greg fill the space with their partisan rhetoric. Taking him and his silly comments apart is easy, but still has to be done.

The Dem/Leftist mode is to just saturate all spaces with their ideologies. It’s literally tyranny by smothering.

The Dems are using and enslaving blacks. That’s a fact.

Muslims had institutionalized slavery from around 700AD onward.
Since they sold African slaves to the West it makes sense that some who bought them were aware of the laws about slaves from their sellers.

Sex is OK between owner and slave:

Quran 33:50 – “O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those slaves whom thy right hand possesses.

Quran 4:24 – “And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those slaves whom your right hands possess.”

Slaves are property can be bought, sold, beaten:

Hadith Sahih Bukhari 41.598 – Muhammad establishes that slaves are property. They cannot be freed if an owner has outstanding debt, but they can be used to pay off the debt.

Hadith Abu Dawud 1814 – “…[Abu Bakr] began to beat his slave him while the Muhammad was smiling and saying: The future first caliph of Islam is beating his slave for losing a camel while Muhammad looks on in amusement.

@DrJohn, #11:

In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

Buying your wife, your children, your brothers, your sisters, or your parents was often the only legal means to free them from their slave owners.

@Deplorable Me:

It wasn’t the UNITED STATES when slavery was brought here, so the UNITED STATES didn’t “create it” in any way, form or fashion. Kaine is simply a stupid, ignorant, pandering idiot… not unlike his collegues.

In fact we did, by implicitly recognizing its lawful status.

Slavery was implicitly permitted in the original Constitution through provisions such as Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, commonly known as the Three-Fifths Compromise, which detailed how each slave state’s enslaved population would be factored into its total population count for the purposes of apportioning seats in the United States House of Representatives and direct taxes among the states.

When a recognition of the institution of slavery is written into the most basic foundational document that creates and defines a nation, you are establishing that institution’s legal status.

Senator Kaine is speaking the truth. The fact that you don’t like that truth and call him stupid for openly stating it doesn’t change anything, any more than Trump proclaiming himself “a very stable genius” makes either true.

@Greg: Blah blah blah.

Are you kneeling on command?

That’s the big question.

I’m beginning to entertain the possibility that Trump’s upcoming mass rallies might turn out to be a positive Darwinian development.

@Greg: Here is what the ignoramus said

“The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.”

Oh really like the Colonies invented it?
Stupid, ignorant, unintelligent, destitute of knowledge.
Slaves were the lowest class in Mayan society. They were usually orphans, war prisoners, criminals, or the children of slaves. Although they weren’t necessarily mistreated by their owners, slaves still had no rights or privileges in society. Their only function in society was to do all of the manual labor, which means that all of the temples, like the one in the picture below, were entirely made by slaves. In addition, they were also the most frequently used for human sacrifice ritual, until planned parenthood took over for them.

“The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.”

That is correct. Slavery was created as a lawful U.S. institution with its implicit recognition in the original Constitution of the United States. Our most basic foundational document recognized that one human being could own another as personal property.

Our ancestors purchased and imported human beings to be owned as property as one would own animals. Had they not done so, there would have been no slaves or slavery in the United States of America. As much as some would prefer to shift blame to the Muslims or the Romans or perhaps some biblical pharaoh of ancient Egypt, we—that is, our own European ancestors—created this evil in our own nation’s history. Nobody else is to blame for what happened here.

To our ancestors’ credit, they undertook a civil war that nearly destroyed the nation to finally cast off this evil. We are a better nation in that respect than we were at the start, and our Constitution is a better document now than it was when it was originally written and ratified.


Senate Aide: Senator Kaine, the Egyptians and Romans are on the phone.

Senator Kaine: What do they want?

Senate Aide: They want to give you a history lesson.


That is correct. Slavery was created as a lawful U.S. institution with its implicit recognition in the original Constitution of the United States.

That is wrong and ignorant. Slavery has existed for centuries… hundred of centuries and was the rule rather than the exception at the time. Kaine is not so stupid as to not know that, but he is stupid enough to believe others will believe his bullshit.

@Greg: The first legal slave owner in the Colonies was a black man. You just continue to flaunt your ignorance and 3rd world education. Anthony Johnson ( b. c. 1600 – d. 1670)
Speak for yourself my ancestors came to this country after the civil war. You lie about your background so dont expect anyone to believe you about anything.

That hasn’t got anything to do with the truth of what Senator Kaine said.


As much as some would prefer to shift blame to the Muslims or the Romans, we—that is, our ancestors—created this evil in our own nation’s history.

You’re as big an idiot as Kaine.

Agreed. That’s what I’ve been trying to explain.

The problem appears to be on the receiving end. You imagine you know much that you do not. Here we have yet another demonstration of Dunning-Kruger effect.


You’re squatting on someone else’s land, boy. Give it back to the tribe that owned it and that the white man stole it from.

You want restitutions? Start.

@Greg: Keep propagandizing, Greg. You’re dead wrong and you know it.

Slavery existed, legally, in America long before a white man ever set foot on this continent.

Yet it was white Christian men that spearheaded the effort to end slavery.

The riots today are left-wing fascists hiding behind poor black people that they have kept poor…

Tim Kaine’s comment is ignorant and wrong.


That hasn’t got anything to do with the truth of what Senator Kaine said.

There was no truth in what Kaine said. The only truth exposed was that Kaine is a lying, pandering, racist idiot.


You’re as big an idiot as Kaine.


Agreed. That’s what I’ve been trying to explain.

@Deplorable Me, #29::

There was no truth in what Kaine said.

How could any reasonable person accept the opinion of Trump’s supporters concerning what is truth and what is a lie, when they unquestioningly believe every lie that comes out of Trump’s mouth, no matter how obvious?

@Greg: FFS must you defend every anti American BS spewed from ignorant asswipes? You can read what he put out there in whole unlike what MSM edits or twists about what Trump says or does.
Why did they cut away from the press conference bout the police reform executive order, I shouldnt have to tell you as you are down with the pucks ducky.
This minute they are trying to put a negative spin on it.


The subject of this thread is the stupidity of Kaine. No, America did not invent slavery no matter how much the left wants to labor the truth.

As usual, when you have no cogent argument, you resort back to your standard “but, but, Trump………………….” Weak, and only shows your own idiocy.


As usual, when you have no cogent argument…

As usual, you’re repearing that LIE and resorting to your standard, Trump-like personal attack because you have no intelligent rebuttal. Posts #16 and #20 are clear presentation of an argument for my position, ducky. Are you too stupid to realize that?

It’s perfectly clear what Senator Kaine was saying. It’s also an accurate statement of fact, for the reasons given.

@Greg: I didn’t learn my history from any Trump supporter. It was written long before Trump and it doesn’t change no matter HOW desperate Democrats get.

@Greg: I looked it up repearing isnt a word, and ducky was mine, glad it impressed you so much
Historically and factually Kaine was incorrect, slavery and human sacrifice was on this continent long before any pilgrim or european explorer arrived. In sumerian tablets, Sumeria was not in Europe. It wasn’t even perfected by the colonists. Does Kaine think Ancient Galleys were rowed by naval volunteers?

Repeating is a word. Look up that one.