Thought you knew how stupid the idiots at WaPo were?

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Yes, they’re really that fucking stupid. Criminals, especially terrorists, do not obey laws. What the hell is so difficult to understand about that?

When American audiences read of a dramatic event in a foreign country, they often frame it in terms of the political debates occurring at home. As such, it was no surprise that after shootings at the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris this week, some Americans began to wonder about gun control laws.

“Isn’t it interesting that the tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world?” American reality television star Donald Trump wrote on Twitter shortly after the news broke. The tweet prompted both praise (over a thousand retweets) and scorn (Trump was labelled a “moron” and an “idiot” by other tweeters).

Sure, Trump’s the moron. But “journalists” asking stupid question aren’t. Right.

Trump, a perennial attention seeker, was likely attempting to score political points and insult liberals with his tweet. But behind the disingenuity, there is is a genuinely troubling question: Why didn’t France’s gun laws save the Charlie Hebdo victims?

More at Jammie Wearing Fool

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What if it isn’t stupidity, but part of a plan?

trump is a sexual predator also. he mantra follows that of the American press. So in a contest of stupidity who wins, trump or the media, media.
The ironic issue is that in the future, small 3-4 man attacks by terrorist will occur in this country. Successfully orchestrated selected targeted bombings will encourage 3-4 man assault team activity. As these scenarios unwind, and they will, where is trump, sharpton, jackson, and the all time racist holter? Who is going to stand up and protect the welfare system of this country that is under attack?