US homicide rate dropped, but Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy overstates effect of gun law
— CapitalDistrictSCOPE (@CDSCOPE) February 20, 2024
A 65-year-old laundromat employee in Oakland says she afraid to return to her job after being assaulted by two customers in an incident that was caught on camera.
Surveillance footage shows two relatively young women physically harassing, intimidating, and eventually attacking the elderly woman for the better part of ten minutes.
Ruth ‘Ruthie’ Wilde said the attack was the longest eight-minute stretch of her life.
She told CBS Bay Area that she was ‘very afraid’ during the attack and still is, especially now that the pair have been released and may end up having the misdemeanor charges (filed against only one of them) dropped.
The terrifying encounter occurred on March 16, shortly after 7pm, while there were still customers inside the local business.
Surveillance footage then showed a woman in a black hat grabbing Wilde by the neck, dragging her around and shoving her to the ground multiple times.
Wilde also took at least three punches during the assault.
The other woman, in a red hat and a yellow shirt, was then shown pushing Wilde to the ground.
‘They punched me again and hard enough that my nose was bleeding. I saw stars and lights because they hit me so hard,’ Wilde told CBS.
The footage showed the two assailants threatening to hurt several of the customers who intervened in the assault.
Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Ecclesiastes 8:11
Leniency is false kindness.
Yeah, when you stop prosecuting crimes, the “crime rate” goes down! Just make crime legal; that take care of everything.
This Pinheads been walking around in Rose Colored Glasses for far too long