This Is Not The America My Parents Immigrated To In 1957

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The Burning Platform:

Not that I remember what America was like in 1957, as I was not yet five years old. Years later, when I was old enough to understand, they told me their story. Briefly, it goes like this.

Dad was born in Romania (Czernowitz in Northern Bulovina), but he identified (haha) as German because, well, his dad was German, his mom was German, they spoke German and kept German customs, and lived in a German community so, applying the “quacking duck” theory, that’s what he was. Mom was born in Yugoslavia (now, Slovenia), but she identified as German for the same reasons as dad did. The Nazi regime would refer to folks such as my parents as “Volksdeutsche” —- being German as a people or race, regardless of citizenship.

When dad was about seventeen the Deutsche Wehrmacht (army) made a pit stop in his neck of the woods, and forcibly yanked his ass off the farm, and within a few weeks turned him into a bonafide Mortarman (dudes who launch grenades). He might have destroyed or damaged a Russkie tank or two, but was eventually captured by the Russians, and spent the rest of the war, and some time thereafter, in one of their luxurious prison camps. When mom was a pre-teen the Russian army made a pit stop in her neck of the woods, killed most of her family, but spared her life and put her to work as a slave laborer and sex-toy (cuz she was very pretty), in one of their gulags.

Obviously they both survived this ordeal (otherwise I probably wouldn’t be writing this). However, after the war ended, neither parent was allowed back to their ancestral homes. In order to keep Germans from becoming a “problem” again, Eastern Europe (with approval of all the Western powers) decided to enact a program of ethnic cleansing by expelling as many as 14 million Germans. This German Diaspora comprised the largest migration of any European people in modern history. More here. Many died, estimates range from 500,000 to 2,000,000. My parents survived that as well, obviously.

They arrived as Flüchtlinge (refugees) in an Austrian camp for such people … two Germans as refugees in a German country, how weird is that … found each other, did the nasty posthaste, and produced me, at the time a bastard child mostly unwelcome anywhere. (I’m just glad my dad wasn’t some anonymous Russian soldier!). They gave it their best shot living this way. But, even as late as 1957, there wasn’t enough work in Austria. They felt their future would be better elsewhere. So, they came to America … for work.

You do understand the meaning of that last sentence? It means my parents came to America for a selfish reason, asall immigrants do. Sure, the stated reason for most immigrants may be for economic betterment, to escape political repression, or flee religious persecution, and such. But, the ultimate motivating factor is always for the betterment of one’s self, and/or family. In other words, no immigrant has ever arrived at these shores in order to make America great. On the contrary, they came because they believed America was already great, and a land of opportunity.

This quest for “opportunity” is one of the key distinguishing characteristics of the “old world” immigrants. Not all, but a great many of the current horde invading this country come not because America is great and offers opportunities, but because America has become the Land Of Entitlements — a concept unknown to old world immigrants. In fact, my dad needed a “sponsor” to guarantee that my father would have a job the moment he arrived. No job? No skills? Stay home! And don’t even think of gaining entry if you, or your loved ones, have some kind of disease. There were zero social backstops. No food-stamps. No free medical visits. No free transportation. No free-housing via Section 8, or some other thieving giveaway.

And to be honest, those folks back then wouldn’t accept free shit if you handed it to them on a silver platter. For the first couple months in this country my parents lived in an abandoned apartment building in NYC without even running water. Jack, my dad’s employer, offered to let us live in a spare room in his house until dad could get on his feet. Dad refused, saying he came to this country to work, and not to receive charity. Compare that mentality to the current free-loaders who demand “their rights” the moment they set foot here … for example, people who get social-security (and loads of other freebies) without ever having paid even a thin dime into the system. This is criminal in the sense that it is literally theft from the people who are forced to pay for all this ”free” stuff. These people should be ashamed, but they know no shame. Rather, they will shout you down as a racist and bigot for even suggesting the hideous Biblical concept of ‘he who does not work, shall not eat’. It can be argued that immigrants helped build America, or that immigrants are what made us great. But, that was a long time ago, in a different era, under totally different circumstances. Try to remember this; not all immigrants are equal, or beneficial to this country.

Part of Trump’s plan to make America great again is to build a yuuge wall. That’s a really dumb idea when compared to other alternatives. The best idea is so simple; immediately end all entitlements to people here illegally! I’m fairly certain that act alone will stop the flow almost overnight. Why hasn’t Trump (apparently) not even considered that option? Perhaps because he know that free shit, once given, can never be rescinded? Perhaps because he realizes that those who get free shit are forever beholden to the shit-giver, and therefore they are easily controlled and manipulated …. not to mention a permanent guaranteed voting class? If so, Mr. Trump doesn’t have much chance of making America great again no matter how high he builds his wall.

Or, how about this? A tit-for-tat immigration policy; enact immigration laws identical to that of Mexico.


What is the meaning of “Make America Great Again!” except that it is both an admission of America in decline, and a boast that only Trump can restore us to our former glory?

On the one hand, many (such as myself) find that to be a refreshing change of pace from the braggadocio propaganda we’ve heard for about the past twenty years … culminating with the biggest (and least successful) braggart of them all, Obama, informing us almost daily that America is an “exceptional” nation, the “indispensable” country, the “sole” superpower of Planet Earth, …. nay, the greatest power ever in human history, to which every other nation on earth aspires to imitate.

“Obama has talked more about American exceptionalism than Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush combined: a search on UC Santa Barbara’s exhaustive presidential records library finds that no president from 1981 to today uttered the phrase ‘American exceptionalism’ except Obama.” ——— John Gans Jr., The Atlantic, 2011

“‘American exceptionalism’ is not a traditional part of presidential vocabulary. According to Schlesinger’s search of public records, Obama is the only president in 82 years to use the term.” ———- Robert Schlesinger, U.S. News and World Report

On the other hand, Trump is the first candidate (at least in modern times) to run openly and without apology on a platform of American decline. Let’s take a quick look at how one President talked about America shortly after we arrived here.

Take a look (or, recall, if you have a good memory) at JFK’s speeches. You simply won’t find them littered with exceptionals, indispensables, and other superlatives … as those words simply weren’t part of the political lexicon back then. American wealth and military might were basically a given, and indisputable. Big dogs simply and quietly go about their business. It’s the small and insignificant Chihuahuas of the world who yap endlessly about their superiority.

In his inaugural address JFK reflected the character of old world immigrants when he urged all of us to not ask what this country can do for us, but what can we do for our country. His only use of “great” was to invoke the USA / Soviet Union blocs as “two great and powerful groups of nations”. In another speech he spoke of America as “a great power” — but not “the greatest power.” In that same speech he said; — “we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient … that we are only six percent of the world’s population … that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind … that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity … and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.” Don’t confuse that “negative” statement with Trump’s assessment of America. JFK’s commentary is one of quiet strength and tremendous wisdom rooted in a deep and abiding confidence of America’s unstated power …. a confidence so unshakeable that there was no need to speak of it.

While Trump speaks openly about America’s decline, Obama and Hillary acknowledge the same sentiment, albeit unknowingly. Decline is evident when one has to say endlessly and openly what once was too obvious to say. In other words, if you have to brag about it, you no longer have it.

For a cultural equivalent, call it the Rambo-ization of America. I absolutely loved “westerns” as a kid. The post WWII movie “heroes” of my youth were folks like John Wayne, Burt Lancaster, Chuck Conners, and then as a teen, Lee Van Cleef and Clint Eastwood. Other than their acting abilities, what was remarkable about them? Well …. nothing, really. They were remarkably ordinary looking, like the guy in your office or next-door neighbor, not overly muscled, not possessing other-worldly fighting skills, and their weapons were basically identical to that of their enemies. But, then came America’s defeat (or, was it a “draw”?) in Vietnam to a bunch of guys dressed in pajamas, with rusty rifles, and living in tunnels. Hollywood helped us cope with our malaise and depression by now giving us outrageousness; outrageous muscles, outrageous weapons, and outrageous killing skills whereby now an Army is no longer needed but, rather, just One Guy defeats the gooks. We like our lies, but we really really love outrageous lies. Eventually, mere humans, no matter how muscled, no longer provided enough titillation to dull our senses. Whereby we once were satisfied that Conan enjoyed crushing his enemies and hearing the lamentations of their women, by 1984 we demanded and cheered a virtually undefeatable cyborg from the future with a German accent uttering amazing philosophical pandering such as, “Fuck you, asshole.” And, what heroes do we have today? Spiderman, Thor, Hulk, Superman, X-Men, Iron Man, Ant Man, Captain America, Batman, ad infinitum. How ironic that in an Age of Science and Technology that we find solace and amusement in heroes who defy all known laws of physics … and, sensible dialogue. It seems that the deeper America sinks into chaos, that the more ridiculously obscene our heroes (and, leaders) become.

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Some good and some bad, like always.

Although Donald Trump has not put it as ”a wall OR cut entitlements to illegals,” many couch it that way: as a either/or situation.
It is not that at all.
The wall will cut both illegal people moving in as well as (more importantly) cut illegal drugs from coming in so easily.
But, take a lesson from CA which years ago tried to cut welfare and other entitlements to illegals.
Immediately the media, with its bleeding heart, trotted out anecdotal cases of breech births, hair lips, club feet, etc.
More than that, they made a completely valid point about PUBLIC HEALTH as impacted by sick illegals.
TB infected illegals took jobs on dairy farms and cost whole herds their lives, putting dozens of farmers out of business.
(Oh, and that was OUR fault because we didn’t treat them for free? No, actually, these illegals LIED on their applications about their health.)
Illegals who brought cock-fighting roosters into CA took jobs in egg ranches and their sicknesses in their private fighter-birds passed into the hens on the egg ranches. Over $1billion in damages just from two such men.
All the free medical on earth wouldn’t have stopped this because these men LIED about their health and the fact that they owned other birds privately when they took their jobs on the egg ranches.
But free medical for illegal students does protect our citizen children from TB and other communicable diseases that illegals come in un-innoculated for.

IF Donald Trump were to press to cut off all aid to illegals the press would trot out their sick examples to make him look like a monster.
They did that to Gov. Gray Davis.

Now, that said, our safety net has morphed into a hammock in recent years.
Who ”needs” an obamaphone? free internet?
In 2010 welfare workers claimed they were so overworked that they only had 5 minutes per application for aid to vet the validity of the claims made on the forms.
So, they rubber-stamped them all.
That needs to be stopped.

“Stucky” at the Burning Platform quoted the Bible, if you will not work, neither shall you eat.
Let me add a bit about how an even older Bible welfare system worked:
1.The gleaning system.
Widows and fatherless children were free to come to any farmed land, orchard and vineyard during the harvest.
The outer edges of the cultivated area had to be left untouched by the land owner.
It was up to those widows and children to get up, go out and bring in such foods for themselves. Some of them were able to sell excess food for their other needs, if they were industrious.
2. Selling oneself for a short time and the Jubilee year.
If a man became poor due to bad crops or other causes, he could ”sell” (lend) himself and his land to a neighbor who was doing well. It could be only for UP TO 7 years. Then he and his land were restored to him.
Also, every 50 years ALL such people were restored to their own land free, even if their time was short laboring for their neighbor.
When this system was in force no Israelites were ever perpetually poor.

Hear, hear

VIDEO: Latinos make spirited case FOR Donald Trump

“My name is Angelo Gomez and I have something very clear to say to the liberal media and Hillary Clinton: yes, I’m an American Latino who supports Donald Trump.

“Yes, I come from a family rooted in immigrants and I support Donald J. Trump to be the next president of the United States.

“I support Donald Trump with every ounce of my being,” Gomez says, “for the very reasons that this country, that the Constitution, that this flag behind me was founded upon and that’s putting the American people first. That’s putting this country first.”

He adds, “Hillary Clinton is the face of an incompetent politician who has lied to, who has cheated, and who has gotten Americans killed.

“If we get this wrong, our country will no longer be here for the future generations,” Gomez says.

The video shows dozens of Latinos at rallies and around the country supporting Trump.

“My name is Barbie, I’m Latina, I’m independent and I’m voting for Donald Trump,” one woman says.

“I am Hispanic, Mexican-American, also an Army veteran, and I will vote for Donald Trump,” a man says in the video.

Another Latino woman says her family is from Cuba and “we all support Donald Trump because he understands that the most patriotic Americans are immigrants who came here not for what they could get here, but who they could be here.”

One man showed his decked out pickup truck with Trump flags and a giant “Crooked Hillary” sign on the tail gate. Another sign reads, “I came to the US legally! Looking for the American Dream, not the Mexican nightmare! Make Mexico pay for the wall!”

The participants are part of Latinos for Trump and are organizing on Twitter with the #LatinosforTrump hashtag.

Latinos and Hispanics for Trump 2016

“So who the hell are the 1 in 5 Latinos who are viva Trump?”

Shawn Bambaro is a 39-year-old black car limo company owner in Miami, the son of Colombian immigrants, and runs the “Latinos Support Trump” Facebook group. And he agrees with Trump on immigration.

“There has to be a process where illegals go back,” he said of Trump’s desire to initially deport all undocumented immigrants in the United States. “And like he says very clearly: is it going to happen overnight? Are we kicking down doors and taking mothers from babies? No. The media again wants to portray this image that ICE agents are going to be at every illegal’s door.”

Lhessa Lyons, a 41-year-old Trump supporter of Dominican heritage who is a research analyst for a government contracting firm, also says she is a fan of Trump’s immigration plan.

Lyons said she never created a Facebook page for a politician until “Latinos for Donald Trump.”

“I’m not partisan. I try to vote for whoever I think is best at the time. I don’t consider myself a Republican or a Democrat.”

But she said she would vote for Trump in a general election, endorsing both his plans for undocumented immigrant deportation and the “Trump Wall.” Lyons was not offended by Trump’s infamous “rapists” comment.

“I think it’s acceptable because he was telling the truth,” Lyons said. “When you have illegal immigrants crossing the border, it’s a mixed bag. You don’t know who those people are exactly. Some of them can be criminals and rapists.”

“The reality is some of them are rapists. Some of them are criminals,” she said. “That’s a reality and that’s why the border needs to be secured.”

Many on the left have been trying to ignore Hispanic Trump supporters. Most of these are 4th and 5th generation citizens or those who because of their convictions, can not support the Democratic Party’s platform. (no doubt the same people who call black Republicans “Uncle Toms,” and disparage them as “Oreos”)

“Mr. Trump employs thousands of Hispanics, hundreds of thousands are voting for him and millions will and they support him,” said Leo Lacayo, a Trump supporter and chairman of the San Francisco Hispanic Republicans.

Yet far from the protests, an increasingly vocal Hispanic minority is speaking out in favor of the brash billionaire. They are backing Trump even in the face of resentment and suspicion from friends and family, who are among the overwhelming majority of non-white voters opposed to the New York businessman’s candidacy.

“I’m not ashamed to vote for Trump. I’d just rather not have the conversation with my family,” said Natalie Lally, a 22-year-old college student from New York City whose large extended family has Colombian roots.


Approximately 23 percent of Hispanics said they’d vote for Trump in a May poll conducted by Fox News Latino. Other recent polling places Trump far lower. The GOP’s last presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, has cited his poor standing with Hispanic voters as one of his biggest regrets from the last election, when he earned 27 percent of the Hispanic vote.


Conversations with Trump Hispanic supporters across the country in recent months show many feel especially frustrated with immigrants in the country illegally. Many waited years for work authorization or citizenship or have relatives who did.

And while some embrace Trump’s plans for the wall and deportations, others say they don’t believe Trump actually plans to follow through with his proclamations on the campaign trail.

Yet there are often a handful of Hispanic supporters inside his rallies. Before Trump took the stage in Albuquerque, Mary Jo Andrade, 37, a licensed mental health counselor, said her 17-year-old daughter is often teased in school for backing him.

“She hears, ‘Oh, you’re not real Mexican. You’re not true Mexican,’ ” Andrade said and added, “A lot of the time I tell her, ‘Keep your silence because of that.’”

This brings up a fallacy in polling, whereby some blacks and Hispanic (and others) will refuse to say they support a particular Republican, because they fear peer pressure from family members and radicals in their community.

Trump weirdness in Fresno: Latinos who love him, police who charm the protesters

Turns out, they are people like Elena Pineda, 81, and her daughter Mary Jennings, 57, both dressed head to toe in red, white and blue. They’d taped photos of Trump in his “Make America Great Again” baseball cap to their own little top hats. Compounding the fashion insult, Pineda wore a campaign button featuring a cat with a Trump comb-over. It said “The Time is Meow.”

“My family stopped speaking to me because I was supporting Donald Trump from the beginning,” said Jennings, a retired law enforcement officer. “I’m conservative, a registered Republican. It’s always been a bone of contention in my family.”

His rhetoric about Mexicans doesn’t bother you, I asked?

“It’s about illegal aliens!” Jennings said. “Mom and I can’t go to Canada and just squat and get benefits. We couldn’t go to Mexico either without the proper paperwork. They’d put us in jail!”

I also met Alicia Aderhold, 39, an office manager in Tulare whose family grows cherries, olives and oranges. Aderhold has four kids, two of whom are in college. They support Bernie Sanders, who’s running for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“You know what I like about Trump?” she said. “He’s for the farmers. And building that wall.”

“I’m Mexican,” Aderhold said, “and I understand that Mexicans do the farm labor, but there are a lot of legal ones. That’s how they should do it, the way my parents did.”

HUFFPOLLSTER: More Than A Quarter Of Latino Voters Support Donald Trump In A New Poll

DO 28 PERCENT OF LATINOS REALLY SUPPORT TRUMP? – Julio Ricardo Varela: “Despite previous polls reporting that Donald Trump’s popularity with Latino voters was dramatically decreasing, a new NBC News/Survey Monkey online survey released Tuesday morning has the presumptive Republican presidential nominee earning 28 percent of Latino support in a hypothetical head-to-head scenario with Hillary Clinton, who earned 65 percent of Latino support….In other polls conducted earlier this year, Trump’s Latino support was as low as 12 percent (FIU/Adsmovil) or hovering around the 15 percent mark (Washington Post/Univision). In March, a Gallup poll reported that Trump’s unfavorability rating with Latinos was at 77 percent: the highest of any presidential candidate in the race.” [Latino USA]

Some pundents like to point to online polls to dispute Hispanic support, but ignore that online polls are notoriously inaccurate due to swarming by internet activists..

Poll: Trump Getting More Hispanic Support Than Romney in 2012

Twenty-eight percent of Hispanic Americans agreed with Trump’s June statement that “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

In 2012, Romney won 27 percent of the Hispanic-American vote.

Twelve percent of Hispanic-Americans said they were not sure what to say about Trump’s comment, and only 61 percent opposed it, despite heated criticism of Trump by Spanish-language media.

The new poll also showed that 35 percent of moderates and 38 percent of independents somewhat or strongly backed Trump’s harshly-phrased, much-criticized statement. Twenty-five percent of moderates and 26 percent of independents disagreed strongly.

Among African-Americans, 24 percent agreed with Trump’s statement— that’s four times the 6 percent won by Romney in 2012 — while 28 percent of African-Americans disagreed strongly. Many respondents declined to comment — 22 percent of African-Americans, 19 percent of moderates and 17 percent of independents.

The new poll was performed by YouGov for The Economist in the first week of November.

Trump’s support among Hispanics shouldn’t be surprising.

Many middle-class, non-immigrant Hispanics worry that large-scale migration will undermine their hard-earned status as core Americans, impoverish their neighborhoods, drive up crime, worsen local schools and compete for jobs. Polls show the growing support for conservatives policies as Hispanics families root themselves in America — but the polls also show how the growing number of poor Hispanic immigrants keeps refreshing the Democratic supermajority among Hispanic voters.


A June 2014 poll funded by Facebook showed that 78 percent of Hispanics favored “substantially increasing” security at the U.S.-Mexican border, 77 percent want companies to check their employees’ work eligibility and 76 percent want the government to identify people who overstay their visas.

The new YouGov poll also asked which GOP candidate can best handle the immigration issue.

The result showed that Trump’s emphasis on repatriation for illegals and jobs for Americans was favored by 2:1 or 3:1 over the establishment’s preference for amnesty for illegals, jobs for foreign labor, and lower-wages for Americans.

On immigration, Trump was backed by 49 percent of Republicans, 15 percent of Democrats, 28 percent of independents and 26 percent of moderates.

Combined, Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Jeb Bush were backed on immigration by only 16 percent of Republicans, 18 percent of Democrats, 10 percent of independents and 12 percent of moderates. Roughly 47 percent of moderates and independents did not give an answer.

Trump was also backed by 29 percent of all respondents, 34 percent of whites, 12 percent of blacks and 15 percent of Hispanics.

Combined, Rubio and Bush scored only 14 percent of respondents, 13 percent of whites, 9 percent among blacks and 25 percent of Hispanics. The black and Hispanic responses are unreliable, because 57 percent of blacks and 39 percent of Hispanics did not pick any GOP candidate.

Among the middle-income voters who likely will decide who wins the 2016 election, Trump beat the combination of Rubio and Bush by 33 percent support to a combined 14 percent support.

The new poll complements many prior polls which show that Americans overwhelmingly want immigration and labor laws to help Americans find decent jobs, before allowing companies to employ foreign workers.

BREAKING POLL: Donald Trump Is winning Latino Republicans

Si Se Puede!
In new poll on Latino voters finds Donald Trump has more support from Republican Latino voters than Cuban-Americans Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio combined.

Trump has support from 38 percent of Latino voters followed by Ted Cruz with 15 percent and Jeb Bush with 14 percent./blockquote>