‘This is great’: Hillary staffers excited about how a black teen being murdered could help her agenda

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Newly released emails from Wikileaks show Hillary Clinton staffers debating how they can best use the death of a black man to further their agenda.

The email began as a request for an essay by Clinton from Marie Claire who was partnering with Harvard University on a study about women and guns but it quickly devolved into brainstorming ideas on how to push the campaign’s anti-gun and racial narratives.

The team began discussing an article published in “The Guardian” where the mother of Jordan Davis, a black teenager murdered by a white man for playing music loud, called the killing a “legal lynching” despite the fact that the murderer, Michael David Dunn, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.


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totaly morbid these liberal demacrats are to push their agenda of disarming all law abiding americans for the Useless Nations SMALL ARMS CONTROL TREATY signed by traitor JOHN KERRY LIBERAL DEMACRATS ARE DISGUSTING