Reporters keep asking White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany if the president will consider a mask-wearing mandate. Journalists keep writing about federal mandates. House speaker Nancy Pelosi says a federal mandate on mask wearing is “long overdue.” Joe Biden promises that if he’s elected this November, he would require all Americans to wear masks in public.
Have any reporters every wondered which federal agency would be tasked with forcing Nevadans or Texans to wear masks in public? Or under what constitutional power Biden can enact a mask-wearing ban in Vermont? Will he just sign an executive order? Or will he just declare a mandate like Michael Scott declared bankruptcy? And what federal agency would enforce the mask-wearing mandate? Will National Guard be called in? Will CDC paratroopers be dropped into Arkansas? Will Biden direct local police departments to chase down non-compliant joggers? Will there be a fine? Will there be jail time? Will the offenders stand in federal courts?
And what if Biden could enforce this edict? Every day, thousands of needless interactions over petty crimes put police in contact with Americans. Let’s remember that Eric Garner was killed for selling ten-cent cigarettes. Now, many of the same people who advocate “defunding” police want to create a national mandate that would result in thousands of interactions between cops and citizens.
The CDC already recommends that everyone “should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public” — though the agency recommended the opposite when the outbreak began — as a way of mitigating the spread of the coronavirus. The media can’t stop talking about wearing masks. Lots of people do. Some people don’t. Businesses are free to force customers to wear them on their private property. As far as I can tell, most do. State governments are free to mandate mask wearing, or strongly suggest it, or not.
Mask wearing has become just another stupid front in our partisan war.
If they mandate masks like having health insurance dont they have to provide them for free to the le$$ advantaged? Sounds expensive. 50 cents a day per person for every man woman and child. Another boon for Chinas economy.
I guess none of them realize the federal government can’t “mandate” wardrobe.
If they mandate masks like having health insurance dont they have to provide them for free to the le$$ advantaged? Sounds expensive. 50 cents a day per person for every man woman and child. Another boon for Chinas economy.
Shouldnt fall for the trap he was forceful enough with 3M and GM ventilator production.
Looks like a bot attack on the site.
While you’re actually correct, the fed has found away around that obstacle. It’s called restricting funding to states that don’t comply. That’s how we got mandatory auto insurance, mandatory seat belt wearing, mandatory .08 DUI limits, and tons of others. States that failed to follow simply didn’t get the highway funds appropriated. And of course, funding in other areas has become a reality.
Wardrobe? No difference. Seems like that “no shoes no service” comes to mind although while I believe all 50 states abide by it, it may have been common sense rather than Big Bro stepping in. We likely didn’t have a POTUS advocating stomping dog shit barefooted and propping one’s feet on the table of other diner customers.
Considering your inability to Google, I realize you may not of known this.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Sorry about that, it should have been for Deplorable but hell, what’s the difference anyway?
@Ronald J. Ward: No problem its always lovely to see you remain in your insane fog of delusion.
I can always sew my own from a nice lace or mesh material.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Oh… you must mean like how the liberal courts fight tooth and nail against cutting funds to sanctuary cities that violate federal law (LAW, not a “mandate”) and protect criminal illegal immigrants. Right? Yeah, I’m sure they can just up and do like you say.
the scandalous gov in ohio has mandated an “emergency” in that all persons in public shall wear a mask. he has sent his goon squads into business to ensure that all employers are wearing masks while attending customers-or a very high fine. the gov. has not indicated where the revenues will go-typical bullshit for ohio. most likely in his pocket or an associates as an administrative fee for running this shake down.