There’s no race war in America

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Marc Thiessen:

Did you know that this newspaper is named for a slaveholder? It’s right there on our masthead, the name of a man who for 56 years held other human beings in bondage on his Virginia plantation — a man, according to the official Mount Vernon Web site, who “frequently utilized harsh punishment against the enslaved population, including whippings.” This dreaded symbol of oppression is delivered to the doorsteps and inboxes of hundreds of thousands of people each morning.

Sure, George Washington also emancipated his slaves in his will, won our independence and became the father of our country — but no matter. It is an outrage that this paper continues to bear the name of such a man.

It is time to rename The Washington Post!

Think that’s stupid? You’re right. But there’s a lot of stupid going around today. The latest example: The TV Land network has pulled the plug on reruns of one of America’s most beloved shows, “The Dukes of Hazzard,” because the car in the show, the General Lee, bears a Confederate flag. There is nothing racist about “The Dukes of Hazzard.” It is a show about moonshine, short shorts and fast cars. What is accomplished by banning “The Dukes of Hazzard”? Nothing.

Our country is in a miasma of political correctness. So where does it end? Are we going to rename our nation’s capital (and Washington state for that matter)? Should we close the Jefferson Memorial (named for a man who never freed his slaves)? How about renaming Arlington (which is named after Robert E. Lee’s estate) . . . or Washington and Lee University (names for not one, but two slave owners) . . . or Fort Hood (named for Confederate Gen. John Bell Hood) and Fort Bragg (named for Braxton Bragg, military adviser to Confederate President Jefferson Davis).

This impulse to wipe away history is Stalinist. Just like Joseph Stalin once erased people from photographs, we’re now erasing people from our collective history.

These historical purges are not only wrong, they are also completely unnecessary.

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Mark makes an excellent point.
Reality is that the Dukes of Hazard ran in syndication on TVLand for 17 years before somebody TOLD the toadys on the Left that it was un-PC and had to go.
Who are the ones who pull the strings of these Lefty useful idiots?
Do those on the Left who obey without thought even know?

The Confederate Flag was no more to blame for Roof’s murderous act than was Gold’s Gym, whose shirt he wore.
Or those pretty potted plants he posed behind.


No surprise that the Huffington Post would quote a newspaper whose very name can be construed as “racist” since we have jumped off the social Marxism political correctness cliff.

Will Huffington Post demand that the Tar Heel change its name due to the history of the nickname?

“But when, beyond doubt, did the term Tar Heel begin to be applied to North Carolinians? Clearly during the Civil War, in the third volume of Webster Clark’s “Histories of the Several Regiments from North Carolina in the Great War, 1861-1865,” published in 1901, James M. Ray of Asheville records two incidents in 1863 that suggest the nickname’s original application.

In a fierce battle in Virginia, where their supportive column was driven from the field, North Carolina troops stood alone and fought successfully. The victorious troops were asked in a condescending tone by some Virginians who had retreated, “Any more tar down in the Old North State, boys?” The response came quickly: “No: not a bit; old Jeff’s bought it all up.” “Is that so? What is he going to do with it?” the Virginians asked. “He is going to put it on your heels to make you stick better in the next fight.”

After the battle of Murfreesboro in Tennessee in early January of 1863, John S. Preston of Columbia, S.C., the commanding general, rode along the fighting line commending his troops. Before the 60th Regiment from North Carolina, Preston praised them for advancing farther than he had anticipated concluding with: ” This is your first battle of any consequence, I believe. Indeed, you Tar Heels have done well.”

For a time after the Civil War, the name Tar Heel was derogatory. In Congress on Feb. 10th, 1875, a black representative from South Carolina had kind words for many whites which he described as “noble hearted, generous hearted people.” Others he spoke of as “the class of men thrown up by the war, that rude class of men, I mean the tar heels and the sand hillers and the dirt eaters of the South-it is with that class that we have all our trouble.”

Wonder how many of those black students proudly call themselves “Tar Heels?”

9 blacks are murdered in South Carolina by a deranged fruitcake and we jump the Rubicon on rationality with demands that the battle flag of Northern Virginia be removed from our memory banks.

10 people are shot to death (guess their race) in Chicago just last week end and we get crickets from the left.

The reality is that none of the journalists today have the slightest idea of Marxism nor does anyone in the house or senate. Why does the north continue to impose yankee values on the south? A quick lesson for the racebaters, race mongers, illiterate journalist, and really really dumb politicians in the north-the south will rest quietly for only so long. In the next several years, this alleged congress, idiot administration will feel the backlash of southern hospitality. The Civil War did not start over slavery. When Lincoln married into the Todd family, they owned over 450 slaves. So why not burn the Lincoln monument down?

Did they pull Sanford and Son?

I distinctly remember this episode, as I was a regular viewer. I remember when Fred dropped the N-bomb, I thought, “say WHAT?” This was live television and it COULD have been edited, but it wasn’t.

So, why isn’t THAT banned? Oh, here’s a suggestion… because it’s FUNNY. Because it’s ENTERTAINMENT. Also, because a black guy said it.


9 blacks are murdered in South Carolina by a deranged fruitcake and we jump the Rubicon on rationality with demands that the battle flag of Northern Virginia be removed from our memory banks.

An innocent white girl is shot to death by a repeat offender criminal illegal immigrant; are we pulling down and burning Mexican flags? Are we ransacking Taco Bell’s? No, we are not and there is but one reason for it; those that the tragedy affected are civilized and those that usually engage in that sort of activity cannot gain any political capital off it.

@Wordsmith: Most annoying is that golfer who owns the General Lee now painting over the flag on the car. Why didn’t he think to do that years ago when he got the car? Or why did he ever purchase it in the first place? How is it racist now and not racist then?

You touch on an important point.
Judging the past by the standards in the present.
The reason so many blacks believe that ”Cleopatra was black,” is that they MISTAKENLY and anachronistically assign blackness to ALL slaves.
Cleo’s grandfather held many slaves and MAY have had a child with one of them.
If that one child was Cleo’s mom then she would be 1/4 whatever-the-slave-was.
But over 60% of all Greek slaves were fellow Greeks, not blacks.
Many others were Mesopotamians and even Jews.
Some few were Ethiopians.
What are the odds?
Since Cleo’s mom was a legal free daughter (not born from a slave but from his WIFE) they are nil.
But still blacks believe it.

Today we are seeing a mass rewrite of History.
All of the PC garbage of the Left is being superimposed onto our pasts.
I hope they get real mad about those rich Russians who enslaved my own ancestors! ….NOT! Because it never held me back that my grandparents ran away from Russia after the Soviet takeover. Not one bit. In fact (and blacks in the USA should take a lesson) I am probably doing 10Xs better because of being born here instead of the Soviet Union in the 1940’s.
Yes, black Americans, so are YOU!