Jesseb Shiloh:
Senator Chuck Grassley has been on a witch hunt for years. His target has been the questionable Russian nuclear deal that gave them ownership over a company that controlled 20% of America’s uranium deposits. In less than two weeks, he may finally catch his witch… or rather, witches.
A story on The Hill yesterday uncovered a very inconvenient fact about the controversial nuclear deal. Nuclear industry officials involved in the deal were under FBI investigation:
Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.
Why this matters now
This is much more than another Clinton-related scandal, though the details surrounding Bill and Hillary are definitely juicy. The real question is whether or not those who were involved in approving the deal knew of the investigation before letting it through. President Obama’s multi-agency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) included Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
If they were aware of the investigation before giving approval, this is more than just a scandal. This could be the case that finally puts Clinton, Holder, and other Obama “untouchables” in serious legal trouble. We’re not talking about poor judgment, Fast and Furious, or private email servers. This would be undeniably criminal to knowingly give access to vital American resources to corrupt foreign agents actively working against the nation’s interests.
It’s not out of the question that this could be considered a form of treason.
A witch hunter like Mathew Hopkins out hunting down witches burning many at the stake having others hung until it turns against them like with Roseperre during the French Revolution in the end he was sent to the Guillotine
It appears the FBI can only investigate non-existent crimes.
Oh, those guys probably didn’t know anything. Hillary knows best.
That’s how Putin’s government routinely does business. Why would anyone imagine they have nothing to use as leverage against Donald Trump?
Trump’s followers want to focus all attention on the past to distract from the present. They’ve spent decades investigating every rumor and conspiracy theory involving the Clintons, but don’t want to look at anything related to Trump, no matter how many red flags are flying.
Here’s some typical hyperbolic Twitter bullshit on the topic from the Trump camp:
Hillary Clinton Desperately Tries to Distract From Bombshell Russia-Uranium One Report
Really, Donnie? Would you care to elucidate? Because I have no frickin’ clue what desperate efforts to distract you’re referring to. And neither, most likely, do you.
We’re being led by cartoon characters.
I suppose anything is possible when all you are basing all your accusation on IS imagination.
The left has been making wild and unsubstantiated accusations against Trump without any proof or verification. Nothing has been verified, nothing has been proven, no evidence is ever presented; just imaginary charges. Meanwhile, more and more evidence and proof is compiled showing that the most vocal accusers are actually the guilty parties.
Obviously, the investigations ongoing are not seeking truth; they seek retribution.
Hillary doesn’t have to distract; the corrupt liberal media distracts by failing to report facts. Hillary is free to LIE about Trump being a sexual abuser when NO facts bear this out. The left is free to lie, never held accountable for lying, and lie they do, 24/7.
But, what am I saying? Who am I talking to? Anyone that would believe that Hillary deleted, erased, destroyed and Bleachbit 33,000 emails she had mixed with classified State Department emails on her secret, private, unsecured server the moment she learned the FBI was interested in it is not interested in facts, national security or justice.
We are being led, which is different from the past 8 years. We are being led by a LEADER.
What you’re describing there is Trump’s modus operandi. Today, for example, we have him barking like a baboon in defense of General Kelly’s very public criticism of Rep. Frederica S. Wilson, despite the fact that Kelly’s statement was false—which has been demonstrated beyond any shadow of a doubt with a video tape of what she actually said.
He’s just rolling out yet another in an endless stream of meaningless distractions intended to keep the public’s attention away from topics that actually matter, and away from the fact that his administration has thus far been like a pile up accident of clown cars.
Where you’re being led is astray.
Typically, you leave out the most important detail. The genesis of the entire episode. Rodeo Clown Wilson eavesdrops on a private call from the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, then lies about the content of the call. Oh, did I mention this was a call to the wife of a soldier that had been killed in combat? Is there any lower scum on earth that will use these grief-stricken people as political game pieces? (of course, the DNC already had, but THIS even overshadows that despicable ploy)
There is no one lower, no one with less dignity, no one with less respect for the US military than Wilson. Only slightly above her in the scum-rating are the media vultures who help her exploit such a tragic event. Absolute garbage.
Then what does that Joker look-alike in a glitter cowboy hat do? She gloats that she is now a “rock star” because of all the attention she has drawn for her stunt. Trash. Absolute America-hating trash.
THEN she turns around and, in true liberal form, plays the race card on the White House because SHE is a low-life. You must be so proud to have such invertebrate fecal matter on your team. So proud.
The left HATES the military. As Bill Clinton said, they LOATHE the military. We get it. We understand. We really don’t need your ignorant, despicable toads reminding us on a regular basis.
THIS in addition to Holder, Hillary and Obama who looked the other way while the Russians scarfed up a fifth of our uranium and Bill and Hill got a big payday. You had better revamp you low-life, degenerate party before it ceases to exist at the next election.
Well I wonder if any of these are Bengahzi related?
Or acts of collusion with Russia?