by Charles “Sam” Faddis
Ukraine and Russia have been in a standoff since Russia overran Crimea in 2014. Russian-backed “separatists” control large chunks of Ukrainian territory, and Russia is now preparing for what looks like a final push to crush Ukrainian aspirations of an alliance with the West and a future free of Kremlin domination.
The only hope for Ukraine lies in support from the Biden administration, which is to say, there is no hope.
Russia has prepped the battlefield through effective use of its energy power. Natural gas prices in Ukraine are already through the roof. Now Russia has not only cut off supplies of coal to Ukraine but also blocked the passage of freight trains carrying coal from Kazakhstan to Ukraine.
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Former Russian opposition lawmaker Illia Ponomaryov, who now lives in Kyiv and works as an executive at Kyiv-based mining company BGV Group, stated the obvious when he said recently that the stoppage of coal sales and trains from Kazakhstan is part of a Russian effort to put pressure on Ukraine.
“Somebody in Moscow believes that Ukraine will run into serious energy-supply difficulties throughout the winter season. Obviously, Russia wants additional leverage to press on Ukraine’s government,” Ponomaryov said.
The cessation of deliveries forces Ukraine’s six coal-fired power plants to find alternative sources of coal. They will not be easy to come by. All across the globe energy sources have driven power companies to return to the use of coal to produce electricity. Ukrainian stockpiles of coal are already dangerously low. At the start of November, coal reserves at Ukrainian thermal power plants stood at 578,000 tons, just one-fifth of the government’s plan for 2.9 million tons.
So desperate is Ukraine for power that it has now resumed importing electricity directly from Russia. That puts Vladimir Putin in the position of quite literally being able to shut off the lights in Ukraine anytime he wants.
While Putin preps the battlefield with threats of Ukrainians heading into the long, harsh winter unable to heat their homes he is also setting the stage to do things the old-fashioned way. At least 90,000 Russian troops are massed near the Ukrainian border preparing for what looks very much like a push to Kyiv. Earlier this year Russian forces conducted a series of large-scale command and staff exercises. Those now look suspiciously like they were dry runs for what is to come.
Washington has responded with predictable – vague assurances and finger-wagging. Last week Biden sent CIA Director Bill Burns to Moscow last week to caution senior Kremlin officials about taking any action in Ukraine. Burns’ last high-profile assignment involved a trip to Kabul in the midst of our catastrophic withdrawal. His purpose then was apparently to beg the Taliban to help us get our people out of harm’s way. That suggests any warnings he may deliver are likely to be of little interest to Putin and his generals.
Russia has a history of saber-rattling. All appearances are, however, that this time the saber will be drawn, and things will get real in a hurry.
“It is certainly an unprecedented buildup, and if Russia wanted to invade Ukraine, it has the capability and capacity to overwhelm Ukrainian forces,” a senior congressional aide told CNN recently. “With such a large buildup, Putin could order an invasion at any time and there would be very little warning.”
Representatives Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) and Mike Turner (R-Ohio) voiced their concerns in a letter to Biden.
“With the recent massing of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border, we urge your administration to take immediate and swift action to provide support to Ukraine in the form of intelligence and weapons,” they said.
They also “urged” the administration to “deploy a U.S. military presence in the Black Sea to deter a Russian invasion.”
Ukraine at least appears to understand exactly what Russia intends.
WWIII: brought to you by not-the-president Biden and his weakness.
biden is compromised by hunters involvement with burisma and the payoff from the mayor of moscows wife.
biden has no leverage at all. Taiwan is next. Just a matter of time. He made a pussy like request to release hostages in Yemen. Not going to happen.
Biden Effect: Iran-Backed Militants Storm US Embassy in Yemen – Take 25 Hostages – White House Asks for Their Release
Let me know when Biden tries to extort assistance against his political enemies by suggesting military aid is contingent upon it.
Shove it up you ass moron
You need to brush up on your basic English grammar if you wan’t people to believe you’re an American.
“wan’t” ???
Apparently so do you, Zhang.
F*cking idiot….
Wrong again. A least you are consistent.
Already a confession on tape and $900,000 bribe taken.
“Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca, which according to open sources is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was for consultative services.”
Rosemont Seneca Partners is an investment fund firm. The fund was named after the Rosemont Farm, the Heinz family’s estate near Pittsburgh. It was founded in 2009 by Hunter Biden, Christopher Heinz, and Devon Archer.
“Let me know when Biden tries to extort assistance against his political enemies by suggesting military aid is contingent upon it.”
You mean AGAIN? Because he’s already done it once, that we know of thanks to him admitting it on video.
“If it weren’t for the polarizing effect of Donald Trump and the fallen GOP, it would be possible to have an intelligent policy debate in this country. ” What polarized Democrats (Republicans were the adults in the room) was they lost an election they were promised they would win because they failed to employ enough fraud. They were infuriated that a guy was President that could not be bought and that meant the profit from government was gone. He was the President most dedicated to the American people than any other in decades. Idiot Biden is a poor substitute. He is truly a tool of foreigners.
Already proven by unrefutably video evidence:
Trump investigated like a President should, then a sham impeachment occurred by simply accusing Trump of doing what Biden just literally and contextually did on video.
If it weren’t for the polarizing effect of Donald Trump and the fallen GOP, it would be possible to have an intelligent policy debate in this country. The Trump Effect has shut all of that down. He’s brought everything down to his own level, both intellectually and morally.
Morals ? Morals?
Say hi to Bidens spawn.
What does Biden’s son have to do with anything? Biden didn’t appoint appoint family members advisors, personally give them Top Secret security clearance, send them off to cut deals with the Saudis or other foreign powers, or put them in charge of medical equipment procurement during a national pandemic crisis.
Biden’s son was made the boss of a company for Biden’s own personal and political gain.
Joe sold his influence and office to outsiders.
He’s no American.
Trump’s appointment of his family is understandable and acceptable: he didn’t have any deep political contacts he could trust, and most who wanted to be close to him were just trying to line the pockets of big pharma and big tech, which he soundly and nobly rejected.
Trump’s kids make the Bidens’ incestuous and drug-addicted family look like the political trash it is.
It’s possible some people might be spending too much time on porn sites.
With the last name “Biden”, for sure.
Or are they just making it? Hard to tell.
Some people might be spending too much time on political porn sites like CNN, that they still think the 2020 election wasn’t rigged.
Only idiots think that.
Joe took a shower with Ashley.
He’s unfit to hold any office, even a fake one.
He also shouldn’t be within 1000 feet of a school.
Trump’s morals are rather easy to see in light of this gross old pedophile.
“What does Biden’s son have to do with anything?” Perhaps when the information on Hunter’s laptop was coming out, you shouldn’t have averted your eyes to make sure you didn’t see anything the confirmed the allegations of idiot Biden’s corruption. But, Hunter going around the world, often on AF2, and peddling Daddy’s (the Big Guy) US government influence was kind of a concern. Especially when the idiot sat before cameras and openly bragged about exerting US power of extortion to protect his son’s illicit income, 50% of which was, as Hunter admitted, kicked back to Pop.
No, Hunter was simply introduced, via US government introduction, to the money people in Russia, Ukraine, China and elsewhere… because Grampa Grope Fart & Shart Rapist Biden always gets a cut.
Again… you shoulda examined the data. It’s all there.
Trump and his kids never made a nickel off their service. In fact, historic peace was made through their selfless efforts. Idiot Biden just looks the other way as son Hunter brazenly profits off his name with his phony trash-art bullshit. NO ONE fails to see through that ruse, but Hunter has the benefit of being shielded by Gestapo Garland from investigation or prosecution.
“It’s possible some people might be spending too much time on porn sites.” You mean Hunter posting his own videos with underage Asian hookers as he smokes crack?
Excellent and it has been confirmed the laptop from hell was in fact hunter’s. Miranda Devine has a book coming out soon;
November 30, 2021

Um, no.
The Trump Effect was record low unemployment, kids out of cages, no wars in the ME, blacks with a better quality of life and equality, respect in the world, energy independence (lower gas costs), and a shithole Chinese Communist Party reigned in with better trade deals.
The Democrats can’t have a intelligent policy debate because they don’t have any policies not plucked from Mao’s Little Red Book of bullsh*t.
You’re usurping Marxist scum, all of you.
Trump ate your lunch and continues to.
Still fixated. Oh how you must hate yourself.
Not our problem, and we shouldn’t send our military into foreign matters. We have a border leaking like a sieve, and we need our military to close it. Least you forget history, in 1996 we promised Russia would would NOT allow former Soviet vessel states join NATO, since then three have been allow to join (Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia), and now Ukraine wants to join. This is dangerous, as Article V of the NATO charter requests NATO members to come to the defense of member nations should they be attacked. Given Ukraine’s nature, they would leverage this to antagonize the Russians to act against them, dragging us all into a war we don’t want.
Biden was installed for many reasons, and letting Russia finally take Eastern Europe was one of them.
Hard to say both Russia and Ukraine have been good piggy banks for the Biden Crime Family. Ukraine has also got big bucks for many of George Soros NGOs filtered through the State Dept.
Have any of Hunters Paintings been purchased by either embassy? Everyone should know they are made with recycled or gently used straws.
We should supply the Ukrainians to defend themselves. They are capable and we don’t need to have troops in the line of fire. All Ukraine can expect from idiot Biden is more blankets and MRE’s.
biden wont’ do anything to help The Ukraine. Should he assist them in any way that would then compel him to aid Taiwan when china invades to take over. biden is compromised by both XI and Putin, his actions are a clear demonstration he is beholden to his masters.
Remember, everything done in the last ten months is intentional.
WhT happened to biden the uniter? biden has become the divider. biden is a horrible potus
He is uniting people have you seen his polls?
Less than a year and he hasnt met even the lowest expectations all while realizing many fears.
Explosive diarrhea on the first date is now preferred over this administration.