The religion of peace kills ten at Charlie Hebdo in Paris

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PARIS—Armed men stormed the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday morning, killing “at least 10 people” and injuring more, said a police officer.

The men opened fire inside the magazine’s offices using automatic AK-47 rifles before fleeing, said the officer.

In November 2011, Charlie Hebdo’s headquarters were gutted by fire, hours before a special issue of the weekly featuring the Prophet Muhammad appeared on newsstands. Since then, the weekly moved to a new location, which was guarded by police, who were also shot at Wednesday morning.

The 2011 fire caused no injuries but spurred debate over press freedom and religious tolerance in France, which is home to Europe’s largest Muslim population.


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More proof that the God of the Bible is NOT the god of mohammad.
The Bible’s God tells us that,”Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”
mohammad designed a weak, pathetic god to be followed, so impotent his followers must do all his work for him.
And this made-up deity is thin-skinned, to boot!

@Nanny: These are people, not Gods. Even if some scripture tells one to go out and kill for an insult does not mean that it has to be done.

These are psychotic animals looking for an excuse to kill, not religious people.

@Bill: You reminded me of the excellent research done by Dr. Wafa Sultan, a psychiatrist who left Islam.
Her work proved that the ”mommie issues,” of many Muslim men led to their propensity to join jihad.
Not all Muslims are like this.
Just a large proportion of those who are behind bars for crimes in the West that they thought would help bring worldwide Caliphate to earth sooner.

Its simply the work of a death cult.