The Realities of Life and the Lies of Abortion

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By Kathryn Jean Lopez

A baby was born on Feb. 2 because, when a scared late teenager walked in for an appointment at an abortion clinic months earlier, someone explained to her what would happen during the abortion process. A doctor would stop the baby’s heart from beating. I’m sure the person doing the explaining didn’t use the word “baby,” but once you know it has a heart, it’s hard to pretend it isn’t a human.
Abortion thrives in the darkness of euphemisms and lies.
This particular mother was still early on in her pregnancy, and yet doctors would have to stop her unborn child’s heart from beating. The young mother wanted nothing of that reality. She left without getting the abortion. When the truth is told, women are set free.
The New York Times Explains a ‘Heartbeat’

And yet the New York Times recently ran an article with the headline “Abortion Opponents Hear a ‘Heartbeat.’ Most Experts Hear Something Else.”


The Times wants you to believe that because the heart of a 6-week-old fetus isn’t fully developed, it’s beat doesn’t count. It’s “only a primitive tube of cardiac cells that emit electric pulses and pump blood.”

The piece contends: “The consensus among most medical experts is that the electrical activity picked up on an ultrasound at six weeks is not the sound of a heart … The sound expectant mothers hear during a scan is created by the machine itself, which translates the waves of electrical activity into something audible.”
You don’t have to be a doctor to find this absurd.

Fresh off giving birth, former atheist blogger-turned Catholic Leah Libresco Sargeant responded to the Times article on Twitter: “This objection is quite odd. … By the same logic, an ultrasound picture isn’t ‘real’ because it translates sound waves into a visual representation.”

Even Planned Parenthood Knows It’s a Heartbeat
Instead of admitting there is a heartbeat early on, the abortion industry wants you to believe that heartbeat bills are merely pro-life propaganda.
But if you go to Planned Parenthood’s own website, the abortion giant’s answer to what is happening with a fetus during weeks five and six of pregnancy is: “A very basic beating heart and circulatory system develop.”
And my colleague Ramesh Ponnuru pointed out that even the “paper of record” has acknowledged that heartbeats are detectable at six weeks in a pregnancy, on more than one occasion. They were simply stating fact at the time, but to state fact now is impermissible, because it means that unborn, developing babies will be seen as just what they are. And our culture of convenience and death doesn’t want that.
The Reality of Abortion in America

Experts are quoted, as is convenient for the Times. The medical realities cannot be spoken now because most Americans aren’t hardened ideologues when it comes to abortion. Stopping a beating heart sounds quite barbaric. I talked with a woman who was 12 weeks pregnant recently, who was in the process of a two-day abortion. On the first day, doctors insert a device to widen the cervix. She was desperate and resigned. She told me she was dizzy. She looked like she was about to throw up.

This is the reality of abortion in America.

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How many more babies must die before Roe v Wade is overturned? This is an issue to be resolved by the people, not the Federal government.

How many young women will die at the hands of backroom abortionists if Roe v. Wade is overturned?

When Abortion was Illegal (and Deadly) – Seattle’s Maternal Death Toll

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Many fewer than the babies that are murdered, collateral damage.

A fetus is not a baby.

A fetus is not a baby.

A baby is not a toddler; a toddler is not a teenager; a teenager is not an adult.

But all of those stages have one thing in common; they are held by a human being.

Wordsmithing, with phrases like “right to choose”, “just a clump of cells”, et al is simply a way to try to explain the horror of actually murdering, on purpose, a human being.

I asked you once before, Comrade Greggie, what your favorite form of abortion is. Is it the saline method? How about skull crushing? That your favorite? Dismemberment? Surely that is your favorite form of abortion, right? Or do you think that Kermit Gosnell perfected the best way to murder a human being?

Your stance on abortion is like your stance on Ukraine. You don’t give a damn about unborn humans being slaughtered (the Chinese excel at that) any more than you give a damn about the humans being slaughtered in Kyiv. What you care about is having China be on top and that includes making Russia a puppet state to China.

A fetus is not a baby.

But a baby is a baby, isn’t it?

A fetus is a human being.

To say it’s not is saying any age before adulthood isn’t human.

To say it’s not is saying any age before adulthood isn’t human.

That would be a non sequitur, but this is no place to look for logic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

That would be a non sequitur, but this is no place to look for logic.

When does life begin and abortion beyond that point is murder?

Disgusting baby killers. We all know where the nominee before the senate currently stands. If she goes easy on child torturers and child rapists it is a sure bet she side with baby murderers

Gun control zealots are always using the example of one irresponsible or unhinged individual as justification for restricting or eliminating 2nd Amendment rights of every gun owner. Yet, abortion zealots don’t want any responsibility imposed on the availability of abortions. THAT’S the problem.

You cannot get them to enter into a reasonable conversation about WHEN life begins. The reason is that once that point is determined, you have a restriction for beyond that point, abortion would be murder. For a long time, restrictions were understood, but the left has pushed the limits further and further back until they reached the logical conclusion, abortion right up to the moment of birth and even beyond.

So, since they can’t be responsible with this power of life and death they feel they have, they shouldn’t have it. This is, after all, their own rule.

The very same persons who support Abortion are probibly the same kind of persons who climb up trees to prevent the Logging they donate to PETA and are total Vegans

03/31/22 – DC Police Find 5 Fetuses in Home of Anti-Abortion Activist Lauren Handy

Police went to 28-year-old Lauren Handy‘s home in the 400 block of 6th Street SE on Wednesday afternoon to investigate a tip about potential bio-hazard material at the house, the Metropolitan Police Department said in a statement.

The medical examiner’s office collected the fetuses, and police are investigating, the department told News4. No further information was available about the fetuses, including where they came from.

Handy is one of nine anti-abortion activists who were charged Wednesday with federal civil rights offenses after they blocked access to a reproductive health center and streamed it on Facebook, federal prosecutors said.

The charges include violations of a federal law known as the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, or the FACE Act, which prohibits physically obstructing or using the threat of force to intimidate or interfere with a person seeking reproductive health services. The law also prohibits damaging property at abortion clinics and other reproductive health centers.

The nine – Handy, and Jonathan Darnel, 40, of Virginia; Jay Smith, 32, and John Hinshaw, 67, and William Goodman, 52, of New York; Joan Bell, 73, of New Jersey; Paulette Harlow, 73, Jean Marshall, 72, of Massachusetts; and Heather Idoni, 61, of Michigan – also face a charge of conspiracy against rights.

Prosecutors allege the group “engaged in a conspiracy to create a blockade at the reproductive health care clinic.” It was unclear, from court papers, how they met.

In court documents, prosecutors say Handy called the clinic pretending to be a prospective patient and scheduling an appointment. Once there, on Oct. 22, 2020, Darnel started a live feed on Facebook as the rest of the group lined up outside the clinic, the indictment says.

When a worker opened the door for patients, eight of the suspects pushed their way inside and began blocking the doors, and five of them chained themselves together on chairs to block the treatment area, according to court papers. Others blocked the employee entrance to stop other patients from coming inside, while another suspect blocked people from coming into the waiting room, the indictment states.

Darnel was broadcasting the blockade on Facebook and at one point said during the video, “(T)he rescuers are doing their job. They’re not allowing women to enter the abortion clinic. As long as they’re in there, no women can go in to kill their children,” according to the indictment.

It was not immediately clear if the defendants have attorneys who could comment on the allegations. If convicted, they each face up to a maximum of 11 years in prison.

Hey Greg, tell us about that latest Trump hoax you were pushing as fact…


A cherry-picked outlier.


cummon man you know we all break into those places for coffee table deco.

face up to a maximum of 11 years in prison.
But pedos get much much less makes sense yup.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Face up to a maximum of 11 years in prison.

But pedos get much much less makes sense yup.

It does to the left. They can justify anything in the name of self-indulgence and selfishness.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

Mostly peaceful. All charges should be dropped.