Thomas Sowell:
The cold-blooded murder of two New York City policemen as they sat in their car is not only an outrage but also a wake-up call. It shows, in the most painful way, the high cost of having demagogues, politicians, mobs, and the media constantly taking cheap shots at the police.
Those cheap shots are in fact very expensive shots, not only to the police themselves but to the whole society. Someone once said that civilization is a thin crust over a volcano. The police are part of that thin crust. We have seen before our own eyes, first in Ferguson, Missouri and then in other communities, what happens when there is just a small crack in that crust, and barbarism and arson burst out.
That can happen anywhere. So can what happened in New York. “Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.”
It is a painful irony that, on the eve of the murders of these two police officers in New York, some of the city’s police were already saying that, in the event of their deaths, they did not want Mayor Bill de Blasio to attend their funerals.
We can only hope that Mayor de Blasio has some residual decency, so that he will not defile these two officers’ memorial services with his presence. No politician in the country has done more to play the race card against the police and spread the notion that cops are the big problem in minority communities.
It so happens that the police officers killed were both members of minority groups — Officer Rafael Ramos, Hispanic, and Officer Wenjian Liu, Asian. It so happens that a substantial part of the New York City police force are members of minority groups.
But you might never know that from the story told by demagogues who depict the black community as a “colonial” society being “occupied” by white policemen who target young blacks. Mayor de Blasio joined the chorus of those saying that they have to warn their black sons how to cope with this situation.
“What can we say to our sons?” some demagogues ask. They can say, “Don’t go around punching strangers, because it is only a matter of time before you punch the wrong stranger.”
Mayor de Blasio has made anti-police comments with Al Sharpton seated at his side. This is the same Al Sharpton with a trail of slime going back more than a quarter of a century, during which he has whipped up mobs and fomented race hatred from the days of the Tawana Brawley “rape” hoax of 1987 to the Duke University “rape” hoax of 2006 and the Ferguson riots of 2014.
Make no mistake about it. There is political mileage to be made siding with demagogues like Al Sharpton who, as demagogue-in-chief, has been invited to the White House dozens of times by its commander-in-chief.
Many in the media and among the intelligentsia cherish the romantic tale of an “us” against “them” struggle of beleaguered ghetto blacks defending themselves against the aggression of white policemen. The gullible include both whites who don’t know what they are talking about and blacks who don’t know what they are talking about either, because they never grew up in a ghetto. Among the latter are the President of the United States and his attorney general.
The idiot , holder, along with sharpton, jackson, polosi and reid are all dumping secretly requested funds into organizes racist terrorist groups. There is a coming racial war that has been orchestrated by the pres for the implementation of martial law. These racial terrorist are just that, terrorists , and treated as such. The biggest terrorrist occupies the wipe house.
The media will dance to any tune given them by the terrorist wipe house. By 2025, the US will become a third world country.
MOS : Could not agree more . I have been saying this for about a year .
“THEY”are trying start a race insurrection so that HE can declare martial law !
Use your imagination as to what follows !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The police are the very foundation of our civilization.
It would not be possible for us, as a nation, to survive if all that we had were laws, with no one to enforce those laws.
Those that wish to destroy the police wish to destroy our society.
And if President Obama and Al Sharpton really do want a race war, that speaks to the evil stupidity of both men. Once the thugs who start the war have attracted the attention of the civilized, they will discover that life is not a fantasy, but their dreams of war are.
They will be outgunned, out supplied, out trained, and out numbered.
They will be fighting for free stuff that they do not value.
We will be fighting for what we have earned and value greatly.
They will lose, and badly.
The only reason that Al Sharpton and his ilk have been able to thrive, with their gang wars, racist attacks, knock-out “games”, rapes, murders and lootings is that they have inflicted most of their depredations upon each other. With the help of the media, they have not really attracted the attention of the civilized majority of us. That is changing, we are beginning to notice them, and we don’t like what we are seeing.
Like a child who cries until his father looks up from his newspaper, they will not like what happens once we decide that they have become just too annoying to ignore any longer.
The president is also living in a fantasy if he believes that all that he has to do is wave his magic pen, declare martial law, and everything will stop. By the time events reach a point where he could impose martial law, they will have gone to far to easily halt.
Pandora’s Box will not be closed with a phone and a pen.
It will take bullets and bandages.
“Use your imagination as to what follows !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
You decide…
The seventh comment
The tenth comment
Starting with Ferguson this whole ‘thing’ has been nothing but a political Farce. A lot of Americans ‘know’ it, a lot of black folks ‘know’ it.
Obama-Holder-sharpton-deblago-The PROTESTERS who chanted they ‘want dead cops – Now!’ ALL have blood on their hands…bottom line. These are despicable human beings. These people incited evil and will deflect their own part in this…like the cowards they really are.
Is this the kind of “conversation” Holder was asking to have…Yeah, he went to Ferguson to encouraget this “conversation”…Holder is a radical. You can bet he likes THIS conversation…reliving his past no doubt.
My heart breaks for Jaden Ramos who had a great relationship with his “father”.