by Julie Strauss Levin
For some American Jews, the months since Oct. 7 have felt like a horror movie, as they watch, with increasing alarm, as our president—for whom many voted, and in whom many placed inviolable trust—seemed to, moment after crucial moment, throw Israel under the bus.
Earlier this month, a U.N. report from its Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General revealed what Israel has been saying for months, namely that Hamas committed the most vile sexual violence and torture on Oct. 7, and such treatment likely continues to be perpetrated on hostages. Experts from the U.N.—an organization that is routinely hostile to the Jewish state—actually found “clear and convincing information that some [hostages] have been subjected to various forms of conflict-related sexual violence including rape and sexualized torture and sexualized cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and it also has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing.”
In reaction, Joe Biden’s State Department chose to level the charge of sexual abuse—at Israel. Recently, IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi recounted his meeting with a senior State Department official—since identified as Jill Hutchings, director of the Office of Israeli and Palestinian Affairs—who proceeded to accuse Israel of “systematically sexually abusing Palestinian women.” The State Department’s claim was based on information from Hamas pushed by Al Jazeera—which ended up deleting the story after it proved to be fabricated.
Indeed, Biden briefly expressed empathy with Israel after the heinous attack. But since then, along with his Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Biden has been working at breakneck speed to undermine, if not fully impede, Israel in its existential battle against the Iran-funded Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists—a campaign that has now extended to official blood libels about deliberate Israeli campaigns of genocide, famine and starvation, killing babies, and sexual abuse—culminating in the administration’s betrayal of Israel and siding with Hamas at the Security Council on Monday. In the blink of an eye, Biden has gone from framing Hamas as “pure, unadulterated evil” to putting immense pressure on Israel to stand down.
That pressure is not of recent origin.
More than 40 years ago, Joe Biden prompted one of the most famous phrases ever uttered by an Israeli prime minister. In a private session with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1982, Sen. Biden threatened Prime Minister Menachem Begin with cutting off U.S. aid if Israel did not stop its “settlements” in Judea and Samaria.
Begin replied: “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”
Biden’s scorn for Israel’s current PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, is significantly more vocal, referring to Netanyahu as a “bad f****ing guy” and an “a**hole”—language that is difficult to imagine him using about any other leader of a friendly foreign state. More recently, as he swaggered his way out of the State of the Union, doing his whispering, leaning-in shtick, Biden told Blinken and others, “I told him, Bibi, and don’t repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting.” Biden knew he was on a hot mic and admitted as much. He wanted the world to know what he thinks of Israel’s PM, and to broadcast that he was putting the squeeze on Israel to force it to forgo its ability to defend itself. In fact, this has been Biden’s posture from day one.
Biden has made downgrading Israel and elevating the Palestinians, while also using them as a pressure tool against Israel, central to his policy in the region. Upon taking office and despite the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits the U.S. from sending certain taxpayer dollars to the PA until it stops funding terrorism, Biden rewarded Palestinian terrorism with U.S. taxpayer monies ultimately amounting to almost a billion dollars. America First Legal Foundation (where I am senior counsel), filed suit against Biden and Blinken on behalf of Congressman Ronny Jackson, Stuart and Robbi Force, parents of Taylor Force, the U.S. Army veteran murdered at the hands of a Palestinian terrorist in 2016, and Sarri Singer, herself a victim of Palestinian terrorism in 2003, for violating the TFA. Judge Kacsmaryk recently denied the government’s motion to dismiss, and the case is pending. The court found the plaintiffs have standing to sue Biden and Blinken because each plaintiff has suffered an injury (heightened likelihood of physical harm or death when visiting Israel) that is fairly traceable to the defendants’ conduct (funding the PA which pays terrorists and incentivizes terrorism), and that each plaintiff’s injury is likely to be redressed by a favorable decision by the court (stopping the flow of monies to the PA reduces terrorist acts).
Biden knows that payments to the PA incentivize and reward terrorists and the PA’s terrorist operations; his actions reveal he doesn’t care. The same applies to Secretary of State Blinken. His State Department revealed in a March 2022 fact sheet that, “since April 2021, the United States has provided over half a billion dollars in assistance for the Palestinians, including more than $417 million in humanitarian assistance for mainly the descendants of Palestinian refugees through UNRWA.” Is it a coincidence that even prior to Hamas’ heinous Oct. 7 attack, there had been a significant increase in terrorist acts since Biden and Blinken took office? In the first half of 2023 alone, there were more than 3,600 Palestinian terrorist attacks, surpassing all of 2022.
Biden has what’s known as a whole-of-government approach in his embrace of the Palestinians at the expense of Israel, mobilizing multiple executive branch agencies to work across individual silos to implement an integrated policy. Just last year, his Department of Homeland Security ceremoniously handed over to the PA a 2,700-year-old spoon dating back to the Assyrian empire describing the conveyance as a “historic repatriation.” The State Department’s George Noll, chief of the Office of Palestinian Affairs, described the spoon as an “example of Palestinian cultural patrimony” and that the transfer was a “historic moment between the American and Palestinian people.” This attempt to manufacture an ancient “Palestinian” lineage in the Land of Israel while denying the right of Jews to settle in their ancestral homeland was clear.
Oct. 7 didn’t temper this obscenity. Just one day after the Oct. 7 slaughter, Blinken, in concert with Turkey, called for a cease-fire by an X post—on the evening of Oct. 8. Blinken deleted the post about 12 hours later, but the message was loud and clear: Stand down and remain victims. Two days later, Biden’s National Security Council spokesman called on Israel to show restraint and take only “necessary and proportionate action” to defend itself.
The inconvenient truth is that there was a cease-fire on Oct. 6. Hamas broke it with financial and military assistance from Iran—a terrorist state that is now flush with billions in sanctions relief as a direct result of Biden’s disastrous policy of gifting the Islamic Republic with cash, some of which he helpfully provided barely a month after the October terror attack. And, on Nov. 14, the administration extended a sanctions waiver allowing Iran to access $10 billion. U.S. spokesmen have been repeatedly unable to deny that monies delivered by Biden to Iran weren’t used in funding the Oct. 7 attack because, of course they were.
As if funding Hamas through Iran weren’t bad enough, Biden made it a top priority to help maintain open supply lines to Gaza while also looking the other way as Hamas intercepts and hijacks 60% or more of the humanitarian aid from the many thousands of aid trucks coming into the Strip since the start of the war. Hamas either keeps the aid for its terrorists or sells it to noncombatants at exorbitant prices. This is being reported almost daily from multiple sources, with social media videos corroborating the reports of Hamas’ theft of the cargo. Instead of condemning Hamas for the aid crisis, Biden blames Israel for what his secretary of state has claimed is an “acute food insecurity” crisis in Gaza supposedly affecting “100% of the population.” Biden also ignores that Hamas steals the fuel aid to fire rockets and operate its tunnels. When thousands of Gazans swarmed some 30 food delivery trucks in Gaza and a deadly stampede ensued, IDF aerial footage corroborated the IDF’s account, showing that Hamas was directly to blame, and fired on Palestinians—and yet both the media and the Biden administration have continued to blame Israel, in order to further their repulsive, evidence-free narrative.
During his State of the Union address, Biden didn’t demand that aid also be given to the hostages Hamas holds and abuses, nor did he demand their release. He certainly did not laud Israel for its unparalleled efforts to avoid civilian casualties and facilitate aid transports. None of those realities fit Biden’s anti-Israel rhetoric. Instead, Biden boldly lied, accusing Israel of making humanitarian assistance a “secondary consideration or a bargaining chip” and chiding Israel that “protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority.” As a bonus, Biden also endorsed Hamas’ fake casualty numbers.
Not content with false and inflammatory rhetoric libeling Israel, or with displays of U.S. support for Gaza such as using the military to air-drop supplies, Biden used his address to announce an emergency mission to send U.S. military to build a temporary pier on the coast of Gaza to deliver aid to Gaza. A Pentagon spokesman later shared some details about the 1,000 Army and Navy servicemen to be deployed to deliver some 2 million meals a day into Gaza—giving direct support and comfort to Hamas, whose own construction company was put in charge of building the pier, which will be financed and operated by Qatar, at the Biden administration’s request. Under U.S. law, giving money to a Hamas-affiliated construction company would certainly qualify as providing material support to a designated terrorist group—which is apparently fine now, as long as the U.S. government is writing the checks.
Earlier in February, however, Biden sanctioned four Jews in Judea and Samaria, while ignoring Palestinian terrorists and the PA that supports them. These terrorist have been responsible for hundreds of attempted and successful lethal terrorist attacks in the West Bank since Oct. 7. Jews have been responsible for zero such attacks. Days later, three Israeli banks stated they were suspending the bank accounts of these four individuals to comply with the sanctions. This month, Biden’s Department of Treasury announced new sanctions, this time against three Jews and two farms. These sanctions freeze assets, prevent the individuals from getting visas, and block Jews from accessing the U.S. financial system.
If the goal is the appearance of evenhandedness, one might imagine that Biden would also sanction the family of the PA policeman who murdered two Jews, a teen and a volunteer medic, at a gas station in Eli in Judea and Samaria end of February. Nope. Instead, Blinken declared Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria as being inconsistent with international law, reversing the “Pompeo doctrine,” which asserted that Jews have a historical and legal right to live in this area of their ancestral homeland.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden just want votes and to maintain their grasp on power while pursuing absolute totalitarian power. Obama enabled the creation of a sizable Muslim population that has little or no affiliation with the United States government. So, while they continue to pander to the Jewish vote, they now also have to pander to the Muslim vote.
Currently, while the Jews more quietly support the defense of Israel, the Islamists that support Hamas, terrorism and anti-Semitism of the highest and most lethal form, are more vocal and physical. Thus, the Democrats have to worry about holding onto the terrorist supporter vote as well as the votes of those who empathize and sympathize with the victims of the terrorists.
Democrats are gutless, anti-American, anti-Semitic trash and need to be evicted from all corridors of power.
The IDF should go into Rafah and kill every hamas terrorist holding up. And should there be some innocent collateral, well war is hell. Cry me a river.
obama has a hatred of the Jewish people. Seems appropriate this current regime is telegraphing their hate.