by James Howard Kunstler
The miasma of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent. The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. Everybody understands they want to “defend our democracy” by cancelling your freedom of speech, pounding you into bankruptcy, and stealing whatever remains of your stuff.
Likewise, everything else, namely: that our doings in Ukraine are a “fight for freedom,” that “white supremacy” lurks just out of sight getting ready to pounce on the “marginized” (who are actually running things, and doing it very badly), that “Joe Biden” turned around the economy, that “voting rights” equals non-citizens getting to vote, that election fraud is a “big lie” (and that the J-6 riot over it was an “insurrection”), and that the Covid vaccines were “safe and effective.”
None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, and all of the persuasion machinery stands in plain sight like so many nauseating carnival rides. One by one, the rides are flying apart, scattering debris and body parts of the poor slobs who were on the rides all over the fairgrounds. And so, the fear rises in the ones running the carnival. The county sheriff stands by looking to round up the sleazeball carnies with their missing teeth and needle tracks inside their elbows. Before long, they will find themselves in the courtroom. . . .
The vicious officialdom put up the carnival and all of its rides to distract the public from the crimes they committed during and after the 2016 election. Donald Trump’s idle talk about putting Hillary Clinton in jail struck nerves throughout the federal bureaucracy, the halls of Congress, and the strongholds of the Clintons and the Obamas.
The Clintons had literally bought the Democratic Party apparatus under the DNC, using the money they grifted into the Clinton foundation from such operations as the Uranium One deal, the Skolkovo war-tech transfer deal, and the Haiti earthquake relief effort. They were sure that ownership of the DNC guaranteed the election for Hillary. It did guarantee that she would overcome Bernie Sanders’ primary election victories and the delegates that came with them, even after Julian Assange’s Wikileaks release informed the world just how the Clintons bought and paid for the DNC and the whole Philadelphia convention. Call this the birth of the “misinformation” cult, in which everything true was converted into a “big lie.”
The problem was, Hillary lost that election. What a surprise! Buying the convention was not enough, it turned out. Those “deplorables” did the unthinkable: cast enough of their stinky votes in just the right rust belt precincts to elect the Golden Golem of Greatness, who was as surprised as anybody, and really unprepared to cobble together an actual governing administration — in the process of which, Donald J. Trump was completely buffaloed by the outgoing Obama gang. They plotted by the lights of the White House Christmas tree to go after the interloper with all they had, starting with the surgical removal of a most dangerous appointee, National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, who knew all the secrets. . . and from there onto four years of Russia, Russia, Russia. . . .
It’s hardly a mystery anymore how “Joe Biden” got elected. It’s perfectly obvious despite the “big lie” narrative that the 2020 election was stoked with a veritable orgy of ballot fraud and direct election interference by agency rogues, especially the ones leaning hard on Facebook, Twitter, and Google to manipulate what the public actually saw. Don’t believe your lying eyes they told the nation. What is a mystery is why they chose “Joe Biden” to front for the cabal around Barack Obama actually running the show.
obama by far was the most anti American president in the history of this country. What we are experiencing now was initiated by obama. Trump in 2016 put a wrench in their plans by defeating hillary. The plan was to do what they are doing now in 2016 forward for at least one if not two terms of hillary.
The democrats stole the 2020 election so as to stop Trump and resume their attack on America. Normal Americans are waking up to the rot that is the present democrat party. Should they want to steal it again, they will need to make the vote total for biden exceed 100 million.
Axios the other day had a piece where the word has been put out to not only do not talk about bidenomics, but say nothing of the 81 million votes or that it was the most secure election. The buried lede there is they know they stole it and they n
know a significant percentage of Americans now know that as well.
obama knew joe was losing it mentally.
He talked joe into running be appealing to joe’s love of family, sons and all.
Of course, jill was a big help, being as ambitious as they come.
But joe can be euthanized at just the right time for michael obama to run in his stead.
And the constant attempts to normalize sexual perversion is peaking at just the right time in case michael has to “come out” as a man.
They cannot seriously run joe. He is so damaged.
Except his SOTU speech proved what a dynamic genius he is. Remember? Is the Ministry of Propaganda going to go back on that?
Of course he did. Obama never liked Joe Biden. But they needed someone who would not disagree with Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.
That was the shortest conversation on record. Obama, and his team, understood how ambitious Joe Biden is, and how he lacks intellect. Biden, who had already ran twice for the presidency, was the option in the event Trump defeated Hillary. Run Joe next, Biden was malleable. So the Obama’s bought a fancy home in Kalorama. Go by it any day and you will see the driveway filled with cars with fed license plates. Now why would that be? The plan was set. Bring back all the Obama players, Blinken, Sullivan, Kirby; Obama 3.0
Dr. Jill knew her husband was cratering. It was unavoidable during the four years of Trump. But the plan was made when Hillary lost; keep Joe in the basement due to a planned “pandemic”, rig the elections in the swing states (like Georgia). Jill was more than willing to see her husband be humiliated on the global scene because the lifestyle at the White House was more important to her than her husband. Still is. She is a disgusting human being.
04/30/24 – Doctors are warning of Trump’s dementia—it’s time corporate media report on this!
Our Diagnostic Impression of Trump is Probable Dementia
To date, 2,261 licensed professionals have signed the petition.
Oh, that’s funny, Comrade Greggie. Take all the unfortunate signs of Joe Biden’s dementia, and his failing physical condition, and apply it to the Republican candidate.
Of course, there’s no record of how many of these “professionals” have personally examined Donald Trump, and it is quite unprofessional to make medical declarations without actually examining the patient.
Maybe you should talk to Dr. Ronnie Jackson, who actually examined Joe Biden when Biden was VP.
Your desperation has become pathetic.
Biden is old, but not slipping into dementia. Trump is clearly off his rocker.
Speaking of delusional and slipping into dementia…
Not off his rocker?
Canibals, what kind of neighborhood and church he attended, arrest records, why he is a GB Packer fan. He also talks to dead people.
He drove an 18 wheeler.
Have we considered that Greg may simply be overcome with sarcasm?
Dot make be call for the Guys with the Nets for you
Ya but with it mentally enough to stand trial. Joey on documents he thieved out of the scif, not so much.
Have you no shortage of straws to desperately and pathetically grasp at? Have you SEEN Trump speaking and compared it to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden? Get a f**king clue.
Watch any of his rallies. He frequently goes of telepromter and speaks extemporaneously multiple times during a 1 1/2 to 2 hour rally. gregs desperation is increasing day by day as it becomes more and more evident, Trump will win in November.
Your the ones who is Delusional Pinhead, Biden is Senile and too Unstable