The National School Walkout Sums Up Our Middle School Politics

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The National School Walkout perfectly sums up politics in 2018. It makes total sense to draft school kids as political activists, because all of our politics is already just an inflated version of middle school.

The most striking fact about this walkout is how it became effectively a school sponsored political event in many areas. Actually, that’s only the second most striking fact. The most striking fact is that it was the brainchild of the Women’s March, an organization founded and still run by fangirls of a rabid anti-Semite. So naturally their initiatives are embraced by the nation’s teachers. I’m glad everybody got the memo about not tolerating bigots.

But back to the school sponsorship. Here’s a rundown of how the walkouts are being treated:

“Students at Corvallis High School in Corvallis, Oregon, will stream onto the football field at 10 am, where the scoreboard will count down 17 minutes and the organizers will outline 17 action points. At Audubon Park Elementary in Orlando, Florida, fifth-grade students will observe a moment of silence for the Parkland victims; younger students will participate in age-appropriate observances, and their parents will write letters to Congress and the White House. At Unity Prep Charter in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, middle school students are making posters, which they’ll hand out and display as they march around the block.”

The same report quotes a student walkout organizer: “My principal came up to me; he said, ‘We can’t condone this in any way,’ but he gave me a wink.” Remember that this is a protest with a very specific legislative agenda. Yet one journalist describes getting a notice from school informing students and parents that they can “opt out” of the walkout events.

“Opting out” is what you say about a school-sponsored field trip, which is basically what this is. And this was for fifth-graders.

I have a fifth-grader, by the way, and I take great pains to keep him away from politics. My child’s function is not to be a sock-puppet for anybody’s partisan agenda, not even my own. His job at school is to learn the basics of history, science, mathematics, and so on, so that when he becomes an adult he will have the basis for making informed and independent judgments about politics. But at this age, student activists cannot be anything but sock puppets.

That’s what we’ve found out about the Parkland kids, by the way. It turns out the line repeated by the Parkland students — at least, the ones sponsored by Move On and CNN — about how the NRA is totally responsible for gun violence comes directly from one of their teachers, who apparently liked to use his class time to rail against NRA obstructionism. People who agree with them — namely, their interviewers on cable TV shows — have lauded them for being so well-informed, but clearly they aren’t, because they haven’t heard both sides of the argument, just the one that was spoonfed to them.

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More and more reasons for Home or private schooling and getting them out of these indoctrination centers we once called Schools

Our schools are the new unions, we pay our dollars for their political agenda no room for our politics, forced to pay our money no opt out as it comes out of our taxes. This circular system set up for 70 years how long before we can dismantle the agenda , they want our kids as young now as 3 to begin programming.

Does Robert Tracinsky think school children have no opinion about the killing of school children, or that they, their parents, and their teachers have no right to organize protests about it?

They have an opinion. They have every right to make it known, and they’re doing so.

Their politics on this issue is far less juvenile than your own has become.

@Greg: I dont send my kid to school to go to protests on issues they only heard 1 side of or any protests for that matter. Lets first send in a speaker to explain to them why we have the right to arm ourselves, then another to teach them that Obama grant money was more important to the county than locking away the monster that opened fire, a monster created by progressive policies.

the organizers will outline 17 action points.

So, what if there is an 18th action point, such as hardening schools or ending “gun free zone” target-rich environments? Are those simply discarded because “17” is a better propaganda number? The answer, of course, is YES.

People who agree with them — namely, their interviewers on cable TV shows — have lauded them for being so well-informed, but clearly they aren’t, because they haven’t heard both sides of the argument, just the one that was spoonfed to them.

No, they are grossly misinformed, making them ignorant. If they maintain their willful ignorance, that transforms into stupidity. Stupidity is what the left values most in their constituents.

I heard of one school, in Georgia, I think, that said it would not condone students skipping school for the protests. Anyone that did would be punished. The school, they said, could not allow walkouts for this issue as they would then have to support any and all issues. Of course, that is not entirely true; only left wing supported issues would have to be condoned and if they supported a walkout against abortion or for freedom of religion, the left would descend upon them to shut it down. That’s how freedom of speech works in the liberal world.

@Greg: So, continue to render students defenseless in gun-free zones?

@Greg: Wow an idiot in California, Ill try a shocked face :0 Did his weapon have a safety? Did it need to be loaded for the demo? Why was his finger on the trigger, he is on Par with the Coward of Broward County. Andy is gonna be pissed Barney took his bullet out of his pocket.
They can add this to the list of school shootings.

@kitt: Well… California. Of course the article wants you to believe the student was “injured” by the gun when in reality he was hit by a piece of ceilings tile.

Regardless, it WAS an effective safety demonstration. I bet the point was made.

Jacob Shoemaker suspended 1 day from Hilliard Ohio city school district for refusing to participate in the “grassroots” protests.

@kitt: That’s liberal free speech for you.