Laura Ingraham is taking a “vacation” amid the advertiser boycott and the overblown outrage stemming from a dumb and innocuous tweet about David Hogg. Expedia, Trip Advisor, Hulu, Office Depot and several other companies have pulled their ads. Ingraham quickly apologized, but the Left, and Hogg, still aren’t satisfied. Hogg is now demanding that she issue apologies to all of the other people she allegedly wronged, including Lebron James. ​After that apology has been issued, she will need to put on a dunce hat and write 100 sentences on the blackboard. Maybe then he, in his wisdom and mercy, will consider granting her plea for forgiveness.
This is how it goes. Ingraham bowed to the outraged mob but they have not relented. Why? Because the outrage mob isn’t really outraged. This is all an elaborate charade. Ingraham’s petty little tweet about David Hogg didn’t hurt, offend, upset, or otherwise cause any sort of damage to anyone. Least of all to David Hogg himself, who, as he’s since made exceedingly clear, is grateful for the chance it afforded him to do some damage to a woman he despises.
The Left is just playing the game, and this is the way the game works. Somebody says something offensive or “offensive,” and the opportunists who reside on the opposite end of the political spectrum immediately grab ahold of it and squeeze it dry like a sponge. They make sure to get every last drop of advantage they can out of the dumb, irrelevant thing that nobody in the country actually cares about. It doesn’t matter if you apologize because apologies only matter to honest people who are honestly aggrieved. But nobody in the outrage mob is honest and none of them are honestly aggrieved. And that is why you should never apologize to them or in front of them.
If you have committed an offense that is actually very bad, and may really have hurt or scandalized a large number of people in some way, then maybe the public apology is necessary. But if you are guilty of getting slightly carried away in your speech, or making some rude but harmless comment, and the pitchforks are coming after you as if you had been caught drop-kicking dolphins, then the public apology is unwise and counterproductive. And cowardly.
Apologizing is a nice thing to do, but she is not dealing with nice people. Hoggie had already shown his couth by accusing the NRA, Rubio and Lasche of being murderers. Has he apologized? Has ANYONE on the left ever apologized for calling people racists?
Every so often, when the left takes a rhetorical beating, they call for civility. Then, they are the first to violate the civility with their venom and invective. The same is true for apologies. Until there is an apology from the left for dragging the political dialogue down to their level and keeping it there, no one should feel the slightest guilt, embarrassment or remorse for anything they do or say to them. It only enables and emboldens them to be more… liberal.
Had Davis Hogg even admitted his lack of success with college admissions in Twitter, in his own name, or, was Laura quoting off his “anonymous” Reddit account, as davisgreen111?
As davisgreen 7 mos ago he wrote, “F*ck College and F*ck the SAT (self.offmychest) (see page 2 on the Reddit link)
Maybe David was embarrassed for being such an illiterate potty mouth?
And he took it out on her because he could.
Maybe he didn’t realize he, himself had pointed out that he was davisgreen111.
@Nanny G: His own assumption that he was brilliant, some kids actually study for the SAT, there are entire sections in book stores. Shows he is simply another average HS student, like most self absorbed half-wits he cant accept responsibility for his own failures.
He needs “What Happened” as a reference manual.
@Nanny G: @kitt: He should organize a boycott against the schools that rejected his obnoxious, lying, vulgar, liberal, whiny, crybaby ass. After all, that’s how liberals get their way when life and reality gives them a little spanking.
@Deplorable Me: @Nanny G: Look at whats been going on since 1998 (you will never guess who was da prez then.
As far as i’m concerned Hogg can go kiss a cobra and hope the snake don’t gag
@Nanny G:That’s not all “davisgreen111” has to say about matters. This kid has serious issues that started well before the shooting.
Fox also came out and announced they are standing behind Ingraham 100% and won’t be intimidated by this punk.
They banned DDT becuase of the lies of Rachael Carson in her book Silent Spring thats also there was West Nile Virus harming the Birds and brought by the same kind of insects Hogg likes he is a true Deep Ecologists just like Paul Watson whom was named Hero of the Planet by that liberal rag TIME
@Spurwing Plover: He is a typical liberal. They read a little something on a activist blog and they believe it with out a thought. Maybe that proves liberals can not really think. They just parrot what the read no matter the source. You can see that here.
As Winnie said about Adi 80 years ago, “Some folk take politeness as cowardliness!”