The John Conyers Abdication

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Ben Shapiro:

On Tuesday, Representative John Conyers (D., Mich.) announced that he would “retire” from Congress, effectively immediately. Conyers, who has spent the last 53 years in office — Bonanza was the top-rated television show in America the year he joined Congress — didn’t exactly retire: he actually resigned in disgrace, thanks to allegations of sexual harassment and abuse. The most recent allegation: A woman says Conyers groped her in church. In church. He stepped down only because news broke that taxpayers had been footing the bill for his games of footsie.

But fear not: The city of Detroit shall not go without a Conyers. The Old Man appointed his son, 27-year-old John Conyers III, to run in his stead. Conyers III was a longtime defender of his father: “It’s very unfortunate to see him fight so long for so many people and to automatically have the allegations assumed to be true.” Unfortunately, a few years back, Conyers III also tweeted about his dad’s penchant for the ladies: “My dad is a f***ing player and reckless as hell! He just got at this doods wife super low-key.”


John will run against grand-nephew and state senator Ian Conyers in an internecine war that could end with John locking Ian up in the Tower of London and then having him assassinated, if history holds true to form.

Americans love to mock the British for their addiction to royalty. But the fact is that we have created our own version of royalty in our politics, right down to inheritance and droit du seigneur. Detroit is a kingdom; the Conyers family are its bosses. John himself has been in the political limelight for corruption before: He was probed by the House Ethics Committee after three staffers accused him of using them as personal servants and babysitters and forcing them to work on state and local campaigns. Naturally, the committee let him slide in 2006 with a pledge to treat his staff in accordance with the rules.

He won 85 percent of the vote that year.

The Conyers royal court has been granted similarly favorable treatment. The king’s queen, Monica, served on the Detroit City Council — before she was convicted of bribery for taking cash in exchange for voting on a $47 million waste contract. The king mysteriously reversed his opposition to that project; according to Judicial Watch, in 2009 “Conyers even wrote the federal government a letter supporting the plan and pushing for the permit transfers required for the hazardous waste injection well in the city of Romulus, Michigan. The letter, addressed to the Environmental Protection Agency, explained that ‘many things had changed’ in favor of the project since he stood in opposition to it.”

In 2010, Conyers won 77 percent of the vote.

It’s not just Detroit. Americans used to see their representatives as just that: representatives. Now they see their politicians as protectors, lords and ladies of the fiefdom: If you grant them office, they will ensure that you may plow your field in peace.

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First, I disagree that we don’t care if Roy Moore is a sex offender; we most certainly do. It simply doesn’t appear he is.

This is the result of the Democrat strategy of creating dependency. Lyndon Johnson described it so that anyone could understand the goal… and it is working. To the people who have been convinced they are unable to make their own way in this racist, unfair world, having someone in power that will kept that pittance they live on coming is the most important thing in their lives.

Dems aren’t throwing anyone important under their bus.
Both Conyers and Franken are expendable.
Someone else from their same elite inner circle will replace them both.
But Dems are attempting to create a “Perfect Man” test for REPUBLICAN officeholders!
Dems want Reps to only have one acceptable candidate: Jesus Christ.
All other men are imperfect and should “step down” for old sins.
Nonsense that only atheists, phoney religionists and agnostics would fall for.
Christian Republicans recognize repentance and turning away from further sinning.
That’s why Donald Trump, with his multi-married past, still got their votes.
It’s been under the radar with regards Judge Moore, mostly because people who knew him back then deny all of it right with his denials.
Poor Dems.
The only victims of their campaign will be their own.
As usual.