The Insincere, Arrogant Clinton Campaign

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Rich Lowry:

The website PolitiFact jumped all over Rudy Giuliani earlier this year when he said, “Hillary Clinton is for open borders.”

It spent about 700 words sifting through the evidence, and ended up rating the former New York City mayor’s claim “false.” Now we know that PolitiFact blew its call because it lacked access to the most important datum — Hillary Clinton’s real view.

For that, it would have had to be present at one of her paid speeches at a major financial institution, in this case the Brazilian bank Banco Itau. In May 2013, Clinton told her audience at the bank, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” Ding, ding, ding — there’s the magic phrase, in Hillary’s own words.

The excerpt from Hillary’s speech comes courtesy of the massive WikiLeaks dump of pilfered e-mails — probably by Russian hackers — from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The hack is, to say the least, not the way to achieve sunshine in our politics or government, but it is illuminating insofar as it illustrates how progressives think and talk in private — i.e., about how you’d expect.

The frank advocacy of open borders is now so radioactive that even the open-borders editorial page of the Wall Street Journal will no longer associate itself with it (once upon a time, the paper routinely called for an open-borders amendment to the U.S. Constitution). Talk of open borders has consequently retreated behind closed doors. In public, everyone so inclined favors “comprehensive immigration reform,” which always includes higher levels of legal immigration and fig-leaf enforcement measures, as a step toward the unmentionable — and almost certainly unachievable — goal.

A faux cosmopolitanism is a thread running through the WikiLeaks e-mails. If you think Clinton aides root for terrorist acts not to be committed by Muslims, lest political and policy complications ensue, you’re right.

Hillary aide Karen Finney sent John Podesta an e-mail in December 2015 about the San Bernardino shooting. She wrote “damn,” and forwarded a tweet from MSNBC journalist Chris Hayes relating that one of the shooters was named “Syed Farook.” Podesta lamented that it wasn’t instead a journalist named Syed Farook reporting on a shooting by Chris Hayes, who has a much more convenient, Irish surname.

If you think Clinton aides sneer at conservative Catholics and consider them retrograde, you’re right.

John Halpin of the left-wing think tank Center for American Progress, formerly headed by Podesta, wrote his boss and Jennifer Palmieri in 2011 that conservatives are attracted to Catholicism for its “systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations.” Palmieri, now a spokeswoman for the Clinton campaign, chimed in that those on the right embrace Catholicism as “the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion.”

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Rich Lowry is the NR editor who went on record as saying the entire editorial board at NR might endorse HILLARY before they would endorse Trump.
I still won’t click there, not even when he, himself, is laying down reasons why the NR ought to endorse Trump…..this Open Borders Hillary statement.
….this anti-white man terrorist hope.

IF and WHEN he (and NRO) endorses Trump I will read him, in his entirety again.
Til then, no clicks to NRO.
One exception: Victor Davis Hanson whose latest essay there was “Donald Trump: Conservatives Should Vote for Him for President.”

Coming from the Question Authority,trust no one over 30 bunch of little snot buckets of the 70’s era of draft card burning little pukes who fled to either Canada or Europe the Clintons and their kind deserve no respect just riiicule