With air strikes on Syria’s chemical weapons facilities, carried out jointly with Britain and France, America has done the right thing.
Leading from in front, President Trump is finally redrawing the red line that President Obama erased in 2013. Whatever the threats and criticisms that will surely follow, the world will be safer for it. The vital message is that America is no longer the hamstrung giant of the Obama era. Tyrants such as Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and his patrons in Moscow and Tehran, have been served notice that it would be unwise to continue to assume that America will waffle, appease or simply retreat while they take upon themselves the shaping — to monstrous effect — of the 21st-century world order. This message is also likely to resonate in Beijing (which has reportedly been planning live-fire naval exercises next week in the Taiwan Strait) and Pyongyang (with its nuclear missile projects).
The immediate aim of the U.S.-led air strikes was to end the chemical weapons attacks that Syria’s Assad regime has continued to inflict on its own people — despite Assad’s promises in 2013 to surrender his chemical weapons, and Russia’s promise to ensure Assad did so. On Friday, speaking at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Ambassador Nikki Haley charged that by U.S. estimates, “Assad has used chemical weapons in the Syrian war at least 50 times” — some of these attacks within the past year, including the gas attack that killed dozens last weekend in the Syrian city of Douma.
There’s room for debate about whether it is America’s responsibility, on humanitarian grounds, to stop such atrocities. But whatever your views on protecting children in a far-off land from the hideous effects of chemical weapons, there is a larger, strategic reason for trying to stop Assad. Syria, with its liberal use of chemical weapons, has been setting a horrific precedent — repeatedly violating the Chemical Weapons Convention to which Damascus acceded in 2013, and eroding the longstanding international taboo against chemical warfare. This is dangerous way beyond Syria. As Haley told the UN Security Council: “All nations and all people will be harmed if we allow Assad to normalize the use of chemical weapons.”
In theory, the United Nations was supposed to prevent this, ensuring in tandem with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons that Assad would give up all his chemical weapons — with the specific oversight and guarantees of Russia, under a deal cut in 2013 by Obama and Putin. As I explained in an article earlier this week for The Hill, the UN has failed utterly, thanks to Putin’s cynical exploitation of the entire setup. Russia used the chemical weapons disarmament deal as a portal for its own military entry into Syria in support of Assad, and has since been using its veto on the UN Security Council, along with a torrent of Kremlin propaganda, to run diplomatic cover for Assad.
The upshot has been that if the U.S. does not stop Assad’s use of chemical weapons, then nobody will. Last April, after Assad used sarin gas in an attack that killed almost 100 people, Trump ordered a strike of 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airbase. Evidently, that was not enough to stop Assad’s chemical weapons spree.
Which brings me to the strikes carried out by the U.S., French and British, at about  3 a.m. Saturday, Damascus time.
At a Pentagon press briefing Friday evening held shortly after Trump’s public announcement of the strikes on Syria, Gen. Joseph Dunford listed three targets “struck and destroyed,” which he said were “specifically associated with the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons program.” The last two on his list were chemical weapons storage facilities, one of which included “an important command post.” On these, I don’t know anything beyond the generic descriptions Dunford gave at the briefing.
But the first target on Dunford’s list had a very familiar ring. He described it as “a scientific research center located in the greater Damascus area.” He added: “This military facility was a Syrian center for the research, development, production and testing of chemical and biological warfare technology.”
That sure sounds like the notorious Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center, also known as the SSRC. In which case there can be no doubt that these air strikes were aimed at an incredibly high-value target, an outfit central to some of the worst depravities of Assad’s weapons programs, and — as it happens — a longtime client of North Korea and Iran. On the 99 percent probability that this was the research center to which Dunford referred, here’s some background:
No doubt they are serious about keeping the red line, if chemical weapon depots were hit , how do photographers get so close to what must be a highly contaminated area? Why after the bombing do we send in investigators why not prove them guilty first? The article uses highly inflammatory language to illicit emotional response and very little information. The Western air strikes have done little to degrade President Assad’s arsenal and his regime still has the capabilities of inflicting major damage, Syria’s former chemical weapons chief has told the Telegraph. They allowed 50 chemical weapon attacks no one reported on it? What is wrong with our media ignoring these crimes to humanity, these genocides like the one that has gone on since Mandela was elected in S. Africa, his death did not slow the genocide there.
I’m not buying the MSM BS. Our response should have been, PULLING OUT with every piece of our equipment. Tell France and Britton there you go the refugees are ALL yours have yourselves a lovely genocide of your own.
No, the bribe-driven UN is not doing its job. It seems to never do its job anymore.
@Deplorable Me: The UN investigated reports by Assads army where “cottage industry” chemical warfare was used against his soldiers. They could never trace the chemicals to known sources. The investigation of the largest attack that was blamed on Assad where Obama drew a line the UN followed the terrorists around investigating where they pointed.
Any wonder why Mattis said in February there was no proof Assad used chemical weapons?
It is long past time we destroy our own stock pile of chemical weapons as well.
@kitt: Mattis said there was no evidence Assad use SARIN. He believed he used gas. Furthermore, satellites are capable of tracking where the attacks come from and where the attacking aircraft go after the attack (if they are pointed in the correct direction).
I wouldn’t trust any investigations by the UN. They serve their own needs.
@Deplorable Me: And then there is this from January
I back the President, I just think he was wrong on this one, and crystal ball says it is going to be Trump lied blah blah blah.
I cant believe the mockingbird media.
@kitt: Now, given what we have found out about Obama’s actions during his Presidency, I would not put anything past him or his henchmen, but I would need to see the documents and the sources.