The Great Struggle of Our Time: The Battle for Reality

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By Vasko Kohlmayer

With societal turbulence all around us, many people feel that we are locked in some great and portentous struggle. But because it is so pervasive and multifaced, the nature of this struggle is not readily obvious. There are many fronts on which this struggle is being fought: racial relations, education, healthcare, popular culture, financial system, and freedom of speech, among others. It is not easy to make sense of it all, especially since the battles are highly pitched and emotions are running very high.
What characterizes these battles, besides their intensity, is deep polarization. The possibility of the warring camps coming together and meeting on some common ground seems to be growing more distant by the day. There is even talk that the two sides will either come to blows, or they will each go their own way in some form of secession.
Many have observed that the contenders seem to be separated by an unbridgeable gap, and yet no one has been able to explain the nature of this gap, or what exactly it is that separates the mindsets of the opposing sides.
In our view the great struggle in the grip of which we find ourselves cuts much deeper than the immediate issues we argue over. The real fight extends beyond any particular point of public friction.
The great battle of our time is a battle about the very nature of reality. More precisely, what the two sides war over on the most fundamental level is what constitutes truth and how it should be determined.
To shed light on this dynamic, let us take one of the heated controversies of the present time. For this we choose transgenderism. This is an especially suitable example for two reasons: this issue is highly divisive and polarizing, and it delineates the opposing camps sharply and clearly.
As you may know, transgender advocates claim that biological males can become women and vice versa.

Understandably, many people find this claim rather far-fetched. For one thing, it does not feel true, given that the evidence of our senses seems to refute it. When, for example, people look at transgender “women” – i.e., biological men who say that they are women – most people immediately recognize that these are not real females. What most people see is men who pretend to be girls. This is how the human mind – in the vast majority of instances – interprets sensory input that it receives upon encountering such persons.
And yet transgender advocates vehemently maintain that this is not the correct interpretation of visual data. They insist that what is in front of our eyes are not men who pose as girls but real girls.
The claims of transgender advocates thus run in direct contravention to what we perceive to be the case with our own eyes.
In other words, transgender supporters attempt to negate and override our perception of reality. They are in essence telling us this: “Reject the evidence of your eyes. What is in front of you is not a man who tries to appear as a woman, but a genuine woman.”
And they often insist on this point with great vehemence. So vehemently, in fact, that they want to punish and penalize those who dare to say otherwise. They call such people transphobes, among other things, and have them cancelled and fired from their jobs. They also charge them with the offence of misgendering, which has now become a crime in some places.
To put it another way, it is now becoming a crime to honestly declare reality as it is presented to us by our sensory apparatus.
But can it be possible that the senses may deceive us in some way? After all, sometimes our senses do paint an inaccurate picture of the world. For example, when we put a stick in water, the stick appears to be bent at the point where it touches the water’s surface.
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The good news is that we do not have to rely on sight alone when trying to determine whether someone is a man or a woman. In this modern era, we are fortunate to possess precise and reliable scientific means for making this determination. As you may know, males and females are born with different chromosomal structures. Chromosomes are made of strands of DNA that are stored in the nuclei of our cells. Both sexes have twenty-three distinct pairs of chromosomes, of which twenty-two are the same but the last one differs markedly. In men the twenty- third chromosomal pair takes the form XY, while in women its form is XX.
Our sex is thus a biological reality that is encoded in the deepest physical level of our being. Nearly every one of some thirty trillion cells in our body bears witness to whether we are male or female.
This fact is incontrovertible and cannot be altered. As matters stand now, mankind does not possess technology or scientific means to change this fact, and it is unlikely it ever will. From the moment of conception our sex is irrevocably hardwired deep in the very physical substratum of our existence.
And yet transgender advocates claim that those with XY chromosomes – i.e., biological men – can suddenly and at whim become women and those with XX chromosomes – biological females – can become men. Transgender activists go so far as to profess that this impossible traversing of the man-woman dichotomy can be effected by mere wishful thinking via arbitrary self-identification with the opposite sex.
Thus, in addition to denying the evidence of the senses, transgender advocates also deny biological and physical aspects of reality as presented by science.

Because of this, the transgender movement represents a brazen and complete negation of reality in all of its aspects and dimensions: sensory, common-sensical, historical, biological, physical and scientific.
To fully understand the context of our larger societal struggle, it is important that we realize that the transgender ideology is a wholesale denial of truth. It constitutes a complete inversion of reality on all levels.
Because of its uncompromising negation of fact, transgenderism represents gaslighting at its most extreme.

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It seems it is always the left that conceives of such idiotic concepts, such as a man simply deciding to become a woman makes it so, and then DEMANDS people of normal knowledge and intelligence accept such stupidity as fact. It is ridiculous that they succeed in tearing society apart over such absurd concepts, but that is their goal.

On the one side, we have reason, observation and logic. A desire to see the world as it is.
On the other, emotion and wishful thinking. A desire to see the world as the product of fantasy.

it is fat, ugly and soooo stupid. male transgender are actually sexual predators.
What is soo sad is that an America hero passed this day, Gen. Colin Powell, and the news media never uttered a word of his passing. Rest in Peace-SemperFi