This week has certainly not lacked for drama, has it? I’ve been chugging coffee and attacking each news cycle with something almost approaching giddiness. Sure, a lot of the news is garbage, but I like my job. If you have to pay attention to the news every day, you might as well figure out a way to enjoy doing it. I have.
I swear, I’m sober.
There was a lot to choose from when pondering what to lead off with this morning. I was tempted to write about Ol’ Gropes again, but as I said, I’m sober. I want to stay that way a while longer. I will give brief mention to a rather disturbing post that Tyler wrote, however. It details the fact that 124 retired generals and admirals have confirmed our worst nightmare: the current president of the United States of America is a drooling moron who is mentally unfit to deal with a military crisis.
I’m going to focus on the big day that the House Republicans had yesterday. The vote to send Liz Cheney to the back bench dominated the news for a couple of reasons. The first is that the mainstream media hacks are desperate for anything that will give them a few hours respite from having to look at the unmitigated disaster in the Oval Office they’re tasked with propping up.
The second is that they’re heavily invested in keeping a narrative going that describes the GOP as a party in turmoil and without a moral center. Only four months into the Biden administration, I’m pretty sure they’re all aware they won’t have much positive to run on in 2022. Their only real hope is in what they perceive as demonizing the Republicans by firmly linking them to Donald Trump.
What they fail to grasp is that they’re only accomplishing a reinforcement of beliefs in people who are never going to vote Republican anyway. What are they going to do now, really super-duper not vote Republican?
The Republicans who will facilitate taking the House back in 2022 are energized and emboldened by the media’s continued attempt to stigmatize their association with Trump.
Liz Cheney is not one of those Republicans.
As I wrote in my latest column, the shrieking from the Democrats about Cheney’s ouster is the surest proof that House Republicans made the correct decision. The Democrats are terrified by the prospect of a Republican Party that is imbued with Donald Trump’s fighting spirit. They know that they can roll over a GOP that’s full of Never Trump types. Because they are still so caught up in this Biden delusion, they are almost completely oblivious to the fact that there aren’t many in the Never Trump camp.
Contrary to the narrative, the GOP isn’t having a civil war or in a state of soul-searching turmoil. It’s growing up and steeling itself for perhaps its most important midterm election year in its history. It is doing what earlier versions of the party didn’t have the temerity to do.
I am not invested in Donald Trump, the person. Disassociated from his vastly successful accomplishments that benefitted the American people, I can’t say if I even like him or not. Before he was President, I didn’t give him much thought. But once he won the Presidency in 2016 (the last legitimate Presidential election we had), I was profoundly grateful he kept Hillary’s corrupt hands off the Supreme Court. But, surprisingly, he did a great job. A GREAT job.
The idiot Biden, on the other hand, is an unmitigated disaster. Though merely an unwitting puppet of far left socialists, he bears responsibility for the catastrophic destruction we are watching develop right before our very eyes.
As he spoke from the Rose Garden just moments ago, I have to wonder if the birds I could hear were in the surrounding trees or were the microphones picking ups the birds tweeting in his head.
Hopefully, the action against Cheney is just the beginning. The Republican party needs to consolidate itself as the conservative party for the People, not a group of votes the Democrats can count on when they need them. I’m all for bipartisanship and civility, but the Democrats don’t want it and their agenda is destructive to the survival of the United States. It must be opposed and defeated. Wealthy, powerful and benevolent, the US can protect and help most of the weaker nations of the world. Poor, weak and divided, the US leaves weaker nations on their own and susceptible to becoming victims of aggressive nations that do not share our values of freedom and liberty.
If becoming more assertive, dedicated and feisty means the end of the Republican party, so be it. I’d rather they go down fighting than, per the Democrat plan, legislated out of existence in the name of “unity”. Republicans cannot gain Democrat respect by agreeing with their leftist, socialist agenda. It is the Democrats that need to reform, not the GOP.
“The GOP Isn’t in Turmoil, It’s Growing the Hell Up”
I call BULLSHIT!!!