The fourth Rogue Angry Democrat Prosecutor has resigned

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and joined in the next politico-media operation to get yet another investigation going.

Does everyone realize that Trump has had a Special Counsel investigation on him for two and a half years, then just a month of relative peace before Schiff and Nadler started the Fake Impeachment investigation?

And now they’re trying to get another Special Counsel investigation. If/when that is refused, they’ll use that as a pretext to open another Fake Impeachment Inquiry.

They are literally attempting to make it so that Trump spends virtually every month of his first four year term — and then every month of his second four year term — under vaguely-defined free-ranging criminal investigation.

They are rewriting the Constitution so that President Trump — and I guess any other future president who upsets the Deep State — will have a Permanent Court of Inquisition on eternal fishing expeditions open at all times.

I hope Bill Barr reviews Janet Reno’s explanation as to why she needed no Special Counsel to investigate allegations involving she herself.

She decided that she was impartial enough to decide that no further investigation into her decisions was warranted.

The mere assertions Clinton or Vice President Gore were “involved” in soliciting or receiving possibly improper donations, or contributors met with the president and benefited from government decisions, “fall far short of the sort of specific facts” necessary to trigger appointment of an independent counsel, Richard wrote.”

To the extent that there are allegations that may warrant criminal investigation at this time, they relate only to lower-ranking public officials, DNC employees and contributors,” the letter said.

“Mere assertions.” Remember those words.

Time stamped at 10:04am PST on 02-11-20:

And Whadda ya know?

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They are literally attempting to make it so that Trump spends virtually every month of his first four year term — and then every month of his second four year term — under vaguely-defined free-ranging criminal investigation.

Then they can claim that this is somehow incriminating of Trump instead of an indication of their disregard for law, order and the Constitution.

They are rewriting the Constitution so that President Trump — and I guess any other future president who upsets the Deep State — will have a Permanent Court of Inquisition on eternal fishing expeditions open at all times.

If they survive Trump, they will send the message that anyone that is a member of the opposition party that attempts to join the government can face constant harassment and bankruptcy. Democrats are desperate for one party rule and the ability to form a police state.

It is ridiculous to think assertions can bring investigations of Democrats but that is totally sufficient to IMPEACH a Republican.

And this being a election year as well asa leap year its going to be the Democrats and Republicans behaving like the Gingam Dog and Calico Cat they will eat each other up

on 11/4/2020 the world of snowflakes, millennium, and pre puberty behaviour by adults(democraps), alleged social justice warriors(communists) will change. Trump will foster and bring legal issues to soo many of the current bad behavior members of the congress, fbi,cia and slut hillary and the gay muslim terrorist obama. the therapy buses, democrap psychiatrist and psychologist are unaware that more crayons, coloring books, baby pins, and safe space will be needed. therapy rocks formerly known as “pet rocks” will be re introduced into the psychologist treatment behaviour. truely “The best is yet to come.”