by Ace
The neocons are coming home again to the left-liberalism they strayed from 40 years ago.
A hallmark of the left’s jihad against free speech is the claim that to even permit speech is to endorse that speech.
It’s not enough to say, “I disagree with racism.”
No, you have to define yourself fundamentally as a “committed anti-racism activist.”
And it doesn’t stop there. You’re not allowed to even permit a BadSpeaker to speak. To permit him to speak is to be Complicity In Crime, to be an accessory to Word Murder.
Thus, the deplatforming craze on the left. No one can even speak at colleges except for those approved by the most leftwing of the leftwing vanguard of college student radicals.
Next comes the pressure campaigns against those who permit a “platform” to BadSpeakers. A New York Times op-ed page editor was called a racist and forced to resign because junior SJW editors and “reporters” essentially threatened to burn the company down for permitting BadSpeaker Senator Tom Cotton to publish an Op-Ed saying that there might have to be a National Guard response to stop the lawlessness and murders of the left’s Antifa and BLM violent armed paramilitary shock-troops.
No platform permitted to anything the left disagrees with. The First Amendment, they hold, is just a trick of the White Man to allow coded messages that uphold the White Supremacy Systematic Racism Regime.
The last step is to declare that it is “Okay to Punch a Nazi” — it is now permissible to physically attack anyone the left calls a “nazi,” which is defined, for example, as anyone who disagrees that trans women are literally women, or expresses doubts about whether looting a Neiman-Marcus store is really a “protest” against “white supremacy.”
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They start with censorship and deplatforming of their political enemies, en route to declaring open, violent, literal war on them. At least the terrorist dirty sort of war, where any person is encouraged to commit an act of violence against a political enemy.
Liz Cheney — inevitably, I think — just adopted the left’s framework that to even permit a “platform” to an idea you disagree with is to embrace and approve of that idea.
This establishes the predicate for the next inevitable step: that Social Justice Warrior pressure — boycotts, coordinated reputational damage campaigns — will have to be brought to bear against the BadSpeak Platformer to force them to deplatform the BadSpeaker himself.
I note, once again, that the neocons — Jonah Goldberg, Liz Cheney, AllahPundit, Rich Lowry, David French — all claim to be some form of “libertarian” or “conservatarian” to justify their support, tacit or explicit (Blessing of Liberty!), of leftist policies, especially leftist social policy.
But when it comes to the authoritarian controls the left wishes to impose on the most basic, most central right we possess as an American — the right to free speech — they actually justify the left’s censorship and social terrorism campaigns as just “more free speech.”
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Rand Paul getting the shit beaten out of him on the “It’s Okay to Punch a Nazi” theory? Meh, no big deal. Just a dispute over hedge clippings or something.
And then neocons like Liz Cheney — government officials with direct control over laws — apply political pressure to supposedly “free and freely-acting” corporations to impose the left’s government-centered censorship on the right.
If you’re a “libertarian” only as regards the kinds of sex the left wants to have and the kind of propaganda it wishes to instill in children at government schools, but then endorse bloody authoritarianism when it comes to enforcing the left’s ever-growing list of blasphemies and heresies, guess what, you’re not a libertarian, and certainly not a “conservatarian.”
There’s a more accurate term who supports license for all the thing the left likes to do, and repression of all the things the left doesn’t like to do: that term is “leftist.”
Nazis and Marxists end up in the same place: tyranny.
The words of H. L. Mencken—the guy whose quote Ace of Spades HQ has at the top of its page banner:
“I admit freely enough that, by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American Negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the Negro stock, however carefully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it. The educated Negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a Negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him.”
People tell you what they are, if you listen carefully and think about what they’re actually saying.
What the right is—as exemplified by Donald Trump and like-thinking “republicans”—is un-American, and unacceptable.
Welkum to Merica, Greggie poo where everyone has a right to opinion and freedom of speech. Even if its wrong and most strongly disagree.
I strongly disagree with this administration calling Parents terrorists while Antifa and BLM murder, loot and burn our cities and none seem to be arrested, let alone prosecuted.
See how that works?
I don’t consider racist ideology such as Mencken a worthy opinion, though people have a right to hold it. Mencken was at least honest enough to clear state his views. Trump-corrupted republicans are not. They try to maintain their protective veneers—but take a close look at what they’re enabling.
The administration DID NOT call parents terrorists. The right-wing propaganda media only CLAIMS that they did, and several opportunistic republican senators exploited that lie to publicly attack Merrick Garland.
Anybody who bothers to read the memo in question rather than depending on the likes of Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley can see that for themselves:
Garland is an honorable and truthful man. The interrogators attacking him for the memo are not. The GOP has fallen from grace. For a long while this was incremental, but with the appearance of Trump they took the plunge as far as they could go.
Idiot Biden: “If Haiti sinks into the sea, no one cares”. He made it clear that when black people are concerned, he doesn’t care.
Idiot Biden calls Masters Winner “Japanese boy”.
The idiot Biden doesn’t think blacks and Hispanics are smart enough to get on line and schedule COVID vaccines
Garland has proven that, given the power to do so, he can be as big a Nazi as any other Nazi. Thank GOD he was kept off the Supreme Court; we have enough fascists that Obama put there.
You’ve got nothing to say about the fact that Merrick Garland’s memo said NOTHING like what your propaganda media claims?
The fact that the crybaby school board members (all TWO of them) went to the White House, got the White House to help them compose their lying letter, sent it to the DOJ and in less than 5 days Garland deployed the full force and power of the DOJ against parents simply objecting to school boards LYING to them says all we need to know. He did NO investigation on his own, just wagged his tail and obeyed when the White House told him to go after parents looking out for the well being of their children.
October 4, 2021 – DOJ to Investigate Threats Against School Board Members
The Department of Justice will mobilize the FBI in response to a spike in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members across the country.
In a memorandum released Monday evening, Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the FBI and U.S. attorneys’ offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state and local law enforcement leaders to outline strategies for addressing the incidents, which have become more frequent and more volatile in recent months.
“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” Garland wrote in a memorandum released Monday evening. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”
The announcement comes just days after the group representing the country’s school boards wrote to President Joe Biden to plead for federal assistance in responding to mounting threats and violence that they likened to domestic terrorism against school board members related to their decisions on COVID-19 school safety policies, critical race theory and more.
“In recent months, there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation’s public schools,” Garland wrote. “While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.”
According to the memorandum, the Justice Department will launch a series of efforts in the coming days “designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel.”
A task force, which is set to include representatives from the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI and more, will determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute the threats and crimes, and ways to assist state and local law enforcement where threats of violence may not constitute federal crimes.
The memo also tasks the Justice Department with creating specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators to help them understand the types of behaviors that constitute threats, how to report threatening conduct and to whom, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution process.
“Over the last few weeks, school board members and other education leaders have received death threats and have been subjected to threats and harassment, both online and in person,” Chip Slaven, the interim executive director and CEO of the National School Boards Association, said in a statement Monday evening.
Slaven said Garland’s swift action is “a strong message to individuals with violent intent who are focused on causing chaos, disrupting our public schools, and driving wedges between school boards and the parents, students, and communities they serve.”
‘We will find you!’ – Parents threaten mask supporters at Tennessee school board meeting –
They are harming their children. This pisses some people off, most notably the parents, especially when the school boards simply lie to and ignore their questions. If the school boards were not acting like fascists, there would be no response.
Local law enforcement has been dealing with the rare instances of threats or violence. The FBI doesn’t need to be there, except in order to suppress free speech by intimidation. The FBI would be better served addressing the left wing political terrorism and violence committed by ANTIFA. That is an organized and funded organization of terror.
The armed lunatics that you ignore are attempting to turn threats and violence into a political tool. They don’t want things to become better, they want things to become worse. They WANT violence as a means of breaking the established order of things. That makes all aspects of their activities the FBI’s legitimate business.
Trump has his crack-brain, ego-driven personal agenda, but for them Trump is only a lever they can use to pry things apart.
Who are the lunatics? Who is armed? Hyperbole much?
The only armed lunatics are your beloved BLM and ANTIFA. The only violence at the school boards was a father whose daughter had been raped, due to school policy, and the school lied to him about it. Yeah, I would go berserk, too.
Your fascists have invented a threat of “white supremacists”. Now they invent the threat of outraged parents (who, by the way, are only outraged because the government is LYING to them). Those are the actions of totalitarians. That is the characteristic of a police state.
Let’s remember you supported death threats against CHILDREN who did nothing but not submit to racist intimidation. You have no standing. You have no credibility.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke and caste out all manner of devilry that is afflicting you, and throw out your lies and demonic dwelling that would come to steal, kill, and destroy our democracy built on the foundations set by Christians and Christ Himself.
The father of lies is truly alive in you, and even a state turned evil with corruption and mass-hysteria will not defeat God in the end.
You have nothing to offer us except poison, and we spit it out.
I pray the blood of Jesus Christ over your mind and over your heart. Nothing evil can stay, and the demons that own you will own you no more.
Go in peace, and don’t post here anymore. You have better things to do with your life.
comrade greggy poop: where did you plagiarize this review from?? pedophile biden dropped out of the race for plagiarism. hint hint. maybe you should have mommy read and review your plagiarized work before posting.
Trump is a centrist. He’s not the right at all.
That’s the threat: moderation.
Nothing more American than that, troll.
How about the people who support this guy?
Biden repeatedly drops N-bomb in 1985 Senate hearing
Biden calling blacks “predators”
What does this tell us about them (i.e., YOU)?
Need he be reminded of Hilliary Clinton her shall I say admiration of Margaret Sanger?