By Kurt Schlichter
It’s weird that our elite betters of eliteness and betterness refuse to acknowledge that the emperor not only forgot to dress himself today but that he’s actively drooling. Check out President Asterisk trying to figure out who the Secretary of Defense is. Not that SecDef is an important job anymore or anything. His gig now is mostly to rid the ranks of extremists who don’t think men can change into women through the power of activists demanding everyone else pretend they can. But still, the president ought to, you know, know who he is.
It would be nice to have a CINC who isn’t manifestly senile. Which * is. And it matters – right now we have an alleged president who might start WWIII by pressing the wrong button thinking it’s his remote and that he’s changing channels from Matlock to Murder, She Wrote.
I’ve never been much taken by the threat that, “History will judge you harshly!” It’s one of those hacky flexes by people who don’t actually believe that history is a thing – at least not before 1619, or maybe when Obama got crowned – that is along the same line of lame rhetoric as the “Have you no decency/principles/honor?” move employed by people who inevitably have no decency/principles/honor. Who cares what history thinks? It’s impossible to give a damn what people today think, much less future people jetting around in flying cars and munching on Soylent Green. But history will totally judge our garbage elite harshly for pretending that Señor Sundowner has still got his “A” game instead of his “R” one.
We now have an entire media blissfully watching Dictator Demento stagger about with a trail of spit stretching from his piehole, pretending he’s George Washington wrapped up with Abe Lincoln and Tommy Jefferson on top. Wait, they’re all racist monsters now, right? Sorry to trigger the weak-minded among you. Okay, well, just assume some other analogy that doesn’t make simps literally shake.
You’d think they might mention that the guy is manifestly in decline, since we all see it. But they won’t. It’s bizarre. No, the emperor’s new clothes are fantastic. Look at that tailoring on his bib!
They are so serene in their sense of entitlement to our attention and obedience that they feel no shame in telling you stuff that is obviously, indisputably untrue – and if you point out the reality, then you’re an insurrectionist of insurrection or something.
This is an increasingly common ploy by the trash ruling caste that controls our culture. They lie to your face then get irate when you point out how they are lying to your face, as if the real crime is not accepting the bullSchiff as opposed to bullSchiffing you. It happens all the time.
The prezzy is totally not senile.
Men can become women. Women can become men. They can be both, or neither.
Global warming is totally a thing that will kill us all in 2000, I mean 2005, I mean 2010, I mean 2015, I mean 2020, I mean shut up, racist.
Systemic racism is a thing, and you’re even more racist by denying you’re racist.
Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham are funny and sexy.
Now, this tactic presents some problems in the long term. In the short term, brazen lies can work because Americans are nice people and they are not used to people just outright lying to them, so they scratch their heads and wonder if they are missing something even though what they are being fed seems all wrong. But they catch on eventually, and lies upon lies breeds cynicism. And cynicism is bad for liars in the long term because it decreases their ability to fool people since people soon assume that they are fibbing every time they open their lie-holes.
Nobody trusts the elite, and no one should. It’s taken any claim to our trust and laid waste to it like Brian Stelter, who is a potato, lays waste to a Golden Corral ham tray. When the withered old zombie all the smart people claim won the election from the padded basement where his handlers locked him starts up one of his inane-o-logues, we all tune out long before his orderlies drag him away to be fed mush and Thorazine.
So, how does this go? How does this all play out?
The Biden Occupation will end soon enough.
President Biden just signed the COVID-19 relief bill, passed in the House and Senate without GOP support.
70 percent of respondents to a recent Pew Research Center survey have a favorable opinion concerning the bill. That includes 41 percent of the respondents who identified themselves as republican or republican-leaning.
March 11, 2021 – Flurry of polls provide boost to Biden
Mitch McConnell, yesterday:
@Greg: Poll oversampled Democrats which is the usual. So it’s another grain of salt poll.
Take out the 1400 dollar check and ask the approve disapprove again.
Better questions would be, do you know what’s in it?
Have you read it?
What about it do you know or understand?
Do you care about the debt, inflation and currency devaluation this contributes to?
Joe Biden actually said yesterday – that the $1400 checks would cut childhood poverty in half in the USA – according to the “experts”
How so Joe?
A lot of the money in this monstrosity won’t be spent until 2022, 2023 ,20204 and 2025.
Greg? AJ? You getting this?
@Greg: Indeed it won’t, because the $2 trillion is not aimed at helping anyone but failed Democrats. All Trump’s economy needs is to be released. We saw that last year with 31% growth in one quarter. We all have total faith that the idiot Biden will destroy any recovery.
Funny the amount of “support” that can be generated when the propaganda Demediacrats all sing the same false tune, huh? How about that super-spreading crisis the idiot Biden personally created on our southern border? Nice, huh?
Biden is not all there and he rambles on about nothing he and Harris should both be removed from office their both mentaly unstable
Hehe. The millions we’ve saved from Covid with the Trump Vaccine will have absolutely nothing to do with Biden, either.
Biden will get no credit for anything, beyond dismissible propaganda generated by our new “Pravda” press.
If we have a boom, it have nothing to do with Biden, Pelosi, or McConnell. It will be, as it always has been, in spite of our pathetic politicians.
At least Trump built one of the best economies we’ve ever seen. Biden/Harris will never come close to that.
@Mully, #3:
President Biden won’t be ordering a letter bearing his signature to be mailed out to every American who receives a check that claims credit for sending them.
@Nathan Blue, #6:
History will most likely remember the number of people in our nation who died of COVID-19, not the number that didn’t. That first figure is now over the 530,000, exceeding the combined total of all American combat deaths in WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Attorney General of Texas just filed a lawsuit against Austin Mayor Steve Adler, Travis County Judge Andy Brown and Mark Escott, the interim medical director and Health Authority for Austin, for continuing to require the wearing of masks locally, when Govenor Abbott has issued a state-wide end to the mandate. That’s the sort of b.s. that many elected republicans will be remembered for. Previously their story was that local conditions should determine local requirements.
March 11, 2021 – Texas attorney general files lawsuit against Austin leaders over mask requirement
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, on Twitter:
The man is an idiot.
Says the guy who helped to install an incompetent Alzheimer’s patient.
As for the number of covid deaths, quite a few are being racked up under the Biden occupation, but they even remotely suggest that Trump somehow caused covid deaths is dismissable partisan rhetoric.
we don’t add up deaths from pandemics and compare them to death from wars.
Only f*cking idiots do that.
A few more attempts to tie masks to covid deaths just can’t hold up to the statistics.
If anything, Democrat controlled areas had far more deaths than non-democrat areas.
If you want to play that bullsh*t game.
Covid-19 is a Chinese based virus that did not have to spread globally.
It could have been stopped by the Chinese government but was not. They are to blame.
Biden said Trump was wrong for closing the country when he did. Instead, Trump most likely saved millions. Of course the loser Democrats have repeat the number of the dead and compare it to war.
I hope the history books won’t show how wrong they were.
As for your meaningless deflection about some Austin politician, conditions have changed. Governor Abbott is correct in removing Austin’s local ability to mandate masks.
We are at war with an unelected Democrat occupation and their loyalists holding out and blue areas surrounded by a majority of red.
I support extricating Democrats until they simply rededicate themselves to following the Constitution, or publicly admitting they are Marxists.
History will remember biden’s at the onset of the pandemic, the thousands killed by the corrupt governor of New York, the billions paid to rig an election, and ultimately the failed policies that have cost average Americans their jobs and their money.
That’s the Democrats. They are who they say they are.
@Nathan Blue, #9:
Of course you don’t. That would be one way of putting the scale of our nation’s losses due to the pandemic into a meaningful human perspective.
Another comparison the right dislikes is that between our own population’s percentage of the total global population and our nation’s percentage of total global COVID-19 deaths. I’ll refrain from making it.
Contrary to the stunningly idiotic meme promoted your Head Buffoon’s disinformation and propaganda apparatus, viruses have no nationality, nor do they recognize national boundaries.
You’re at war with reality.
Many of the red areas on your map are far less densely populated that the blue areas. People are what democracy is about, not the surface area of spaces on a map. Additionally, nowhere is entirely red or blue, any more than most people are either conservative or liberal. One of the GOP’s problems—largely of its own making—is that the Democratic Party tends to be more inclusive. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for moderates to feel comfortable in the GOP.
Why do you suppose there’s no Democratic Party equivalent of the GOP’s disparaging label, RINO? Democrats don’t even have a term for those who have been purged or shunned for failure to adhere to any particular authoritative leader’s purity test requirements.
For the most part, I agree with that statement.
Uh, you missed it.
Please list the Spanish Flu bodycount against WW1.
F*cking idiot.
Moa, Hitler, Castro, and Stalin would say the same. Didn’t save their cause, in the end.
That’s the real question people should be asking.
I’ll answer that by taking you to some political grave sites. Perhaps you’ll learn something.
Auschwitz might be the sobering Truth you genocidal zealots need.
And there are Dem equivalents to RINOs. They are either dead, or worse…Tulsi Gabbard.
Democrats are a gang, not a political party.
Our Republic is built on healthy debate, not corporate-paid silencing of free speech.
Try again.
I know you do. The purity tests of Democrats are both clandestine, and lethal.
You don’t regard “socialist” as a disparaging label? How about FASCIST? I guess that you don’t explains a lot.
The worst thing a Democrat calls another Democrat is “moderate”. Being reasonable and looking to what is best for American and its citizens is anathema for Democrats.