The Democrats: Too Old and Too White?

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n the jubilation of the Obama election victories of 2008 and 2012, the Left warned Republicans that the party of McCain and Romney was now “too old, too white, too male — and too few.” Columnists between 2008 and 2012 ad nauseam berated Republicans on the grounds that their national candidates “no longer looked like America.” The New York Times stable crowed that the Republicans of 2008 were “all white and nearly all male” — not too long before McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running-mate. In reaction to the defeats of McCain and Romney, Salon and Harper’s ran stories on the “Grand Old White Party” and “Angry White Men.”

For Democratic progressives, Hawaiian Barack Obama could not be of mixed ancestry and decidedly middle class, but simply “black” or “African American” — as if he had shared the Jim Crow experience of Clarence Thomas. Nor was there any allowance that race itself had become hard to sort into neat categories in a nation of immigration, intermarriage, and assimilation, in which millions of Americans were one-half this and one-quarter that. Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King proved that well enough by successfully constructing themselves as white for quite a long time.

Liberals had reversed the vision of Martin Luther King Jr.: The color of our skin, not the content of our character, is what matters. Superficial appearance, the ossified politics of the tribe — the curse of the world outside the United States, where corpses have piled up in the Balkans, Rwanda, and Iraq — alone mattered. Identity politics dictated that a shrinking white insular conservative party lacked the Democrats’ “inclusiveness” and “commitment to diversity.” Icons like Barack Obama were what mattered.

So we come to 2016, and the Democrats, of all people, are suddenly in danger of being the washer calling the dryer white. Who exactly are the serious and not so serious presidential candidates of each party?

On the Republican side, there is plenty of diversity as defined by liberals — Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio.

And on the Democratic side? The only representative of “diversity” is Hillary Clinton, who counts by virtue of being female, but who is white and soon to be 68, a fixture on the national political scene for more than a quarter of a century. Her claim on the nomination seems to be that it’s “her turn,” as if Democrats in the post-Obama era nominate their candidates on the basis of seniority and waiting patiently in line. Her status and connections are apparently seen as exempting her from the consequences of violating federal laws that apply to other public servants.

Her opponent is, in traditional liberal parlance, an old white guy and equally a political fixture, the 73-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders, independent senator from Vermont, who has been running for or holding some office for the last 40 years.

What happens if the Democrats cannot choose between an avowed socialist who is not registered in the party whose nomination he seeks, and Hillary Clinton, who has a felony-indictment sword of Damocles over her head?

It is said that perhaps Secretary of State John Kerry might run, a 71-year-old white guy who has done nothing but politics for the last 30-plus years. He followed Clinton as secretary of state, so why not also as presidential candidate? But if Kerry’s loss in the 2004 presidential race, or his ponderous and pontificating style, still grate on Democrats, there are plenty of other old white guys who could step up.

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Old, rich and white.
Those are the Democrats.
Hillary Clinton, white, 68, rich.
Bernie Sanders, white, 73, all wealth in wifey’s name.
Joe Biden, white, 72, low-level millionaire…
John Kerry, white, 71, rich via two wealthy widows, one after another.
Al Gore, white, 67, rich.
Jim Webb, white, 69, rich.
Jerry Brown, white, 77, rich.
Elizabeth Warren, white (or injun) 66, rich.
Martin O’Malley, white, only 52, not a millionaire.

Dig the diversity!

Joe Biden is 72. That’s not particularly old these days. He’ll probably announce he’s open to serving only for a single term, and will pass the torch to Vice President Elizabeth Warren as the 2020 Democratic candidate. That should work.

@Greg: @Greg: McCain was younger in 2008 (71) then Saunders (73), yet McCain’s age was used by propaganda outlets to implant the idea he was “too old”. I’m sure you were saying that back in ’08, when is wasn’t your candidate.

In fact, the mean of all democratic candidates listed above is 71.

Old, rich white people. Oh, the hypocrisy. Seems the Democratic Party is out of touch, and becoming rapidly irrelevant to the needs and desires of the average American (the “average” American still being white…by a long shot…but hey…).


An honest media would show all the Biden gaffes demonstrating how much more moronic he is than Quayle could ever hope to be. An honest media would run an endless loop of him telling the guy in the wheelchair to stand up.

You’d probably have to focus entirely on the gaffs, since Biden’s career and personal life have been free of anything out of which to fabricate a media scandal. He hasn’t accumulated enough money to arouse suspicion.

Can a guy with ”happy hands,” as the Dems affectionately call Biden’s grabbiness of women and girls who have not consented, get elected by feminist voters?
I bet they’d rather write-in Hillary than vote for the likes of a Biden!

Complaints haven’t come from any of the people Biden had contact with, only from political enemies trying to turn a touch of the hand into an unwelcome sexual advance. That might play well with some deeply neurotic Islamic audiences totally fixated on the impropriety of casual human contact due to their repressed sexuality, but not so much here.

Do you really think such contact would be anything other than innocent in a totally public setting surrounded by media cameras?

@Greg: Maybe your memory has faded.
Remember Robert Earl “Bob” Filner, the 35th Mayor of San Diego, from December 2012 until August 2013?
He abused multiple women, some only in words.
Others only by touching lightly.
Some he actually goosed.
Some he pinned against walls with his full body.

Some he intimidated, by his position of power, into being quiet.

Biden has his power times 100.
But, if he should try to run for president, their tongues, and those of their husbands, fathers and brothers are bound to loosen.


Joe Biden is 72. That’s not particularly old these days. He’ll probably announce he’s open to serving only for a single term, and will pass the torch to Vice President Elizabeth Warren as the 2020 Democratic candidate. That should work.

Time after time, Democrats have whined about the age of Republican candidates: Dole, Reagan, McCain. And poll after poll showed that Democrats wanted a younger (50ish) candidate and anyone in their 70’s would be too old to be president.

Now look at the contenders/prospective contenders on the Democrat side. Out of all of them, only two would not be pushing 70 hard.

Odd how the Democrat standards change when their own standards are used against them.

Joe Biden worries republicans, I guess. He probably should. He’s a good guy that the average voter can be quite comfortable with.

Speaking of changing standards… It’s suddenly going to be OK with conservatives to have a First Lady in the White House who has risque photos on the internet? (I use the word “risque” because the spam filter here is so easily embarrassed.) I’m thinking they probably haven’t thought about it yet.


If I have a choice for First Lady between a beautiful woman who has had “risqué” photographs on the internet and a President who is a crook, a liar, a grafter and who is married to a rapist, I will take the former and not the latter.

Or maybe you would prefer a woman in the Oval Office that lied about being native American, refused to meet with the geneologists from the Cherokee tribe she claims to be related to, and who used that lie to gain special treatment as an affirmative action student.