The degree to which Michael Bloomberg is using his fortune to fundamentally alter & manipulate U.S. politics to his personal advantage extends way beyond ads.

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This Gun Grabber and anti fracking screwball is one of Americas biggist enemies there is a threat to our U.S. Constitution and our Soventry

Mini bloomers will buy VP or donate and run ads for any candidate against Trump he has a heavy investment in China, any questions why he wants Trump out so badly?

How much is his past racism going to cost to erase?

Yeah, clearly willful billionaires have no place in American politics, and money buying position and power is fundamentally un-American.

@Deplorable Me: If silicon valley favors mini bloomers they will purge it from internet searches.

@Greg: Yeah, that’s what you USED to say. What you meant was, “We will invent any excuse necessary to oppose someone that will not recognize their subservience to deep state control in our government.” Bloomberg is all in for the globalist agenda; he’ll just get richer.

@kitt: They’re too late; the poison has been released. There are Democrats that are uncomfortable with his level of personal power that are spreading the word as well.

I have no more use for a billionaire Bloomberg in the White House than a billionaire Trump.


Hey, l’il coward Comrade Greggie, why are you running away from my questions?

I know you have no honor. Apparently you also have no cajones.

@Greg: So, if Bloomberg is the Democrat candidate, you won’t vote?

@retire05, #8:

If I annoy you so much, why do you keep following me around?

@Deplorable Me, #8:

If Bloomberg is the only alternative to Trump he’ll probably get my vote, but that’s not much of an endorsement. I’d prefer Amy Klobuchar.

@Greg: So, you don’t care how much damage is done to this nation by freedom-stealing globalist socialists as long as someone you don’t personally like are prohibited from doing good things for this country.

Perfectly clear.

@Greg: Trump didn’t buy elections for other politicians. A very big difference.

There is no equivalency.


If Bloomberg is the only alternative to Trump he’ll probably get my vote, but that’s not much of an endorsement. I’d prefer Amy Klobuchar.

You’d better get you citizenry paperwork ready by November then. You know you can’t vote as a foreign national sitting a bot-mill somewhere else in the world, like Russia…or wherever you are actually from.

@Greg: Now Bloomberg is so desperate that he is considering choosing Hillary, a confirmed corrupt liar that has put national security at risk to protect her corrupt enterprises, as his running mate.

@Deplorable Me: Bloomberg looks a bit depressed, if he wins with her as VP, down right suicidal.
Let me get the jump on this Bloomberg didnt hang himself.

@kitt: Yeah, she wouldn’t exactly be “assassination insurance” like Biden was for Obama. If that happened, better get the spare AF1 ready to replace the one that went down in the middle Pacific under suspicious circumstances.


Old rich white men are about all that’s left in the running, Greg. And that includes the socialist.

You going third party or with the gay military guy brought up in a communist household?

@Meremortal: Greg will vote like he’s told.

@Deplorable Me: Greggie wants Amy, the mom who (if I hear it 1 more time) announced she was running durring a snowstorm, she walked there up hill both ways. Her first doll was a stick wrapped in burlap. Cause her drunken father took the Christmas money and went to the tavern. Her mother was a second grade teacher and the Janitor or some damn thing. Ya but a flaming leftist. Go home and get a frigging Job Amy, and tell all those that want a government tit to get a job too.
Minnesota needs your leadership.

@kitt: Why would he really want to support her? She has none of the qualifications Hillary did. She never illegally put all State Department emails on an illegal, secret, private, unsecured server, she never deleted 33,000 State Department (and Hillary Mafia) emails that were demanded by subpoena, she never approved the sale of US uranium to Russia in exchange for $1.4 million in Russian bribes, provided an invitation to sack an undefended consulate, got Americans killed, then lied about it… as far as we know.

That’s the kind of candidate Greg and his ilk like.

@Deplorable Me: She can almost hide her far left agenda a good liar, from her website
what to do about the disruptive nature of new technologies, income inequality, the political and geographic divides, the changing climate and the tumult in our world.

No embrace for new technology commie to the core.
No embrace for earning and keeping the money you earn.
Will rejoin the failed Paris climate agreement
In other words no ideas of her own just try harder on failed policies Yea!