The Left's expectation had been that Trump would "send in the troops" in major cities and cause or incur casualties, thus taking a huge political hit.
Despite the clamoring for him to "stand up" and do just that (on the *Right*), he didn't take the bait. >
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) June 18, 2020
Good point. Part of me wants to see our Heros in Blue stomp these traitorous f*cks out of existence…
…but it’s better to watch them slit their own throats.
Once again, Trump wins.
Even though the polls, untrustworthy as they are, show Biden with a substantial lead, the Democrats are showing pathetic desperation. They simply cannot vilify those who, not just disagree, but will not parrot the same tropes as they do.
On the local Facebook page set up for political discussion (actually, nothing but a liberal echo chamber where bitter, desperate, sore loser liberals gather to try to out-hate each other), one of the other conservative members posted a quote from Candace Owens. Those who are usually there arguing, “I’M more not racist than you!” tore into her, calling her a race-traitor and token. I pointed out calling her a token, demeaning her self-worth and opinion because of her skin color, was racist. I was “corrected” with the explanation that calling a token a token is not racist (and, of course, this is a judgement maintained solely by liberals). I also pointed out how the Democrats want to keep people like her on the plantation… and was “muted” (though the comment remains up!), apparently because I struck a nerve with one of the administrators. Their hateful, vile, demonizing of anyone or anything that will not conform to their ideology is getting unmistakably desperate, as their ongoing violence also demonstrates.
most of these demonstrators, black and white are illiterate and either on welfare or living at home with mommy and daddy. none have ever had to work other than steel, pimp,or drug trafficking. the AH’s do not understand that a commune is a plantation.
PLO and Hamas are funding the blm group. just a matter of time when the alleged leaders of the blm will be put on their knee to receive their payment. a bullet to the back of the head exploded the face on exit.
it is only a matter of time.
The classic Achilles heel is hubris. Trump has it in spades.
June 20, 2020 – Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney Who Prosecuted Trump Allies, Says He Won’t Quit
…and that confirmation will happen when hell freezes over. He’s daring Trump to fire him, and not because he thinks Trump won’t.
A investigation into who is financing and supporting these riots they need to be brought to justice and sent to prison
June 20, 2020 – Graham signals he won’t take up U.S. attorney pick without Schumer, Gillibrand signoff
Geoffrey Berman appears to have calculated correctly. It’s Trump’s move.
And, as expected, William Barr fires the U.S Attorney investigating Trump administration corruption, at his master’s command:
June 20, 2020 – Attorney General Barr tells Manhattan U.S. Attorney Berman he is fired amid power struggle
Berman was also leading an investigation into the shadowy connections between numerous highly-placed people and Trump’s old buddy Jeffrey Epstein, who conveniently committed suicide in federal custody before he could provide further testimony.
@Greg: Gee…. reminds you of Biden, huh? Don’t worry… nothing wrong with it.
@Greg: Good thing it was not unexpected. But I am sure in the next 4 years he will surprise you a few times.
Meh. Obama fired people all the time. Your media just didn’t put it on the front page of google news.
Then you want to look at the Clintons, of course.
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
@kitt, #9:
I think you may be in for a serious surprise, come November.
@Nathan Blue:
Obama didn’t methodically fire or attempt to destroy Inspectors General, FBI personnel, and Federal Attorneys who were in the process of investigating him. He didn’t methodically attempt to intimidate whistle blowers who raised the alarm about grossly improper actions taken by him or on his behalf, or witnesses who testified in connection with the resulting investigations. Obama wasn’t a vindictive s.o.b. who publicly demeaned sitting judges, respected journalists, and countless other people who were far more truthful, honorable, and ethical than himself.
Obama didn’t seek the aid of foreign leaders as a means of accomplishing those things, and as a means of retaining a public office that he never should have been entrusted with in the first place.
Neither of the Clintons had any official control or authority to exert over those who held Jeffrey Epstein in their custody. Trump, on the other hand, had such power, and would likely use it to keep any information dangerous to himself from coming out. Anyone who isn’t a complete idiot knows this, because he has misused his powers of office in such a fashion again and again.
What favor was Trump repaying with Alexander Acosta’s appointment as Secretary of Labor? As the Miami Herald observed nearly a year ago:
Trump favored Acosta with an important appointment. Goeffrey Berman, he fired for no good reason. It’s a pattern. He eliminates competent public employees of high ethical standard, and surrounds himself with the sort of people that such ethical officials tend to investigate. Each time something of this sort happens, there’s the same simple, totally obvious explanation at the bottom of it. It all comes back to what Donald Trump is. He’s a crook. He’s precisely the sort who should never be entrusted with the power of high public office.
Thats funny really it is, Obama’s justice department tapped reporters’ phones, dragged reporters into court, and prosecuted three times as many cases targeting leakers than all previous administrations combined.
The administration dug up and scoured records of nearly 100 Associated Press reporters and editors. The 2010 SOTU where he dissed the supreme court in front of congress. Trump has never ever demeaned any respected journalists, opinion asswipes from cable non reality shows yes he does that often or writers for political rags them too, no journalists work there.
Talk about November when they drag creepy Joe from the basement.
No, he just turned them into GESTAPO agents. He installed those that would help him undermine the Constitution, violate privacy and personal rights, ignore due process and attack political opponents. FAR worse.
Obama had AG’s that WOULD NEVER investigate him. The FBI didn’t investigate the IRS targeting scandal; they never interviewed anyone that was targeted. Hell, Lynch didn’t even “investigate” Hillary; she had Comey write his exoneration before the “investigation” started and coordinated it all with Bill and Hillary.
Obama promised Putin that after his election, he would bow to Putin’s demands. That sure sounds like a dope deal for foreign assistance, or at least a request not to oppose his election to me. Obama is a lying, scheming, anti-American scumbag.