by Ace
They’ll say “We can’t defend you against terrorists unless we can spy on you!”
And I say, honestly: “I don’t care. You’re a bigger threat than any terrorist. I’d rather a thousand Americans die from terrorist attacks than you fascist monsters have any power at all. There are many threats and we have to rationally rank them all in terms of menace, and you assholes have managed to put yourselves at the top of the list.”
You’re the dangerous ones. You’re the ones with the schemes to enslave us.
Foreign terrorists can’t enslave us. They can kill some of us, a bunch of us if they get very lucky, but they can’t enslave us. They can’t control us in our daily lives.
But you can.
And you want to.
The DOJ, FBI, and CIA are the Axis of Evil that most threatens the safety and liberty of the American people.
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The CIA has a secret, undisclosed data repository that includes information collected about Americans, two Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee said. While neither the agency nor lawmakers would disclose specifics about the data, the senators alleged the CIA had long hidden details about the program from the public and Congress.Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico sent a letter to top intelligence officials calling for more details about the program to be declassified. Large parts of the letter, which was sent in April 2021 and declassified Thursday, and documents released by the CIA were blacked out. Wyden and Heinrich said the program operated “outside the statutory framework that Congress and the public believe govern this collection.”
There have long been concerns about what information the intelligence community collects domestically, driven in part by previous violations of Americans’ civil liberties. The CIA and National Security Agency have a foreign mission and are generally barred from investigating Americans or U.S. businesses. But the spy agencies’ sprawling collection of foreign communications often snares Americans’ messages and data incidentally.
“Incidentally”Intelligence agencies are required to take steps to protect U.S. information, including redacting the names of any Americans from reports unless they are deemed relevant to an investigation. The process of removing redactions is known as “unmasking.”
And we all know how you’d never unmask American citizens against the rules, don’t we?
The CIA on Friday said the program highlighted by the senators and another disclosed this week are “repositories of information about the activities of foreign governments and foreign nationals.” In a statement, the agency said the programs were classified to stop adversaries from compromising them.
And by “adversaries,” they mean “American citizens and voters.”
A little reminder:
Time to sunset the “patriot” act, not 1 terrorist act in this country was prevented but we read about known wolves such as the gaybar attack and others.
It is illegal for the CIA to operate in the borders of our country only to find out that they were indeed part of spying on a Candidate for POTUS and others associated.
Cant sue them ask Carter Page who had our FBI alter evidence to obtain a FISA.
This really has nothing to do with the methods of collection of data within the Patriot Act. This is ABUSE OF POWER and UNLAWFUL ACTS. It happens and continues because conservatives are targeted and the left has weaponized, apparently, EVERYTHING.
If the rules are followed, the Patriot Act is harmless to innocent citizens. The left has weaponized every aspect of government to use against political opponents. I think that’s called “fascism”. This is why there should be no discussions of any further “common sense gun control” because the left NEVER acts in good faith. They’re already constructing an illegal gun registry.
Conservatives said 21 years ago the UNPATRIOTIC Patriot Act was just a tool for DEEP STATE to harass and intimidate Reagan voters! WE WERE RIGHT!
I don’t know about “fascist monsters”, but I’ll take you at your word on the rest of what you said.
You also preferred the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans to being expected to wear a mask or have a vaccination.
You my fully vaxxed double masked sheep wont have to worry for long. You lined right up for your own long agonizing death.
They refuse to release the data unredacted for a very good reason, is it time for your booster yet? Should be #4 for you, get your home HIV test as the UK is now suggesting.
The queen, who could be more protected from the bio weapon Fauci funded has Covid! Careful its referee whistles causing athletes to keel over and die from heart attacks.
Dont get mad at the unvaxxed you are fully protected by your shot.
I dont fear polio or mumps, why are you fearful and hate those that dont get the jabby?
No you dont care about your rights or that of others you never did. You dont care about your political gods breaking the law you never did.
I wish they would Spy on Antifa/BLM and the DNC