We were told that "gender affirming care" is lifesaving and that parents must transition their child or else they will unalive themselves.
Well, the data is in, and as we have been saying ad nauseam, that is a lie. Suicide rates among youth have only increased after GAC. pic.twitter.com/yDmLFana3f
— Gays Against Groomers (@againstgrmrs) January 26, 2024
All the Democrats care about is pretending to agree with and support various and often contradictory interest groups to harvest votes from them. OF COURSE suicide increases… THIS IS A MENTAL DISORDER, not a physical issue. You destroy a person’s body but their mental issues remain, it’s no surprise suicide is a popular option.
Everyone paying attention knows social media is responsible for the increasing number of suicides among children and teens.
Where is your evidence to support that? Is it in your ass? Because that is where all of the shit you post here comes from, traitor.
If it’s in his ass, Michael will find it.
Have you not paid attention to the news over the past decade? There’s a clear link between cyber bullying and suicide. Social media is addictive by design. The entire point is to hold user attention to manipulate opinion and suck in advertising dollars. Teens 13 to 19, who lack adequate defenses and are extremely susceptible to social pressuring, spend an average of 4.8 hours daily on social media.
Millions of adults are equally vulnerable to social media manipulation.
1/31/24 – Accusations, tears and rants: 5 takeaways from today’s tech CEO hearing –
How could you have that thought? That’s precisely the sort of thinking that drives corporate social media technology. It’s the sort of thinking that drives the insane rush to create AI technology capable of making such calculations more quickly and accurately than any human being ever could.
You are off topic again.
Josh Hawley destroys and embarrasses zuckerberg
The guy with the poster is probably going to get demoted to coffee and donut fetcher.
Public tongue lashings are all well and good, but only meaningful legislation and regulation will fix anything. Profit is all that matters to these people. You can’t build a moral society on the unrestrained quest for unlimited profits.
Yes. Yes, you are. Others, however, temper their social media with truth, facts and real life.
That is true, but look at the topic, Those with the mental health issue of dysphoria have not been helped by turning them into eunuchs.
No mental health issue ever got cured (or even helped) by surgery.
Doctors who specialize in gender affirming care seem willing to rush children into surgery as well as onto puberty blockers and hormones.
Today an old truth has been republished: get injections of hormone therapy and you increase your risk of also getting a dose of Alzheimer’s Disease
(or vCJD.)
The lead-in time between injection and symptoms is ~10 years.
Before 1985, administering human growth hormone was an accepted treatment — until it was found to have very bad side effects in some cases.
Now, today, some doctors are administering hormone therapy to adults and children for social, not medical, reasons, and while we have some idea what long-term effects these can have — such as sterility — there may well be other effects that may not become apparent for a decade or more.
In a few years we’re going to realize, too late for many “trannies,” what a disaster all this has been.
If the left can get enough power they won’t need the votes of these victims once they get too sick to vote. Besides, Alzheimer’s probably makes it easier to get someone to vote Democrat; they won’t remember Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.
And how, exactly, does cutting off one’s genitals and breasts help?
It doesn’t.
Admit it.
And hormones?
Artificial male or female drugs don’t ever act like how real ones do in real males and females.
Can you imagine doing all that just to be considered “the cool kid,” only to realize it doesn’t help in living day-to-day.
They are desperately trying to normalize this to clear Big Mikes switcharoo with Biden.
You left out Rudy Giuliani. You wouldn’t even need to bother with a photoshopped image.
Wow, what an ugly group of fake women. No right thinking male would lower himself to make it with one of these whatever they are, even drunk.
The sickness has infected the military. If these dingbats are confused about their biological equipment, what makes anyone think they could possibly perform militarily?
Forgot to include this pic
It’s also responsible for so many children thinking they can arbitrarily change their gender. Then there are unscrupulous predators that exploit that for money. They are all leftists.
God created just two genders.
There is no god, so you’re incorrect.
There is no solid proof of evolution you cant create life from nothing.
Not knowing how life started doesn’t mean that we get to simply make up an answer. That’s what religion has done.
No that is what science has done saying everything we see from worms to trees came about in a puddle of slime.
Claiming there is more than two genders is, in fact, just “making up an answer”. Nothing could be more provably wrong.
No matter the cause, Gender denying care did not make suicide rate drop. And those that go through the mutilation and making them eunuchs are at a higher rate.
Found this just for you.
Thanks for a perfect example. The image is a lie—just like the AI produced porn targeting Swift that went viral on Elon Musk’s social media septic tank, formerly known as Twitter.
The stupider and more gullible the target audience is, the better such crap works.
She did a porn video years ago… before AI. May I remind you of the porn the left promotes on ALL platforms against Trump and conservatives? Nothing so elevated as AI… just good, old fashioned leftist lies.
No, Taylor Swift never did a porn video. She has devoted herself to her music since she was a child. She was a self-made billionaire by the age of 34. Inherited wealth was not involved.
She’s the wrong woman for the right to decide to target. But they’ll have to find that out for themselves, I suppose.
Taylor is just getting material for her next album, her Football guy just the next ex.
Taylor Swift has never been engaged, let alone married.
But she did do a pornography video.
That’s a lie, like all the other political porn you wallow in.
No but mums push for her career ended her marriage.
Hey dummy ex-BF
Sorry to destroy your Swift worship, but she did. With a boyfriend. On a couch.
Did she then upload it to a porn site like hunter?
I can’t say how it got released; I just remember seeing it once about 3 years ago.
Did you think for a second I thought it was real?
They do these news releases to tell ignorant liberals about AI fakes, I do not have an account on X, Fake Book, tic tac toe not even Truth Social.
I find it amusing at times how creative some can be, seems the Left cant meme or make good fakes.
I suspect you don’t care that it isn’t real or who it harms, so long as it serves Donald Trump.
Oh did it harm you?
OMG have a tissue.
It probably harmed Trump. Millions of her fans are voters.
Oh oh oh I am so wounded by the joke…hep me!
They are causing tom boys and little boys that like the color pink to commit suicide. Lib LGBTQ pushers are EVIL.
Oddly, I haven’t seen ads promoting LGBTQ lifestyles anywhere, while the reactionary, paranoid anti-LGBTQ stuff is pretty much everywhere.
Name 1 prime time show that does not have a keyboard masher as a character.
What is a “keyboard masher”?
Can you link, I can.
Just walk into many school classrooms and you can have a good look at the LBGQUXYZ+++ multicolored pride flags or many school libraries that are promoting pornographic books for grade school aged children
How about giving some examples of anti-LGBTQ “ads” that are pretty much everywhere?
You Marxists are fully aware that in order to gain control, you have to indoctrinate children.
You’re so full of shit, Comrade Idiot.
Willfully ignorant, eyes wide shut.
Now this article I ran across made me laugh, seems now there are Lake lizzards.
You haven’t been inside a school in decades.
And you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground, groomer.
But hey, feel free to continue to show what an ignorant ass you really are.
(notice you didn’t dispute what I said about LBGQXYZ+++ flags in class rooms).
I’ve never seen one, and I’ve been inside many classrooms over the past several years.
What ever Mikey
Okay. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve never seen one in any classroom I’ve ever been in.
Thats good, but as a general statement it isnt true that there are not teachers that are “prideful”.
Much like CRT, the problem is nowhere nearly as widespread as you people seem to believe.
Why wait until it is widespread to address it? This mind infection needs to be eliminated NOW. A person that thinks their gender is selective needs psychiatric help, not surgery.
Yes it is, its a huge problem. They are medically kidnapping children to transition them against the parents will.
Those children did not get the idea they could be a different gender at home. They can never be anything but what they were born as. Race is not a concept it is also the way a child was born a fact they must learn to accept, telling them they are lesser or different because of it is EVIL.
It doesn’t go unnoticed that you did not say you object to that kind of grooming in a classroom.
It “doesn’t go unnoticed,” eh? Why would I need to say anything about it at all?
You seem to have opinions on many things, why not on the “pride” flags mentally ill teachers are putting in classrooms? You claim to be a teacher but you have no opinion on the actions of fellow teachers?
Yeah, right!!!
One of the differences between the two of us is that I don’t have to express every thought that passes through my head.
So… the reason you post on here is to keep your thoughts to yourself?
I don’t express every thought I have. Do you?
If I am posting on a specific topic, I do. Otherwise, why would you be posting? What I DON’T do is use weak excuses to avoid offering a view on a topic, such as the promotion of the LGBTQ&$#%?>< agenda in our schools or how is an $83 million judgement valid when there was NO evidence to support the accusation?
“If I am posting on a specific topic, I do. Otherwise, why would you be posting?”
It’s unfortunate that what I see here in the way of your comments is every thought you have on any particular topic. It’s even worse when one considers how much of your total word count is taken up with your list of nicknames for Biden.
If what we see is, in fact, the sum total of your thoughts on any given topic, it seems like something you shouldn’t admit to people.
What is unfortunate, groomer, is that you are allowed anywhere near a grade school classroom.
Teachers should be smarter than the children they are influencing.
Which exposes your ignorance. Those are not my nicknames for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. Those are four of the aliases he has used on government emails while conducting his son’s business. “Pedo Pete” is the nickname HUNTER gave him (gee, I wonder why?). All I contributed was the “idiot” which, due to the utter disrespect the left showed Trump and his entire family, is how I always addressed him… until the aliases became known. Well, known to those who dare step outside the leftist propaganda/censorship world.
As to you keeping your “thoughts” private, here we are discussing the threat to children posed by this infectious attention-grabbing fantasy that gender is selective, which has inevitably turned to how this infection is spread in those federally-funded indoctrination camps known as “public schools”. Odd that you, supposedly a public school teacher, hold your thoughts close to your vest on THIS particular topic. Afraid that anything you say may be used against you?
I meant “your nicknames” in the sense that you’re the only one here who has the Tourette’s-like compulsion to list them every time you mention him.
Really, groomer? It would only take you 15 minutes.
Also, you spend more time posting here than I do.
Again, I just don’t express every thought I have.
No, you and Greg and every other leftist I’ve encountered only express the thoughts they have been given to express by the Ministry of Propaganda. That’s how you get stumped by specific questions so often; you haven’t been told what to think about them yet.
A single mom I am neighbors with has a daughter being transitioned.
The girl is miserable now.
Before she was chubby and bullied.
Now, at a new school, as a “boy” she is shunned by both the boys and the girls.
The hormones leave her moody and prone to outbursts we hear even from a few doors down.
Would I be surprised if she tries suicide?
Not one bit.
She doesn’t have even one real friend or person she can talk with about her true doubts and fears.
Democrats say their Protecting innocent live while supporting Abortion they want to help the Little Man while disarming the Little Man and they want Bigger Government in our lives
The left wants minions. The more children they can convince should have their gender changed, the more dependent fools they have in their ranks. As is apparent by the pursuit to make pedophilia acceptable and main stream, they don’t care how many lives they destroy.
Absolutely true.
Cutting off genitals and making eunuchs out of our youth is the goal.
Then rationing the needed shots for them keeps them in line.
We are already seeing shortages of various drugs, like cancer drugs, asthma drugs and others.
When the elites get ready to surround themselves with their eunuch army, all they have to do to enslave them is buy up all those steroids and hormones.
That comment is insane from beginning to end.
One of your “thoughts” that got out? I guess I see why you keep them contained.
You doubt people are not able to obtain necessary prescription drugs for serious conditions?
Read it and weep.
Edited to add: in Canada they would encourage suicide because drugs for one’s condition are unavailable.
One guy was told suicide was a good option because his EAR INFECTION medication was unavailable!
“One guy was told suicide was a good option because his EAR INFECTION medication was unavailable!”
This seems unlikely in the extreme.
When it comes to Canada, no, it’s not. And if your side of the aisle has anything to do with it, that practice will be here.
As to shortages:
The United States has left itself incredibly vulnerable to supply chain manipulation by China.
I found and read an article about this guy. That is really not what happened there.