Stand Down? Broward Captain Ordered Deputies To Wait During Parkland Massacre

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Perhaps Scot Peterson’s off the hook after all, at least legally and formally. The Broward County Sheriff’s deputy wasn’t the only law enforcement officer taking a wait-and-see approach to the massacre taking place inside Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. According to records obtained by the Miami Herald, a captain ordered BSO deputies to set up a perimeter around the school rather than enter immediately to confront the shooter, as is required by department procedures and standard practice.

In other words, it became effectively a stand-down order while shots rang out:

The Broward Sheriff’s Office captain who initially took charge of the chaotic scene at a Parkland high school where 17 people were killed told deputies to form a perimeter around the deadly scene — which they did instead of going in to confront the shooter, according to a partial BSO dispatch log obtained by the Miami Herald.

Capt. Jan Jordan, commander of BSO’s Parkland district, gave the order, the log shows, identifying her by her police call sign.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel has said BSO training and nationwide active-shooter procedure call for armed law enforcement officers to confront shooters immediately rather than secure a scene.

The document raises fresh questions about the department’s handling of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14.

It certainly does, although those aren’t the only pressing issues about the BSO and Nikolas Cruz. It raises fresh questions about Sheriff Scott Israel’s rush to focus public attention on Peterson, too, who may or may not have been responding to Jordan’s order when deciding to hold his position rather than enter the school. Oddly, the statement from Peterson’s attorney never mentions this order from Jordan, although it certainly would help mitigate the perception of his client. Perhaps neither Peterson nor his attorney were aware of it at the time, which would tend not to mitigate Peterson’s actions.

However, it again raises serious questions about Scott Israel. The sheriff went on a media blitz after the shooting to demand gun-control legislation and point the finger everywhere else but at himself and his own department. Israel went far out of his way to hang Peterson out to dry without revealing this order from one of his department’s senior leadership. At the very least, Sheriff Israel seems to have no idea what his department was or is doing, and at the worst, he’s been deliberately distracting from its failures and their consequences.

The stand-down order at the moment of the massacre is bad enough, but that’s not the only one for which Israel’s department is responsible. Their pursuit of the Obama-era Promise program was a broad stand-down in the face of dozens of opportunities to intervene effectively with Cruz.

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The Boward Captain needs to resign ordering his depities to wait while this shooting was taking place is Dereliction of duity but as usail the Communists News Network(CNN)blames guns and the Gun Lobby and idiots like David Hogg is another CNN progresivists

This is a typical Hot Air entry.

As the Miami Herald article mentions, the shooting had already ended at the point when the order was given to form a perimeter. Forming a perimeter is a standard procedure. It wasn’t a stand down order.

The Sheriff was responsible for training, how does someone that doesn’t know procedure get to be in charge, one of the many gifts of diversity and promotions due to sex or color. We must show how progressive we are no matter what. The kids are collateral damage. This woman needs to be riding a desk perhaps receptionist maybe someday she can work her way up to meter maid.

@Greg: No again, active shooter calls for going in to save the kids, not hold back the first responders while kids bled out. Just stop making excuses for these F-ups. If you can link to a document that says what you claim do it or stop parroting media based lies.


There is no document that tells people exactly what to do in every possible real world situation. Police generally don’t have the luxury of knowing at the moment they arrive on a scene everything that will eventually be known in retrospect—a standard feature of reality that always seems to be conveniently lost on Monday morning quarterbacks, blame shifters, and fault finders. Forming a perimeter is at some point a part of any police response to situations of this sort. It’s about containment and public protection. It doesn’t mean that you’re doing nothing else. There really aren’t enough details known at this point to say with any certainty how that fit in to the overall response at Parkland.

Whoever is cranking out such articles—and they’ve been simultaneously rolled out all across the right’s various media outlets—certainly does know that their audience has been previously conditioned to react to the phrase “stand down order.” That’s the angle they’re working.

It’s now expedient for the right to turn on the FBI, the DOJ, our nation’s intelligence community, the police, the courts, etc—pretty much all of the institutions that conservatives once supported and respected. Central conservative principles have been abandoned in favor of a checklist of positions that can be used to corral and control single-issue voters. Deficit spending and escalating dept aren’t a concern; just toss ’em a 7-year tax cut and they’ll go for corporations and the wealthiest receiving cuts that go on forever, not even realizing that their own taxes could be higher later than before their own cuts commenced. Putin isn’t really so bad. School children who speak out against the the proliferation of firearms periodically used in the mass murder of school children are ridiculed and demeaned. Free market principles just got jettisoned. Who cares? Jesus now has a concealed carry permit and endorses capitalism.

@Greg: Thanks for verification you are a liar, after Columbine it is go in and neutralize the threat.
See where it says hide behind car doors with bullet proof vests on stop first responders allowing victims to bleed out?
Do you know what the biggest threat is over and above guns? Big Pharma
Your expertise on the bible and Jesus is astonishing, “Jesus now has a concealed carry permit and endorses capitalism.”
Have you read Luke 22:36? and Luke 12: 13 &14

Try section 2.1.3 on page 9 of this SWAT Standards training document.

Perimeter Control and Containment Teams are typically formed as an immediate response to an ongoing incident and primarily responsible for containing the incident, evacuations and establishing incident command.

You’ll find numerous references to establishing a perimeter in the subsequent pages. You might talk to a law enforcement office. Ask him or her if establishing a perimeter is a normal part of the police response to a potential active shooter situation in an urban environment. Or if doing so means that you’re taking no other actions.

@Greg: When is a shooting like this “ended”? When the shooter is killed or captured. You make assumptions like those made in the Benghazi stand down; well, we wouldn’t have made it in time anyway, so why try?

There is no document that tells people exactly what to do in every possible real world situation.

For someone so quick to make baseless accusations when politically handy, you sure can make up some silly and weak excuses to cover for agenda initiatives such as gun bans.

Police generally don’t have the luxury of knowing at the moment they arrive on a scene everything that will eventually be known in retrospect

No, but ever since the first school shooting, Columbine, the police have known that going in and trying to find and kill the shooter is the best way to save lives.

There really aren’t enough details known at this point to say with any certainty how that fit in to the overall response at Parkland.

But, you know what NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER points to? The NRA bearing any responsibility in any way, form or fashion for this shooting. Now, in less than three tries, GUESS who you leftists are blaming for the deaths?

It’s now expedient for the right to turn on the FBI, the DOJ, our nation’s intelligence community, the police, the courts, etc—pretty much all of the institutions that conservatives once supported and respected.

Not sure who is blaming the DOJ, intelligence community or courts for this, but it is a FACT that the FBI missed 3 specific warnings with Nikolas Cruz’s name attached to it, mentioning or pointing towards a shooting. Once again, for someone that thinks just because Trump and Russia exist on the same planet that they colluded to win the 2016 election, you sure give real evidence and incrimination a wide berth.

@Greg: Why did the sheriff say the kiddie cop made him sick? Cause he followed procedure? Was he SWAT? Why make excuses, they screwed up. The FBI has already admitted it, the Sheriff has yet to take his responsibility, the shooter will be a psych lab rat til his end. This has just made an excuse for the government to snag away more rights and freedoms, not 1 of their suggestions are solutions. Its less expensive to add a guard to each school than a child psychiatrist. First you have to admit there was a problem there, then find out where in the system there was failure, and fix it, saying every 18 year old that can move out get an apartment, have a credit rating, join the service, get married have a kid ect isnt mature enough to own a firearm sways wide of any logic, more than a few have been hunting for years with dad.

@Greg: #7
I’m very familiar with that document, so I knew you were being disingenuous. Sonofagun, I was right!
You ignored 2.3.1 from the same paper:
“When responding to a dynamic or rapidly escalating incident such as an active shooter situation or one that exigent circumstances may require immediate intervention to save lives, the Immediate Action Team, or a single officer if necessary, will track and move to neutralize the threat before the suspect kills or seriously injures victims.”
The section that you referenced was discussing response to a relatively stable situation, such as a barricaded criminal with hostages.

@Greg: You’d make a good Christian Fundamentalist Preacher.


sorry but we all know greg is a demorat.

If Hitler was a democrat, Greg would defend him. Greg has no sense to determine right from wrong. That is one of the characteristics of mass murders. They always find a way to justify their actions no matter how despicable.

@Randy: Well, Hitler was a socialist and today’s Democrats are running headlong towards socialism, so….

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Well, Hitler was a socialist and today’s Democrats are running headlong towards socialism, so….

I think they have evolved from liberal to Communist (although socialism and communism are cut from the same mold). Their ANTIFA goons have openly embraced communism and they’ve openly embraced ANTIFA.