By Henry Olsen
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s virtual address on Wednesday to Congress was moving and persuasive. He’s right that the United States can and should do more to help his country win its existential fight with Russia. But he’s wrong to ask us to risk direct war with Russia by establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine.
Zelensky is the president of a proud and brave people. He would fall short of his responsibility to them if he did not pursue every possible means for their survival and victory. It is in Ukraine’s interest to entice larger, more powerful nations to enter the conflict and take its side. He knows that such support would tip the balance toward Ukraine and ensure that Russia would eventually have to offer acceptable terms for peace.
That’s why he has tried to draw common threads between his country and the others that he beseeches. He invoked Churchill and Shakespeare when addressing the British House of Commons and told leaders of the European Union that Ukraine’s battle is Europe’s. It’s also why he analogized the attacks on Ukraine to the attacks at Pearl Harbor and on 9/11.
If his audience can envision themselves in his nation’s suffering, they might be moved to come to his nation’s rescue. But great nations must be ruled by the mind, not the heart. And the mind counsels support for Ukraine, not war.
Russia would not simply surrender in the face of U.S. airplanes over the battlefield in Kyiv or Kharkiv. It would shoot back, and it would use weapons systems based in Russia itself to do so. Thus, a no-fly zone inevitably means war with Russia, not just on Ukrainian territory.
That’s not in our interest, especially because Russia has troops and military bases in many other countries. It has positioned its navy to combat potential NATO intervention from aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, and it conducted large-scale naval exercises in the northern Atlantic in the run-up to the invasion. These moves clearly signal Russia’s willingness to fight back beyond Ukraine should the United States or NATO enter the war directly.
Russia also has tacit supporters worldwide that could involve themselves if the war expands. China signaled again this week that it stands between Russia and the West in this conflict. It might levy its own economic sanctions against the West if it takes to Ukraine’s skies. That’s what the Arab nations did in 1973 by embargoing the export of oil to the United States in retaliation for its decision to resupply Israel during the Yom Kippur War. That act plunged the United States into a deep recession, creating an energy crisis that dominated U.S. decision-making for the rest of the decade.
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Chinese-imposed sanctions could severely harm the United States. China supplies 80 percent of the world’s rare-earth minerals, a crucial component for high-tech manufacturing. The United States also sources many important medicines from China, and many U.S. exporters are dependent upon Chinese sales. In other words, China has the power to throw the United States and the rest of the world into a recession.
These considerations mean that the United States and its allies should reject Zelensky’s plea to close the Ukrainian skies.
Putin is invading as a counter-attack to the growing globalist network of dictatorships currently running “The Great Reset.”
Zelensky is an installed pawn, now left hung out to dry by Trillionaires, bankers, and marxists through their proxies like puppet Biden and Justin Trudeau.
This war was planned for, and essentially scripted. The point, among many, was to drive up gas prices to keep pushing the EV scheme and complete suppression of capitalism to slide in global fasco-marxism
The current situation IS World War III. China, Russia, Iran, and every other enemy of the West are pushing back against the slow, soft subsuming of the world’s nations by a economic/financial war being waged by globalists/Trillionaires/Companies such as Soros, Blackrock, Schwab, and all the bought politicians like Pelosi, Biden, and even many in the GOP.
This is not our fight to have. The amount of misinformation from both sides should tell us all that we need to know. The is no vital National security interest for the US. This is simply a territorial land dispute. Let them hash it out.
There’s the Biden regime, and then there is the actual American People and the country we represent.
They are not the same.
This is Biden’s war, not America’s. He’s disowned.
Zelinsky this is YOUR war, the option / offer to stop it are on the table – accept it and stop sending your own people to be killed!, stop whining and pinting the fingers, YOU and PUTIN alone can stop this! Grow a spine
The only thing he will grow is his 1.3 B dollar honey pot before he is forced to “flee” his country. It isnt in a Ukrainian bank.
Using MLK and Pearl Harbor and 09/11 in his last speech should be enough for some politicians to at least stand and hit him back.
Especially when again he is wearing that T-Shirt with the Nazi iron cross on it.
Do you see how much respect Zelenski has? Is that an iron cross on his t-shirt?
Hitler restored the Iron Cross in 1939 as a German decoration (rather than Prussian), and continued the tradition of issuing it in various classes.
He couldnt be bothered to put on a button up shirt and tie? What a globohomo slob. What will congress do? Chuck more of our tax dollars into the old maytag money laundering machine. The Clintons are ready Slick has fired up the old Clinton foundation scam, how quickly they burned through the cash that Russia and its front companies donated for the uranium deal processing.
It’s NOT an iron cross. It’s the emblem of Ukrainian Ground Forces–the Ukrainian army. The Maltese Cross is a traditional emblem of protection, originating with the Knights of Malta.
White supremacists like you always have an excuse for what they are up to.
Sorry, but it really is the emblem of the Ukrainian Army, not “white supremacists” or Putin’s “nazis”.
Awww… Somebody’s keeping a scrapbook. And this is what Ukraine is really all about? God, what the world must think of us.
I just don’t understand why you want to throw Putin Ukraine as a biscuit. I’m a little vague on that.
Laura has some answers for you but you love Nazis, you wont like it.
Under the Dirty Joke in Chief, they think we are a joke.
Look at a fireman’s uniform. Same emblem. The Maltese cross, chosen because the Knights of Malta treated burn victims.
Its an iron cross of Ukraine. The military carry a SS flag. They have been killing their own people for 8 years. The Black sun is on their uniforms.
Dont believe me research it yourself.
Invoking December 7th followed by September 11 and ending with his rendition of the MLK speech, “I have a dream” was beyond insulting. It was if he plagiarized the harris words this past January 6.
Zelensky is the wrong horse to hitch our wagon to…
Ya Pearl Harbor, 9/11 both led to blood of Americans spilled on foreign soil, widows and goldstar mothers. I think we have enough white crosses in Arlington.
Zelensky, a fraud being exploited by the west in their foolish attempt at regime change in Russia. Not going to happen
Ukraine Rejects Russian Plan to End Fighting in the Country – Does Not Agree to Be Neutral Like Sweden or Austria
Zelensky getting more of his people killed. Zelensky provoking an escalation.
the best advice to Zelensky, accept the terms and get on with life
Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Questions After Announcing an Additional $800 Million in Military Aid to Ukraine
This is unacceptable. Why is biden unable to ever answer questions. If he never intends to answer questions, he should just do a press release and quit doing Lucy and the football.
President Trump never walked away from a press gathering without having taken questions. biden simply cannot answer the tough questions that by all means should be being asked of a president in this position. His deference to not only the press but the American people is conceding at a time when a potential for kinetic action is possible.
Zelensky is real. The Fat Man is a fraud. Always was, and always will be.
The glaring contrast between Volodymyr Zelensky and Cap’n Bone Spurs must be driving you crazy.
Trump has demonstrated receipts and successes as the 45th president United States.
It’s historical fact.
Zelensky is the second person in an installed government that the US helped to install.
Trump handled Putin. Any attempts to propagandize against the truth will be squashed.
I learned all I needed to know about Zelensky when he offered a government position to the disgraced vindman.
Vindman being the 21-year veteran with a Purple Heart and Legion of Merit citation, whose career Trump destroyed for testifying before Congress?
that dirtbag piece of shit.
he got what he deserved
But he may try to make a comeback in 2024.
Vindman won’t make a comeback. He was disposable.
Trump is definitely guaranteed to win the presidency in the absence of any further Democrat election rigging.
That dirtbag piece of shit was at the center of the phony and bogus impeachment of President Trump
You talk about treachery and support for the President yet you and your party kept Trump weak and compromised throughout his entire presidency with you lies about him being a Russian asset. Trump was having to face down Iran, N. Korea, Russia and China and he had to do so compromised with impeachment hanging over his head every day. NONE of you gave that a second thought.
Now, thanks to election fraud and the Democrat’s endless lies, we have a REAL asset of foreign governments, a corrupt liar that is TRULY compromised and our adversaries are taking every advantage of that weakness.
Democrats are the treasonous scum.
Then man was a low ranking officer who they wrote in to give the pretense of some authority they did not have.
Biden was and is involved in corrupt dealings in Ukraine. No one even questions it.
He admitted on camera that he withheld aid to Ukraine. He literally admitted to a crime.
The subsequent deep State and Democrat meltdown turning into a illegal impeachment is all you need to know about what they were trying to hide.
Vindman was also a victim of the left wing indoctrination that was seated into our government especially during the Obama years.
They got sloppy and really didn’t think Trump could win.
Luckily constitutional republic using democratic processes is much stronger than the crony deep state.
If Trump had not been deposed through fraud and was still in office, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because there would have been no Russian invasion of Ukraine. Putin invaded because idiot Biden increased his oil revenues by destroying our energy independence and emboldened Putin’s aggression by his demonstrations of weakness and incompetence.
We bury 100,000 of our own annually due to illegal drugs illegally brought across our border by illegals. And we are supposed to accept what the swamp grifters whose children have been getting rich from Ukraine ‘deals’ that we have to ‘protect’ the Ukraine? NO! Protect ourselves first. If it wasn’t the Ukraine it would be some other foreign field for us to shed blood on. Enough already.
No one has yet articulated exactly what is the vital National security interest for the United States. What National security risk is worth the lives of US service members and a potential WWIII?
The vital national security interest for the United States is that Ukrainians are good people to be guarding the eastern gate to Europe. They’re not letting Putin pass. Their national interest is our national interest.
That is not a vital interest for the United States moron
This is 2022. Nowhere is far from anywhere. Isolationism ceased to be a viable option well over a century ago.
We don’t have to close Ukraine’s skies. Ukraine can do that.
Things are not going so well for Vladimir Putin.
03/16/22 – UK says Russia is calling in reinforcements