Sometimes It’s Just Easier To Care About Dead Lions Than Dead People

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Matt Walsh:

I started noticing “Cecil the Lion” trending on Facebook and Twitter at some point yesterday afternoon. By the evening, it was the most popular topic on social media, and stories about the lion were popping up on all of the national news sites.

Before I took the time to investigate, I tried to imagine if there could be any valid reason for a wild cat to become the biggest news item in the world. On a day when another undercover videorevealed Planned Parenthood dismembering murdered children for profit, I strained to think if there might be some justification for ignoring the harvesting of human beings in favor of obsessing over a large feline in Africa.

I thought maybe the lion had cured cancer, or sprouted wings and flown into space, or stood on its hind legs and recited the Gettysburg Address. Surely, these developments would vindicate the disproportionate amount of attention it was receiving. But I quickly found out that the lion, from Zimbabwe, had done no such thing. Apparently, all it did was die.

Of course, lots of people died yesterday too, especially in Zimbabwe. Across the planet, human travesties continued to unfold — Christians were slaughtered in the Middle East, political prisoners were tortured and executed in North Korea and Iran, Americans fell prey to crime and violence spilling over our southern border, and about 3,000 human children were butchered in abortion clinics, some of which were then dissected and sold on the black market — but this one unfortunate beast in a forest 9,000 miles away trumped all of these. Human victims would have to wait yet another day to be noticed by our culture. Their plight just couldn’t compete with a cute, fuzzy mammal.

Poor Cecil, as I’m sure you heard, was “murdered” by an American dentist named Walter Palmer. The dentist traveled there and paid some $55,000 for the privilege to hunt and kill the king of the jungle. It turns out that the hunt might not have been legal. He says he thought he was acting within the law, and that he didn’t know Cecil was a beloved animal celebrity in Africa. His pleads of ignorance may or may not be true, but they are called into question by the fact that he’s been convicted of poaching before.

This was all enough to earn him the wrath of progressive America, but none of these crimes compare to the fact that he is, evidently, a Republican. We know these details about his life, and about the sexual harassment claim made against him in 2009, because the media has feverishly poured through his record and heaped more scrutiny upon him than they have on every Democrat politician in the last 40 years combined. Meanwhile, the internet lynch mob predictably leaped into action. Palmer’spersonal address was released, death threats were issued, his business was attacked andshutdown, he was forced into hiding, and scores of drooling trolls flocked to Twitter to fantasize about all of the creative and violent things they’d love to do to him:

Some even began non-ironically using #LionLivesMatter

Refusing to be upstaged in this contest for the title of Most Exorbitant Reaction, PETA proclaimed that Palmer ought to be “extradited and hung.” A bunch of famous people joined the dog pile, utilizing their platforms to declare Palmer “disgusting,” a “murderer,” and “Satan.” Other celebrities have asked that his citizenship be permanently revoked. Sharon Osbourne labeled Palmer a “killer” and said she hopes he loses his house and his business. According to Sharon, even his wife and children deserve to be homeless. Jimmy Kimmel, late night host on ABC, took time out of his comedy show to deliver a tearful rant, calling the hunter an “a-hole” and a “jackal.”

All of this, over a lion.

It bears repeating that this happened on the same day that a video was released showing lab technicians dissecting the body parts of murdered humans while discussing how much money they could get for each “item.” This footage was completely ignored. Our culture let out a massive, collective yawn, instead choosing to wail over the fate of some random hairy beast in southern Africa.


The whole thing transcends mere absurdity. It is beyond ridiculous. Far past anything that could be called simply exaggerated or irrational. The swarms of petty nitwits in our culture have finally outdone themselves. What we are witnessing is something worse than an Idiocracy; it is total moral chaos.

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Notice how Rich keeps dodging that he has never given a home to a homeless/abused animal,

Yes, as always. Rich dodges all questions. He can’t answer them with an answer that is politically correct from his side of the aisle.
I sure hope him and his wife have separate bathrooms and bedrooms with all his concern about body secretions and fluids. I’m sure if he comes in contact he’ll die a hideous death.
I’m surprised he has time to write since he’s gotten engrossed in the homosexual lifestyle, waving his rainbow flag, wearing his animal rights t shirts in rainbow colors, and marching in homosexual parades. And some argue it’s ‘not a choice’. Well, I’m sure Rich would disagree, seems as if he’s made a big choice.

Note to Rich: Facebook has a video frame where you can post your facebook photo in a rainbow background. check it out.

@Redteam: I’ve never seen a straight man so interested in all things gay RT. You get very excited. You must truly be conflicted because you follow O5 around like a love sick puppy. Are you bi-sexual?
I can see why your postings are so confused—You say HRC has quit the race.

It’s OK RT—FA’ers have shown themselves to be accepting of all.

@Rich Wheeler: You’re a hoot Rich. You come on here directing us to your Facebook page and telling us breathlessly how excited you are that you’ve just spent your first Homosexual experience weekend. Assless chaps, rainbow flags, huge rainbow parade, all your new Homosexual friends. and then when I ask you some questions because I know that’s all you want to talk about, you ask if I’m gay. So, NO, I’m not, you’ll have to go elsewhere for your companionship.
And you think you’re up on politics and don’t even know about Hillary dropping out yet? She has only let a few know about her decision so far, but all will be informed soon. I can’t help it that I was at the top of the list to get the message. I can understand that might hurt your feelings. But, Get with the program. Don’t stay depressed.

@Rich Wheeler:

Thinking you’re too cute by half doesn’t eliminate the fact that you can’t give any excuses for why you claim to be Mr. Animal Activist yet you pay for two dogs that were only in this world because their mothers were raped. Guess you are just too good for those scruffy mixed bred pound puppies.

You’re a fraud. You have exposed yourself as a fraud. Why don’t you quit while you’re still behind?

Ironic, isn’t it how you liberals eventually expose what hypocrites you really are?

RT I won’t hold my breath on HRC dropping out though I would welcome it.
To be clear– with my wife I walked in LA pride parade with MFA -shorts and tee-shirt–no gay banners–no dancing etc. Your fantasies have led to a place it would seem you are gay RT–Deny all you want or just change the subject Wore the same thing in H.B 4th of July parade.

Ret05 I have adopted 4 shelter cats over
the years. I’ve adopted 2 shelter dogs.When I married, my wife had a Golden. When he died we tried unsuccessfully to adopt another Golden—turned down by G.R rescue I went to get male from a friend whose Golden had puppies–Bought the boy and his sister followed us out the door–so I had two–Charles aka Charlie Brown and Diana.

We spent 2 long years trying to adopt children–to no avail. Very disappointing.
Not long after giving up,my wife turned her energies to being a voice for the voiceless animals–I got onboard and have found it rewarding.
I’ve worked for operations like Merrill Lynch and many others. I have nothing but good to say about MFA,

@Rich Wheeler:

RT I won’t hold my breath on HRC dropping out

It’s a done deal. Why don’t you know. Why are your insiders keeping you out? Can’t catch up with your parade?

To be clear with my wife I walked in LA pride parade

That’s not what you said. You said it was a Gay pride parade. You were the one talking about how much fun and how satisfying it was. What are you talking about, no rainbow flags or banners or signs? How did they get the message out, their assless chaps?

Your fantasies have led to a place it would seem you are gay

I don’t recall talking about any fantasies, maybe that was your daydreaming. Didn’t you find enough gay guys there that you don’t have to be looking for others? Wasn’t it you telling everyone how excited you are about getting into the movement? Was Caitlynn there with the group? Nah, I don’t want to steal any of your excitement, I’ll let you and your wife and all your new rainbow friends enjoy your time.

@Rich Wheeler:

I have adopted 4 shelter cats over
the years.

Four? That wouldn’t make a dent. Hell, I had five ferals born under my house. The mother was wilder than a March Hare. Adopted all and had them neutered. That doesn’t count the cats drug home by my kids that were wild. Or the ones I have now. From tabbies, to Bermese mix, to calicos to black cats. Four over a period of as many decades as you have been alive is a drop in the bucket. I have four now and I’m sure more on the horizon.

I’ve adopted 2 shelter dogs.

Let’s see: two Irishes, a Cocker mix, a Lab, a Australian shepherd mix, a Beagle (who was a wild child) and a couple of scruffy mix breds. Their names are not important. Each one was a joy.

When I married, my wife had a Golden. When he died we tried unsuccessfully to adopt another Golden—turned down by G.R rescue

That’s odd. I work with Lab rescue. As long as you have a stable home (don’t move around like a transient), a fenced yard, no small unruly children and a recommendation from your vet and can pay the adoption fees, most people are allowed to adopt a rescue dog. Must have been your looks.

We spent 2 long years trying to adopt children–to no avail.

Probably for the better.

I have nothing but good to say about MFA,

So a group that is at best shady, and does nothing to rescue any animal or help to feed/care for them, is A-OK in your book? Have you ever bothered to look at their Form 990? Where is all that money going if they are not rescuing animals?

I have to say I have doubts about your “adoption” of homeless/abused animals. When someone waits as long as you have to explain yourself, I have to give a willing suspension of disbelief. And it still doesn’t explain how you claim rape for cows but not the mother of your dogs. Or why you have your tail end parked on a white LEATHER chair made from a dead cow or hang with hypocrites who wear LEATHER belts, also made from dead cows.

You’re a fraud, Richard. And now you’re trying to explain it away with some story about adopting 4 cats and 2 dogs. I don’t believe you. And nobody else should.

@retire05: You are a sad lonely old lady05 I’m not the first on here to say so and I probably won’t be the last. You are so full of hate it consumes you.i I try to have reasonable discussions with you and RT but it’s not possible.
Something or someone must have hurt you very badly.

@Rich Wheeler:

You are a sad lonely old lady05 I’m not the first on here to say so

You sure are obsessed with 05’s well being. What is your evidence that she is 1: sad? : lonely? : old?
I’ve not seen any of that evidence. I have seen evidence that she has accurately sized you up as a foolish, gullible, sucker, fraud, progressive socialist likely gay.

Something or someone must have hurt you very badly.

I’ve not seen where she is out begging for friends, such as you demanding that she and I publish our FB pages so you will have someone to visit. I’m sure she has all the friends that she needs, I ‘ve seen no evidence that she’s out joining new organizations, marching in flag waving parades trying to get people to have sympathy for her, joining gay groups and such things, all in a vain search for someone that cares.

On the other Hand: I have seen where you are involved in those activities, hopelessly seaching for someone that gives a damn about you.


@Rich Wheeler:

You are a sad lonely old lady05 I’m not the first on here to say so and I probably won’t be the last.

Gee, Richard……………I’m getting the sense you are upset about being exposed as the fraud you are.

And why do you want to drag others (“I’m not the first on here to say so”) into a battle you seem unable to win on your own?

@retire05: Retire, do you get the feeling that he thinks he is the sharpest tack in the box? He might have been before someone used the hammer on his head to drive him in.

@retire05: What battle? You make everything a war
My battle was fought many years ago
You are simply a laughable diversion.
You and your partner provide mid day mirth

You take yourself much too seriously. You influence no one.-
At least your partner RT knows and accepts he’s a clown.

@Rich Wheeler:

What battle? You make everything a war

Battle has more than one meaning. Didn’t you learn that at Colgate, or where ever you claim to have gotten a college education?

My battle was fought many years ago

Goody, goody for you.

You are simply a laughable diversion.
You and your partner provide mid day mirth

So glad we provide you with some humor. Unlike you, who simply provides us with bu!!shit.

You take yourself much too seriously. You influence no one.-

Not trying to. But I know you are with your constant harping about Farm To Fridge. I think you’re failing.

At least your partner RT knows and accepts he’s a clown.

Are you dense? RT is not my partner. My partner is currently sitting in a recliner watching a detective show. No, RT’s not a clown. He’s your nemesis.

Give it up, Rich. You’ve been exposed.

@retire05: Farm To Fridge has convinced many thousands to give up or cut way back on consumption of animals—
Have you told that “partner” on the couch about RT?

@Rich Wheeler: Do you want me to start telling you what your wife is up to while you’re out ‘jogging’ with the ‘boys’? tee hee. I can tell you she’s posting about it on her FB page, I’ll bet you don’t have a link there, do you?

@Rich Wheeler:

Farm To Fridge has convinced many thousands to give up or cut way back on consumption of animals—

Right. And your proof of that can be found where?

Have you told that “partner” on the couch about RT?

Do you have a reading disability? Where did I say anything about a couch?

Does your wife know about your close relationship to Nathan Runkle? Does he give you advise on how to walk in those gay pride parades?


Does he give you advise on how to walk in those gay pride parades?

I think it’s while he’s out jogging “with the boys’ that she is keeping score on.

@Nanny G: #142
You left out insulin! One of the biggies!
(I have a personal stake- family and friends who need it.)

@Redteam: Glad you’re enjoying my wife’s FB page along with mine. I took a lot of those great pictures
You’re a nosy old coot aren’t you?

RT I’ve looked at the posts we’ve both participated in over the last 30 days and your number of comments are approx. 3x’s greater than mine. This doesn’t include the amount of time you’ve spent trolling my wife’s Facebook page..

@Rich Wheeler: Well Rich, you may be thrilled, or disappointed, to learn that I have not spent a couple of hours counting your comments or my comments. If you have that much time on your hands, you are not holding up your end on getting the Gays out Parading. But give me the actual numbers. 3x equals how many? Is that for a full 30 day period? did you cover every thread I had commented on? You did count ALL of yours, right? Was Runkle there with you yesterday? Is he doing his part? Or does he just get all his useful idiots out to do the heavy lifting?
I did the memorial services for that nest of wasps I humanely dispensed a couple days ago. They had a nice service.

@Rich Wheeler: Just for the record, I’ve never been to your wife’s FB page, and don’t intend to go there. You’re not trying to raise her visitor count for some reason, are you?

@Redteam :You musta lied when you said you were and questioned if I knew what she was doing. you want me to post your #165 ?
What is absolutely evident is you’ve taken over from George as the resident F.A expert on all things Gay.

@Rich Wheeler:

How about answering RT’s question; how did you calculate how many posts you made in the past 30 day and how many RT made? Did you go though every thread? What are the numbers for you and the numbers for RT?

Inquiring minds want to know.

@Rich Wheeler:

You musta lied

You must be thinking of one of your liberal socialist buddies. I don’t lie.

You musta lied when you said you were

Yes, post a link to me saying that I have been to your wife’s FB page. Don’t believe I’ve ever said I visited her page.

What is absolutely evident is you’ve taken over from George as the resident F.A expert on all things Gay.

Geez, you liberal socialists get harder to figure out every day.
You come on here proudly talking about all your activities, participating in gay parades, waving rainbow flags, wearing gay apparel, and then I mention you must be having lots of fun participating with all the guys and you take that as me being the expert on ‘gay’. I didn’t even know what a ‘gay’ was until I came on this site and so many were so eager to get me up to date on their activities, (well, actually only you and George) but anyhow, when I tell you I’m happy for you finally finding yourself and getting into your ‘real’ world, you seem to want to take that as I’m trying to intrude on your happiness. No, Rich, clearly it’s your thing, and I just hope you stay as enamored with that lifestyle as you are now. If you don’t like sharing your escapades and adventurous activities, then by all means, keep it to yourself. After all I did NOT require you to tell us you were stepping out and ‘garading’ at La Habra, that was your idea. (how do you like my new invented word for gay parading? ‘garading’ . Just looking out for you. No thanks necessary.

@Redteam: #165 YOU SAID “You want me to tell you what your wife has been up to on HER F.B. PAGE”
We can kid about who bloviates more or who knows more about gay activities.
When you bring my wife in— wrong. Reminds me of why you like Trump

@Rich Wheeler:

I’ve looked at the posts we’ve both participated in over the last 30 days and your number of comments are approx. 3x’s greater than mine.

Still running from having to explain how you did that, I see.

When you bring my wife in— wrong.

You’re the one that first brought her into the mix like she was some trophy you set on the shelf.

@retire05: Since you’ve involved yourself

Was he lying in #165
or Was he lying in #172—MORE LIKELY

@Rich Wheeler:

What you and RT decide about the wife you consider nothing more than a trophy is between you.

All that blathering on your part is just smoke and mirrors to avoid backing up your earlier statement of:

I’ve looked at the posts we’ve both participated in over the last 30 days and your number of comments are approx. 3x’s greater than mine.

I want you to tell me how you counted the entries made by you and RT and what figure you can up with because I’m calling bullshit on that claim.

You’ve already been shown up to be a fraud. Seems you’re out to confirm it again.

@retire05 Re my wife ” trophy wife” ?? you say. Beautiful, Intelligent, Loving, and Compassionate–most definitely Agree not your business—- but as shown RT either lied in 165 or 172 –RE postings you stuck your head in Rt said something to the effect that I posted more than he did—something like when he got up in the morn. there were always 4 postings from me I called B.S Both you and he post more than I d0–

@Rich Wheeler:

If you want to talk about your wife (as if she is a trophy) have at it. I want no part of that.

something like when he got up in the morn. there were always 4 postings from me I called B.S Both you and he post more than I d0

I am not into your subject shell games, lib. Here is what you said:

I’ve looked at the posts we’ve both participated in over the last 30 days and your number of comments are approx. 3x’s greater than mine.

Back that claim up by showing how you came to that conclusion or admit you lied about it. You made the claim. The onus is on you to prove it.

Frankly, I know you lied.

@retire05: Pretty easy 05–I simply counted back E-MAIL notifications of posts RT and I both participated in over last 30 days–pretty simple -only took a few minutes –he posted approx 95 tomes and I was approx 35. This doesn’t count the many comments he made in posts I didn’t participate in. You also spend alot of time posting.
BTW I thank you for not talking about my lovely wife and I’m gonna wait to hear from RT on his explanation.

@retire05: His blatant lie about my wife came before silly discussion of who is a bigger bloviator.—Truth be told you’re the biggest talker at F.A
You’re obviously damn proud of it.

@richard Wheeler:

Pretty easy 05–I simply counted back E-MAIL notifications of posts RT and I both participated in over last 30 days–pretty simple -only took a few minutes –he posted approx 95 tomes and I was approx 35.

Really? That’s your methodology? What about the threads he didn’t post on that you did, and vise versa? It took you long enough to come up with that tale. Bogus. I ain’t buying it.

BTW I thank you for not talking about my lovely wife

You should have never brought her up. It was ungentlemanly.

@Rich Wheeler:

Truth be told you’re the biggest talker at F.A
You’re obviously damn proud of it.

I’m proud that I’m not a fraud like you. You may not like what I say, but I ain’t gonna lie to you or make shite up like you do.

@Rich Wheeler: 165 I actually said: “Do you want me to start telling you what your wife is up to while you’re out ‘jogging’ with the ‘boys’?”

Whereas in 176 “YOU SAID “You want me to tell you what your wife has been up to on HER F.B. PAGE””

Is that a characteristic of socialist liberals, that they can’t actually get a quote correct?

@Rich Wheeler:

When you bring my wife in— wrong. Reminds me of why you like Trump

For the record. You brought your wife into the discussion.

@Rich Wheeler: Ok DF,

but as shown RT either lied in 165 or 172

I said what she was posting on her fb page, I didn’t say I go there to read it. Maybe someone is telling me what she’s writing. saying what she writes on it has nothing to do with whether I read it or not. So I didn’t not say I had been there and in 172 I said I had not been to her page. I stand by that. Geez, have you ever asked that school for a refund. They totally screwed you on your education.

@richard Wheeler: 182

BTW I thank you for not talking about my lovely wife and I’m gonna wait to hear from RT on his explanation.

I’m not gonna comment on your wife. You’re the one that brought her into the discussion and for that you get what you deserve. She deserves nothing that’s why I don’t comment on her. I wouldn’t even know you had a wife if you hadn’t brought her into the discussion.

@retire05: I just love this discussion. Rich actually doesn’t realize what an idiot he sounds like. Typical liberal socialist. “What me Worry”.

His numbers are way, way off, I just counted up my notifications in email with his name and it is very very much higher than 35. Wonder how long it’ll take him to come up with the ‘real number’.

He hasn’t counted them, he just threw up a number.


Retire, just for the record, it is now the 10th of August and Rich has commented 54 times this month, on threads I have commented on.

Retire. Here are some ‘real’ numbers on Rich.
He commented
92 times in July, let’s see 92 + 54 so far in august is 146, and Rich said I had done 95 (I’ll take his word for it on mine) so Rich is commenting 1.5 times as often as I do.

Retire, if you’d like to know your numbers, I can do that for you.

It helped that he said you can just count on email notifications, mine has a great search ability, so I was able to pull his numbers up very easily.

@retire05: Wow, what a coincidence. I just did a count on you and it is hard to believe the coincidence. you commented 54 times in August eggzackly the same number as Blowhard, er, uh Richie. You think he’ll believe that?

@Redteam: “maybe SOMEONE” is telling me what she is writing.” Who?
That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said RT.
You admittedly go to my FB page—then you make that ridiculous comment. Are you sane RT?

@Redteam: You’re so good at it—What are total number of posts by 05, RT and RW last 30 days.Bet you I’m easily the lowest of the 3. BY FAR

@richard Wheeler:

On this thread alone, you have entered 64 posts compared to Rt’s 61 and my 40 (41 if you count this one).

I don’t understand your fixation on the number of times someone posts. I find it ironic that you recently claimed to be at a festival but was obviously checking on FA via your cell phone and then posting from your cell phone while claiming to be “working” at that festival. Or did MFA set up internet service for you so you could drag your computer along? Either way, you were at a festival and still checking for FA entries. News flash; when you’re playing on the computer or your cell phone, your not “working” at anything.

@richard Wheeler: didn’t you say you already had those numbers?

@retire05: So now we’ve established he didn’t learn any history, and can’t count, I would say he should be refunded for what he paid for his liberal education, but then it might come out that he got it free, so then we could say, maybe he got what he paid for. A liberal Education.