Shock report: ‘Thrown in the brig’… Marines jail outspoken Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller who slammed Biden/Milley’s Afghanistan debacle…

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by Michael Lee, title via Revolver

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the officer who went viral for blasting the military’s leadership amid the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, has been sent to the brig, according to a report.
“All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud,” Scheller’s father, Stu Scheller Sr., told Task & Purpose. “He was asking for accountability. In fact, I think he even asked for an apology that we made mistakes, but they couldn’t do that, which is mind-blowing.”
Scheller first rose to internet stardom by posting a video to Facebook blasting military leaders for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, questioning their command decisions on the events leading up to and during the final evacuation effort.
Scheller would go on to release several more videos, generating praise and controversy while drawing the ire of military leadership. Eventually, he was told by superiors to stop posting to social media altogether, an order he immediately ignored by posting about the gag order.

The officer also seemingly realized that last post could result in his trip to the brig.
“What happens when all you do is speak truth and no one wants to hear it. But they can probably stop listening because… I’m crazy… right?” Scheller wrote at the end of the post.  “Col Emmel please have the MPs waiting for me at 0800 on Monday. I’m ready for jail.”
Scheller is “currently in pre-trial confinement,” a spokesperson for Training and Education Command said of the officer’s status.
“The time, date, and location of the proceedings have not been determined. Lt. Col. Scheller will be afforded all due process,” the statement continued.

But the elder Scheller defended his son, arguing that he was only asking for “accountability” from the military’s top brass.
“He’s asking for the same accountability that is expected of him and his men,” he said.
“I’ve had Vietnam veterans contacting me applauding him for his courage because they too want to know: Was it all worth it?”

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In the brig so he could not openly comment on benedict milley’s, general mackensie and sec def austins testimony. Only two members of the military have been relieved of duty for the afghanistan debacle.

Lt Colonel Scheller and the offensive coordinator the the Navy football team…

Impeach Biden,Court martial Milley and get ourselves out of the United Nations

Biden’s legacy after 8 months.

Worst and most unpopular president in US history. The next 40 months do not matter. He will not recover. It will only continue to get worse.

‘Biden lied to America’: GOP senators sensationally call out the President after Gens. Milley and McKenzie say they DID advise him to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan – weeks after he said they didn’t

Senior military officials told senators on Tuesday that they would have kept U.S. troops in Afghanistan

Their testimony contradicted President Biden’s claims senior advisers did not recommend keeping troops

Gen Frank McKenzie said he recommended keeping 2500 troops to prevent a Taliban takeover

And Gen Mark Milley said his analysis was that a hasty withdrawal could trigger the collapse of Kabul

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said: ‘Their input was received by the president … for sure.’
Yet in an August 18 interview Biden had said none of his advisers warned against bringing home all U.S. troops
The new evidence, given before the Senate Armed Services Committee, triggered Republican anger

Sen Josh Hawley said: ‘The president of the United States lied to the American people’

It was the first time Pentagon leaders testified since the U.S. completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan

They faced sharp questions about the pullout and whether they anticipated the Taliban’s rapid takeover

Republicans accused President Biden of lying to the American people after top military officers said publicly for the first time on Tuesday that they advised the commander-in-chief to leave 2500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan to prevent a Taliban takeover.

Testimony provided by the country’s defense secretary and two senior generals contradicted Biden’s claims he was never warned by military advisers that bringing home American soldiers risked the collapse of a fragile government in Kabul.

I credit Biden with the courage it took to leave, when the b.s. from the right that would follow was entirely predictable. A 20-year, $300 Million per day war, and after all that the Afghan army and government collapsed like a house of cards.

2500 American troops wouldn’t have prevented it. THE COLLAPSE STARTED AS SOON AS TRUMP REDUCED OUR TROOPS TO THAT VERY LEVEL. The fact is that Biden had to increase U.S. troop levels from 2500 just to evacuate the 122,000 people that we did.

Trump had the courage to leave. Trump had the courage to leave securely and with dignity. Had election fraud not played a hand, he would have withdrawn, as long as the Taliban upheld their part of the agreement, something they most certainly were not doing and which began as soon as idiot Biden, weak, incompetent and stupid, too over.

Idiot Biden could have paused the withdrawal unless and until the Taliban came back into compliance. But he wanted a splash, targeting September 11 as his pull-out date. But the Taliban scolded him, so he obeyed their orders and left August 31st, in disgrace, in disaster, in embarrassment.

He did get to kill 7 children and an aid worker though, before he left. Sort of the idiot Biden version of a cherry on top.

How many troops did Milley recommend to keep in Afghanistan after idiot Biden pulled them all out? Did you hear his recommendation? Here, let me help you out.

2,500. The exact number Trump had there, before idiot Biden pulled all the troops out and abandoned Bagram.


I guess the question is, did idiot Biden turn the withdrawal into a total disaster on purpose or is he really that f**king stupid? Truly, it is difficult to tell.

Biden said they planned for every contingency. Do you give him credit for that?

With respect to the 122K most of who are dirtbags.

President Biden’s Attack on American Citizenship Itself

President Biden’s numerous affronts to American sovereignty — from the human tsunami of illegal migrants in Del Rio, Texas, to the collapse of ICE interior enforcement against unlawful trespassers across our land — present ominous risks to the United States.

But among Biden’s myriad of misbegotten open-borders gambits, the airlifted wave of Afghans to the U.S. presents the gravest threat to the security, health, and prosperity of our citizens.

As I documented previously, Biden ordered the U.S. military to embark on a dangerous evacuation mission to bring thousands of unvetted and undeserving migrants to America from Afghanistan.

Several recent events now highlight that this decision was even more perilous than predicted.

For starters, regarding the supposed justification for the entire mass migration, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas now admits that only three percent of the migrants brought here are actual Special Immigrant Visa designees who took real material risks to serve our operations in Afghanistan.

So who are the other 97% of these people? For whom did our best and bravest young people lay down their lives in Kabul during the exfiltration?

Well, at least in part, we literally transported sickos to our country. We now know that a 20-year-old Afghan, Bahrullah Noori, was indicted by the Department of Justice for forcible sex acts with children younger than 16 years old, in Wisconsin where he is housed at Ft. McCoy army base.

Noori was there with approximately 13,000 other non-vetted and potentially dangerous migrants from the other side of the world.

Next, we learned about the FBI investigation into an alleged attack at Ft. Bliss in New Mexico where several Afghan migrant men reportedly assaulted an American female soldier charged with protecting the massive encampment.

In contrast to constant promises about vetting, we now know that this influx was not solely about rewarding people to whom America is indebted. It instead devolved into an effective bull rush onto U.S. planes for a free admission ticket to the USA.

As these headlines make clear, American citizens already pay grievously for this globalist insanity.

Child rapes in the American heartland and attacks from ingrate Afghans upon our brave women soldiers are the consequences, only days into this dreadful experiment.

Such fallout was not entirely unforeseeable, given the disastrous experiences of Europe with mass migration of Afghans to that continent.

Adding to the insult, this ongoing infiltration of America comes with a massive fiscal price tag.

The latest gargantuan Biden spending proposals include a staggering $6.4 billion for the ongoing resettlement of Afghans in America.

Imagine the benefits our would have if we wisely spent that massive sum on improving the lives and opportunities of American citizens, instead of strangers from a premodern and violent land in the middle of Asia?

But that point reveals the larger truth here.

Joe Biden and his allies on Capitol Hill and in the corporate media do not even subscribe to the concept of real citizenship.

They seek to effectively eliminate the entire legal and philosophical construct of American citizenship and the rights, responsibilities and privileges it has conveyed for centuries before this decrepit excuse for a president.

Biden has vaporized our southern border. He extends nearly every benefit of citizenship to those who break-and-enter into our home.

Now, with this Afghan flood into our homeland, Biden’s mass migration represents not only a physical threat to American citizens but a broader attack on American citizenship itself.

These dirtbags should be rounded up< boder patrol agents on horses with whips would suffice, and sent back to the third world shithole from whence they came…

It’s All Theater: Joe Biden Staged COVID Booster On Mockup Set Complete With Fake Outdoor Background

notice that the camera was facing his right side and not the left. 99% he never got the shot, or a fake needle was used.

Rudyard Kipling wrote a very interesting poem “If” It address the value of a person. It take about 3 min. to read and a lot longer to digest. It is a good read. Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller demonstrates quite a few nuances of a tolerant person.

I wonder if Milley called his PLA buddies and asked them, “Hey, when you have an officer that doesn’t have the proper group-think, what do you do to them?”

Someone should have briefed Scheller on the proper way to show disagreement with leadership. Instead of standing up and taking responsibility for your thoughts, he is supposed to make up lies about the President (if there actually is one at the time; might not apply in this case) and make secret “whistle blower” accusations, like the chickenshit Vindman did.

The Wrong Man Is In The Brig – Put Biden On Trial

U.S. Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Scheller is in the brig – a military jail at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. More specifically, Scheller is in pre-trial confinement. That means he is being held behind bars pending a military court-martial.

Scheller was up until recently a Marine battalion commander. He was relieved of his command following a series of public statements he made chastising military leadership for the manifest incompetence shown during the Afghan withdrawal that led directly to the deaths of 13 Marines. After his relief Scheller announced he would resign from the service and continued to speak out – in apparent violation of direct orders to stop discussing his concerns publicly.

In one video, posted on September 16th, Scheller stated his intention to charge Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., head of U.S. Central Command, with dereliction of duty. In the video, Scheller said he was continuing to speak out even though it could jeopardize a deal the Marine Corps had offered him, under which he would accept nonjudicial punishment, resign his commission, forfeit his military pension, and accept a general discharge under honorable conditions rather than face a court-martial.

“I have read the entire UCMJ [Uniform Code of Military Justice] in the last two weeks of my purgatory – all of the punitive articles – and it turns out that all military officers are subject to the UCMJ,” Scheller said in the video. “Because it appears to me that no general officers are willing to hold each other accountable, I am submitting charges against Gen. McKenzie for his bad assumptions – not because I’m vindictive, but because the senior leaders need to be held accountable to the same standard as us.”

I was for a number of years a military JAG officer, most of that time a defense counsel charged with defending soldiers before Army courts-martial. To say that Scheller faces an uphill battle would be a massive understatement. A serving officer speaking publicly in his official capacity against his superior officers and the national command structure is in a world of hurt. The list of offenses with which he will likely be charged, including conduct unbecoming, conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline, the violation of multiple direct orders, etc. is virtually endless.

Any conventional defense is doomed to failure. Yet, this is not a conventional case, and it is not fundamentally about the actions of one Marine LTC. It is about the actions of an administration, which are unprecedented in our history. It is about treason, not on the part of LTC Scheller, but on the part of Joe Biden and those who have abetted him.

Let’s review just a few key facts to establish the context in which Scheller has acted. Joe Biden, the man who claims to be the legitimate President of the United States has:

– For decades taken literally billions of dollars from foreign powers in exchange for exercising influence on their behalf. This corruption, in which his son Hunter played an integral part is on graphic display on the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s laptop. That laptop has now grudgingly been acknowledged as legitimate by even the same liberal media outlets that worked so hard to cover it up last year.

– Chief amongst the foreign powers paying the Biden crime family has been Communist China. On one infamous 2013 trip to Beijing alone, while Joe was meeting with Chinese officials, his bagman Hunter was taking possession of what would ultimately turn out to be $1.5 billion from the State Bank of China.

– As Joe’s connections to Communist China strengthened so did his attitudes toward that totalitarian regime change. He avoided criticism of Beijing. He soft-pedaled the Chinese Communists’ many human rights abuses. He delivered again for China as our supposed “point man” on checking Chinese expansionism during the Obama administration. Joe took $1.5 billion in Chinese money. Beijing took the South China Sea.

– In May 2013, Joe gave Beijing perhaps its biggest victory. He helped engineer a “memorandum of understanding” with the PRC that exempted Chinese corporations from U.S. securities statutes and regulations. This gave CCP-controlled firms an advantage over American firms listed on U.S. stock exchanges by exempting them from independent audits. Put simply, it allowed CCP corporations to cheat unsuspecting U.S. investors out of their money by cooking their books.

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, was crystal clear many months ago in his analysis of the situation “What Hunter Biden is is a bagman,” says Giuliani. “I’ve prosecuted many cases like this. He’s collecting Joe’s bribes that come to about $12 million from the Ukraine and $3.5 million from Russia. But the really big money comes from China. And the amount of money involved is literally in the tens of millions of dollars.” Giuliani summed it up during the campaign this way. “[Joe Biden]’s asking to be president of the U.S. and he’s in partnership with the Chinese Communist Party. The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”

All of this set the stage for what transpired during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden did not just demonstrate colossal incompetence. He acted deliberately against the interests of the United States and in favor not just of an Islamic terrorist group but in the interests of Communist China.

The U.S. military told Biden that any attempt at handling withdrawal via Kabul International Airport was “militarily non-viable.” The 18th Airborne Corps out of Fort Bragg proposed what any sane military man would have proposed. Retake Bagram airbase. Flow in troops. Base air assets at Bagram. Put ourselves in a position to control the situation and secure the safe extraction of all U.S. persons from Afghanistan.

Biden arbitrarily rejected that recommendation. He arbitrarily limited the number of troops on the ground. His decisions led directly to unnecessary loss of life and the abandonment of still unknown numbers of American citizens to Taliban control.

Along the way Biden directed our military and our intelligence personnel to cooperate with the murderous Taliban and, more specifically, to cooperate with members of the Haqqani network who are designated international terrorists and have bounties on their heads.

Throughout all of this, the senior “leaders” of our military posed no serious opposition. No one spoke up. No one tendered their resignation. Even as an American President acted repeatedly and deliberately to alter the strategic balance of power in favor of our enemies, not one of the men with all the stars on their uniforms could find the moral courage to do the right thing.

Afghanistan is under Taliban control. We have created a terrorist super state. Communist China is already in bed with the Taliban and has personnel on the ground sizing up the vast mineral deposits in Afghanistan, including lithium, which under Chinese control will literally change the balance of power on the planet. Bagram airbase will soon be handed over to the Chinese. The Iranians are taking possession of samples of our most sophisticated military equipment with the goal of reverse engineering it and using it against us.

We have been betrayed at the very highest level by the man in the Oval Office and the senior officers whose job it is to keep America safe. And, yet the only man in custody, the only man who faces any repercussions for any of this is the one man with the courage to speak truth to power.

Every single article of the Uniform Code of Military Justice is predicated on the principle of the legitimate exercise of power. Disobeying an unlawful order is not an offense. Acting against the authority of an officer who is himself acting illegally is not punishable. In fact, it is the duty of every serving officer to ensure that unlawful orders are not followed, that authority is not abused, and that the Constitution of the United States is protected.

If LTC Scheller expects to have any hope of defeating the charges that will be proffered against him he has only one viable course of action, put the “President” and his administration on trial. Challenge them to defend themselves against the charge of treason. Make the jury understand. The wrong man is on trial. The wrong man is in the brig.

Scumbag prosecutors tried to throw the book at Scheller. Scheller openly admitted to his remarks and said he still stood by them. Lt. Col. Scheller is courageous and principled, unlike those in this corrupt regime. The judge would have none of this persecution, fined Scheller a month’s pay and called for an investigation of the persecution.

Let’s go Brandon.

Biden ended a 20-year foreign war, and I’m glad that someone finally had the courage to take the political heat and actually DO IT.

Anyone could have surrendered in shame at any time. Idiot Biden did nothing any elementary school girl couldn’t have done. Idiot Biden is an absolute disastrous failure.

joe surrendered to the taliban