School district files ‘sexual harassment’ complaint against 3 middle school students for using the wrong pronouns


by Hannah Nightingale

A Wisconsin school district has lodged a Title IX complaint against three middle school students for allegedly using the wrong pronouns while addressing another student.
Three Kiel Middle School students are being investigated for sexual assault in connection to the incident.
“I received a phone call from the principal over at the elementary school, forewarning me; letting me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against my son,” Rosemary Rabidoux, one of the parents of the students being accused, told Fox 11.
“I immediately went into shock! I’m thinking, sexual harassment? That’s rape, that’s inappropriate touching, that’s incest,” Rabidoux added. “What has my son done?”
Braden, Rabidoux’s 13-year-old son, is one of the three Kiel Middle School students accused of sexual harassment, an accusation that she disputes.
“(The investigating principal) said he’s being allegedly charged with sexual harassment for not using proper pronouns,” said Rabidoux. “I thought it wasn’t real! I thought this has got to be a gag, a joke — one has nothing to do with the other.”
In a letter from Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty attorneys, who are defending the accused students, called the Title IX complaint “inappropriate,” and urged the case to be “immediately dismissed.”
“The mere use of biologically correct pronouns not only does not constitute sexual harassment under Title IX or the District’s own policy, it is also speech protected by the First Amendment,” the May 12 letter to the school superintendent, counselor, and principal read.
“The District has also violated Title IX procedures and its own policy in its handling of the complaint. The District should promptly end the investigation, dismiss the complaints, and remove them from each of the boys’ records,” the letter added.
The attorneys said that Title IX “certainly does not cover 2 using biologically correct pronouns simply because the District characterizes it as ‘mispronouning,’ which is the sole allegation in the one-page Title IX complaint.”
“‘Mispronouning’ is also not sexual harassment under Title IX because gender identity is not included within the definition of sex within Title IX. In fact, the Department of Education is currently attempting to amend Title IX to add it,” the letter added.
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The letter said that a statement from the music teacher in which the conduct occurred described “other conduct” that doesn’t come “remotely close to sexual harassment.”
The music teacher’s statement said that the class “expressed frustration with remembering pronouns,” and described other events that would chalk up to being teasing and argument between the eight-graders, the letter stated.
“To be clear, this statement does not accurately or fully portray the incidents described—as you know, the student in question has teased the boys as much if not more, including calling them numerous names and yelling at them for not using
‘they/them’ pronouns, even when they were not talking to or about her—but even if everything in the music teacher’s statement were accurately characterized, it does not amount to the sort of ‘severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive’ conduct that crosses the line into sexual harassment,” the letter stressed.
The attorneys stressed that if the alleged victim student had been teased, that requires addressing by school staff and administrators, but “none of this warrants accusations of sexual harassment and the serious reputational harm that comes with it.”

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Still convinced it’s not grooming?

Making it illegal to NOT speak to a hysteria-induced delusion.

That’s a cult.

Oh we must humor the mentally damaged child, hey maybe they also think they can fly, the school should provide access to the roof. Does he believe he is a dog? We must protect all the kids allegic to dogs right? Why do we have to accept them if they do not accept themselves?

Anyone that thinks this stupidity will burn itself out and disappear are mistaken. It’s going to get worse. These are liberals and liberals (who hate being regulated themselves) just LOVE forcing people to bend to their will. That’s why they want a totalitarian state so badly.

This is what comes of this sick, degenerate indoctrination. School taxes are high enough without having to pay for this insane nonsense.

So why doesn’t the story tell the reader specifically what the accused kid said or did? A parent of the accused is obviously the writer’s informant. Why leave what his kid said or did to the reader’s imagine? Unless, of course, knowing makes the school’s reaction a lot more understandable…

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

“(The investigating principal) said he’s being allegedly charged with sexual harassment for not using proper pronouns,”

The letter said that a statement from the music teacher in which the conduct occurred described “other conduct” that doesn’t come “remotely close to sexual harassment.”

Read the article next time, you f*cking fruit.

And honestly? Who cares what they said. Literally ANY Middle or High School has some kid saying something that could be used to justify such idiotic overreactions.

Anyone who realizes that a tormented kid who gets no adult help with the class bully may show up with a gun and blow the little bastard’s head off.

And honestly? Who cares what they said. 

That is the problem. We are teaching people to care about shit that does not matter. Back in the day a homosexual was a faggot. In my book they are still faggots

Do you like labels? “Bigot” is a label.

Back in the day a homosexual was a faggot. In my book they are still faggots

I don’t put much stock in what you think or for that matter others.

“In my book they are still faggots”

That’s unfortunate.

“Anyone who realizes that a tormented kid who gets no adult help with the class bully may show up with a gun and blow the little bastard’s head off.”

So, anyone that is “tormented” because they demand to be called some random pronoun and some don’t submit needs mental health help. Indeed, those are the types that gun down innocent people.

These clowns don’t and never will control my life.

So why doesn’t the story tell the reader specifically what the accused kid said or did?

Actually, the story did. They used words the pampered, coddled, super-privileged, confused person demanded they don’t use. Then the school submitted to the same stupidity.

But, you nailed the primary reason this is so utterly ridiculous and dangerous: what the KID said. KIDS!

You leftists need to get a life. REALLY.

Forced speech is not free speech. The bill in Canada, C16, was a bill to force a certain type of speech. It was exposed and opposed by Jordan Peterson.
In this instance, it is the school that stepped over the line, not the innocent child.

There really are bigger issues confronting this nation than offending a sick perverse group of gender confused dirtbags.

No, the writer didn’t say ANYTHING specific about the words used or provide any actual details about the surrounding circumstances. An attentive reader should notice that. The article is typical right-wing bullshit intended to stoke generalized outrage, designed for an audience that’s now conditioned to imagine whatever they’re told to imagine.

What are the “words” that someone can be criminally charged for using? If we allow this kind of crybaby dictatorial harassment to become routine and acceptable, our society is doomed. Didn’t Wahoo Warren say allowing a minority to rule the majority is wrong?

It’s not about words. It’s about bullying and tormenting–until the victim kills himself or kills his tormentor. If you don’t think that happens, you must be living in some alternate reality.

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‘Democrats Are in Some Serious Trouble’ – New NBC Poll: 75% of Americans Say Country is on Wrong Track Under Joe Biden

Maybe it will be instructive if republicans take control of a rapidly deteriorating situation for a change, instead of finding a stabilized situation that they can screw up and then blame on somebody else.

As you’ve pointed out many times with Joe Biden, they’ll own it the moment they arrive.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Maybe it will be instructive if republicans take control of a rapidly deteriorating situation for a change,

Why do you find it necessary to prove what an idiot you are? Just exactly how do you propose that Republicans take control of the rapidly deteriorating situation that is our nation, due to Biden, when the Dimocrats how both houses of Congress AND the Oval Office.

You seem to be blathering idiocy lately more than you ever have.

Most English speakers understand that “will be” relates to some future condition or event. As in, “If republicans retake control of the House and Senate in November, they will be up the creek without a paddle.”

They’ll be up a creek without a paddle because there are no easy fixes for any of the problems that Joe Biden has been tasked with. The only real solutions involve things that republicans have resisted every step of the way.

Somebody’s taxes must be raised. If republicans won’t increase taxes on the high end, and want more breaks for corporate America, whose pockets are left to pick?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Somebody’s taxes must be raised. If republicans won’t increase taxes on the high end, and want more breaks for corporate America, whose pockets are left to pick?

How about reducing spending so tax increases are not required? Or is that too simple for you? And if the billionaires, that you have so much hatred toward, thought they would get more breaks from the Republicans, they must need mental help since they paid to put Biden in office.

Pockets are being picked now, but after Biden sends us into a full fledged depression, that will end and we will wind up the Weimar Republic twin.

What would you cut? Defense? Social Security? Medicare and Medicaid? Regulation of corporate America and big financial institutions? Environmental protections? Nutritional assistance for underprivileged children and families?

Maybe Trump has cheaper and better solutions for everything, ready to roll out if we only put him back in the White House.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

What would you cut? Defense? Social Security? Medicare and Medicaid? Regulation of corporate America and big financial institutions? Environmental protections? Nutritional assistance for underprivileged children and families?

How about we start with cutting the trillions of dollars dumped upon an economy that only needs to open up and get back to running at full speed? Democrats restrict the economy, then authorize un-regulated loads of cash to be dumped upon it; most of it is wasted and stolen and before any of it has the chance to actually do any good, MORE trillions are passed.

How about we spend a few billion dollars finishing our wall and securing our border instead of spending hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars subsidizing illegal immigration, providing free medical care, housing, food, CELL PHONES and transportation all over the country, in addition to responding to the crime brought along with them?

How about instead of spending billions on a war, we use our strong, robust, energy-independent economy (the pre-idiot Biden version) to PREVENT wars from starting?

How about instead of giving our enemies billions of dollars of military equipment and then sending billions of dollars of NEW equipment to our friends, we take the military equipment the enemies would get and give THAT to our friends?

In other words, stop being as stupid, incompetent, bass-ackwards and destructive as is physically possible and govern this country as if one actually LIKES the place… the exact opposite of what idiot Biden and Democrats are doing.

Trump did better in the WH…but then again, every President did better than this impostor Biden.

Somebody’s taxes must be raised.

Taxation is theft, greg. Taxation is theft.

You want some money, turn out your own pockets and keep your hands the mother-fuck out of ours.

Democrats can never develop a plan of action that does not include raising taxes and wasting more taxpayer money.

They’ll be up a creek without a paddle because there are no easy fixes for any of the problems that Joe Biden has himself created

There. Fixed it.

Trump was a good president, and Trump’s America was thriving.

It threatened the growing totalitarian WEF globalist police state, so Covid was released and an election rigged.

Carry on.

Maybe it will be instructive if republicans take control of a rapidly deteriorating situation for a change, instead of finding a stabilized situation that they can screw up and then blame on somebody else.

The Republicans had control. The economy boomed, our border was secured, peace was being cultivated and national security was being established. The “deterioration” began with the fraudulent theft of an election in 2020. Finding a “stabilized situation” and then screwing it up is the Democrat MO.

NBC Poll, Contracted to Same Democrat Firm Who Created Ultra MAGA Branding Effort, Reflects Highest Disapproval Ever for Joe Biden

NBC is promoting their contracted poll today [pdf HERE] around the lesser-important voting issue of abortion. However, before getting to the poll it is worth noting again who they contracted with. Inside the article you will note this sentence, “[…] who conducted this survey with Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates.”  If that name sounds familiar, that’s because it is the same ideologically aligned polling outfit who spent six months creating the ultra-MAGA branding campaign for Anita Dunn and the White House {link}.

The abortion polling is irrelevant to the issue of larger public opinions of the Biden administration. On abortion, 10% of polled respondents say they are single issue voters [respondents = 790 RV’s, (79 single issue)]. Out of 79 single issue voters, 22% list abortion as their top priority. So, out of 790 registered voters, 17 view abortion as their single issue to vote on. That’s the scale being overemphasized.

On the larger issues of voter priorities, the economy dominates with 40% responses. Additionally, the polling identifies 39 percent of Americans approving of President Biden’s job as president, versus 56 percent who say they disapprove. 75% say the country is heading in the wrong direction, and only 16% saying the country is on the right track.  That’s the bigger headline. 

It’s not about words. It’s about bullying and tormenting–until the victim kills himself or kills his tormentor. 

Well, scooter, THIS (you know, the actual topic we are discussing here) IS about “words”. The “sexual harassment” consisted of words, or more specifically, incorrect words… preferred words not being used when demanded.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

schools and universities have become the daycare centers of the clueless z generation, oh! now these worthless pieces of crap that filed these charges will develop PTSD and will want compensation and free mental health care. complete losers. useless pieces of crap and garbage.

Luckily, my kids naturally rejected the LGBT madness. There is hope, as the kids with good parenting and moral backbone know this garbage won’t last.

“won’t last”

Homosexuality has been around for at least all of recorded history—don’t hold your breath waiting for it to go away.

Transsexuality has been around for a long time, too. It’s only now that people are comfortable dealing with it openly.

Maybe I should have written “transgenderism.” I’m not always up on the latest lingo.

I’m not always up on the latest lingo.

If this didn’t trigger some self-awareness, nothing will.

He who controls the language controls the masses”. –Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

That’s you.

Homosexuality has been around for at least all of recorded history—don’t hold your breath waiting for it to go away.

Mental illness is as old as mankind itself. Your point is?

Transsexuality has been around for a long time, too. It’s only now that people are comfortable dealing with it openly.

See above.

“Your point is?”

I thought my point was clear. Nathan Blue said that homosexuality “won’t last,” and I pointed out that it has been around for a long, long time, and that it is not likely to disappear any time soon. As I said up above, “don’t hold your breath waiting for it to go away.”

It wasn’t a complex idea.

Nathan Blue said that homosexuality “won’t last,”

Actually, that’s not what Nathan Blue said. But my guess is you are quite cognizant of what he said.

Here’s what he said:

“Luckily, my kids naturally rejected the LGBT madness. There is hope, as the kids with good parenting and moral backbone know this garbage won’t last.”

“The LGBT madness” is the “garbage” that he’s saying “won’t last.” What the hell else could he be referring to here?

EDIT: Oops! I just realized I asked a question at the end there, and there was no insult appended. Let me rephrase it in a way everyone here will like better:

Of course that’s what he meant, you senile coot. Go back to grooming toddlers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

Who is grooming toddlers? Didn’t you admit you are okay with grooming kids, including your own students? Didn’t you stand idle while there was some kind of “dragqueen” whatever in your class? Didn’t you defer responsibility and say you were “just following orders?”

Why would LGBT last? Why wouldn’t it end it those who make babies outliving and eventually conquering those who don’t?

“Didn’t you stand idle while there was some kind of ‘dragqueen’ whatever in your class?”

No. I was being facetious, and I pointed that out in the comment thread.

“Didn’t you defer responsibility and say you were ‘just following orders?'”

No. You invented that out of whole cloth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

“The LGBT madness” is the “garbage” that he’s saying “won’t last.” What the hell else could he be referring to here?

I see you have a very difficult time following what is going on. You should pause here and re-read (or read for the first time) the article above. We’ll wait.


OK, hopefully you’re done. Don’t move forward until you are.

The “LGBT madness” is not “homosexuality”. It is the LGBT mob demanding everyone kowtow to their demands, such as ignoring science, history, precedent and common sense and referring to people by random and nonsensical pronouns. And, yeah, it has to STOP.

Who said what you said I said is what I said?

It’s only now that people are comfortable dealing with it openly.

Who said people are comfortable with it? Who said people are not just capitulating to a juvenile anger about their “religious” parents so they are driving home a new religion and merely murderous bullies pretending to be victims?

Who said “this garbage won’t last” means people won’t be homosexual or the new “trans-sexual?”

Who said this is what a healthy, balanced society is like? Who said this is “right”, and who said this isn’t just an angry form of atheism meant to intentionally pervert children and adults as a silly attack on Christianity?

Who said acting on sexual impulses is what responsible adults do? Who said grooming children to join in sexual deviancy isn’t just molestation?

Can you answer me, and provide links for your statements?

“Can you answer me, and provide links for your statements?”

I’m interested in why you find the idea of having reasons or justification for the things you say in the course of “debate” (your oft-repeated word) is so outrageous. You’re surrounded by it here. All the people who post articles do it. Curt posts links and walls of text to support his points. Even kitt does it, in her own useless way. (Yes, she posts links to articles that contradict or undermine the point she’s trying to make, but she makes the attempt.)

Links to articles and documents are the coin of the realm when it comes to supporting one’s point in Internet discussions. That has been the case for the whole time that Internet discussions have been going on.

Most grownups believe that being right involves having the facts on their side.

“Who said people are comfortable with it?”

The fact that it’s a topic of debate demonstrates clearly that they are. The article that spawned this comment thread is about an incident that simply would not have taken place if people in general were not more comfortable with the ideas of gender fluidity and transgenderism. Both of those things existed fifty years ago when I was a little kid, but the events outlined in the article linked at the top of this column would never, ever have happened if people were not more comfortable with the idea.

I’m not saying that YOU’RE comfortable with it; clearly you’re not. Society as a whole, however, is.

Merely noting that society is more comfortable with an idea is not an endorsement of the idea itself. It was a dumb move by the school.

“Who said people are comfortable with it?”

The fact that it’s a topic of debate demonstrates clearly that they are. 

So, you think that because someone wrote an article about immature, deranged individuals demanding to be called random pronouns and those who don’t comply get charged with crimes, Curt posted the article here and we are all discussing the insanity of it all, we are all “comfortable” with it? Really?


People with common sense and a sense of fairness are OUTRAGED by it and demand it be stopped.

I am with you. I am not at all comfortable with it and I dare say the majority of parents who “learn” what their children are being exposed to in school are not the least bit comfortable with it. Conflating gender dysfunction with education is clearly indoctrination. The entire community of queers and trans people are complete sickos.

The fact that it’s a topic of debate demonstrates clearly that they are. 

That is an absurd statement. It would be like debating gun control. That fact that it would be a topic of debate in no way would imply gun rights advocates would be comfortable with it.

“That fact that it would be a topic of debate in no way would imply gun rights advocates would be comfortable with it.”

Again: I’m not saying that you personally are comfortable with the stuff being discussed in the article. I’m not even saying that I think the school is doing the right thing. I’m saying that society as a whole is more comfortable with it.

You’re mistaking a simple observation with a value judgment.

I am with you. I am not at all comfortable with it and I dare say the majority of parents who “learn” what their children are being exposed to in school are not the least bit comfortable with it. 

Well, apparently you and I are not “people” or members of society as a whole. Everyone else is totally comfortable and accepting of it, though. Or, so we are told, mostly by inference.

I’m saying that society as a whole is more comfortable with it.

That may be the case with the east and west coast coastal elites. I would challenge the inference that society, “as a whole” is more comfortable with it.

Seek out any one of the parent’s organizations that are currently addressing issues regarding the schools in America. I hasten to think they are not the least bit comfortable with the deviance of sexuality as a basis for education of their children.

“I hasten to think they are not the least bit comfortable with the deviance of sexuality as a basis for education of their children.”

You’re probably right. I don’t believe, however, that most people want homosexuality to be stomped out, or “conquered,” as someone put it in this thread. Most people seem to be willing to leave gays and lesbians alone.

The issue is it is being put out front and center by advertising and pop culture in general. There is a disproportionate level of emphasis given the overall size if the population of these deviants.
This is the frog in the boiling pot. The queers are a small segment of the overall population yet one would think given the abundance of examples on a daily basis throughout our societal culture that it was mainstream instead of its relative insignificance.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

The very fact that it has found its way into advertising and mainstream pop culture clearly indicates that it is much more accepted by society as a whole than it used to be.

That is in no way saying that you personally approve of it.

And you are of the belief that twitter is up and up. Your naïveté is showing.

And you are of the belief that twitter is up and up.

I haven’t mentioned Twitter.

If society as a whole were not more comfortable with the ideas you’re railing against, there would be no LGBTQ movement for you to complain about. If people in general weren’t more open to this stuff than they once were, there wouldn’t be anything along those lines for you to be outraged about.

Yet again, that simple observation is not a value judgment about whether the ideas are right or wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

You misunderstand, and are perhaps living about 10 or 20 years ago. Ever was I an “ally” as I promoted tolerance for gay friends and the like.

I agree people were “more open to this,” as you keep saying.

What you’re missing is that people are becoming “less open to this” as time goes on and we see where it goes. I’m not the only one. Yes, there will always be people who desire the same sex. However, codifying that into a new “race” by using the Civil Rights movement to treat gay like it’s the new “black” hasn’t been a good idea…because any other sexual thing is riding along with it.


…and then we add P for pedophile?

And please, stop mischaracterizing. We’re buddies now, so enough with the “railing against” and “outraged” language.

I’m telling you that LG by necessity will be something that has to go back into the bedroom, like all sexuality should be.

Yet again, that simple observation is not a value judgment about whether the ideas are right or wrong.

I understand, and I’ve lived through the past few decades watching the “more open to this” being a small part actual openness, and a majority part being propaganda through films and such.

It’s not tenable for a society. It’s not going to work, long term, normalizing LGBT.

“and then we add P for pedophile?”

That’s inferred.

Or as we say, “that’s the writing on the wall.”

Oh sh*t, it’s not inferred or anything else. They just say it:

“If society as a whole were not more comfortable with the ideas you’re railing against, there would be no LGBTQ movement for you to complain about.”

What a ridiculously stupid statement. The movement exists to FORCE acceptance, not because of it. Like everything else the left does, there strategy is to scream the loudest and intimidate until a majority is “comfortable” with them.

In the end, no one that was originally opposed to the degenerate movement is swayed… they simply give up and submit, as they did with “gay marriage”, thinking that will end the insanity. But it didn’t; submitting only whetted their appetite for more power. The same is true here and the majority won’t submit.

Why are “gay”, “lesbian” and “queer” separate entities?

The movement exists to FORCE acceptance, not because of it. 


Why are “gay”, “lesbian” and “queer” separate entities?

I don’t know.

Don’t you live in mortal fear of calling a “gay” person a “lesbian” or a “queer” person “gay” and violating their rights, resulting in criminal charges?

Now I do. Thanks.


“So, you think that because someone wrote an article about immature, deranged individuals demanding to be called random pronouns and those who don’t comply get charged with crimes, Curt posted the article here and we are all discussing the insanity of it all, we are all ‘comfortable’ with it? Really?”

No. I said that “society as a whole” is more comfortable with it, or these incidents surrounding the LGBTQ community—the things that get you so riled up—wouldn’t be happening. Society as a whole is clearly more comfortable with these ideas than it used to be.

That simple observation says nothing at all about whether those ideas are good or bad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

No. I said that “society as a whole” is more comfortable with it, 

Well, you said “people”, so I guess instead of inferring the people actually involved in the topic discussed, you were inferring every person everywhere.

I guess that is just my mistake, not understanding where your inference was directed.

You’re still a little confused about the difference between implying and inferring, I see.

I’m pretty sure the confusion rests in your quarter.

You’re doing neither. You’re promoting the usual “everyone thinks this way, and those who don’t are racist, Russian, white supremacist, etc”

The Left is desperate to propagandize it’s ideas into appearing to be the “Majority” meaning that no one is allowed to have a different idea without be shunned.

That what I see everywhere. It’s not true, and it’s not going to work.

Any right minded youth would and should reject the lbgtqqq+++ insanity.

The title IX reference by the school has zero to do with sexual harassment.

Forced speech is not free speech and it not protected by the 1st amendment

I would counter sure the living hell out of that school

Under the auspices of title IX. Title IX has no provision for sexual harassment.

The school is in a world of shit

The town has a population of under 4000, its what happens when libs move into sweet little small towns to escape the hell they created.

Also, I refuse to use pronouns. I use what a I think a person is, biologically. I suggest and promote everyone else to, as well.

This hysteria ends now.

These kids grew up together, its obvious the liberal admin of the school is pushing this “conforming non reality” and will lose.