Sally Kohn: I’m Gay. And I Want My Kid To Be Gay Too.

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Wait, what? I thought you can’t choose to be gay, that you are born that way? I’m so confused!

Via WaPo:

I live in the liberal bubble of Park Slope, Brooklyn, where no yuppie would ever admit to wanting their kid to be anything in particular, other than happy. But more often than not, we define happiness as some variation on our own lives, or at least the lives of our expectations. If we went to college, we want our kids to go to college. If we like sports, we want our kids to like sports. If we vote Democrat, of course we want our kids to vote Democrat.

I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too.

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And, until she got an enticing offer to come to India for a vacation, she also was refusing to vaccinate her daughter.
She ”principled” stand in that regard only lasted until she found out her vacation was OFF unless the girl had her shots!

So, don’t take her at her ”word.”
It is worthless.
Whatever benefits her at the time, that’s what she is ”for.”

She is a great example of how we are experimenting with a portion of this latest generation of children, however.
Keep an eye on her daughter.

A straight person can choose to engage in homosexual behavior just as easily as a gay person can choose to engage in heterosex, but doing so – either way – doesn’t alter one’s orientation.
But thanks for your admission that you are confused. I’m sure that you are.

“Less than two weeks after the first same-sex marriages took place in Alabama, the North Alabama Presbytery voted Saturday in favor of approving gay unions.
The organization consists of congregations in Morgan, Limestone, Cullman, Madison, Etowah, Lauderdale, Colbert, DeKalb and Marshall counties.
The vote on the Presbyterian Church (USA) issue labeled Amendment 14F, which would change the language in the church’s constitution from “marriage is a civil contract between a woman and a man” to “marriage is a civil contract between two persons,” passed 28-24.
In order for the amendment to become official, 86 of the denomination’s 171 presbyteries must approve the change. The count currently stands at 58 presbyteries in favor and 23 presbyteries opposed.
The vote occurred during the presbytery’s quarterly meeting in Florence.
Earlier this month, the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley, representing central Alabama churches, voted 75-39 to approve the amendment.”

Care to do a bit of elementary extrapolation and predict how this is going to play out?

@George Wells:

Care to do a bit of elementary extrapolation and predict how this is going to play out?

While you’re extrapolating, how about extrapolating how many members that church will lose. It’ll be a repeat of the Boy Scouts.

That lez needs to stay off those toilet seats in public restrooms and she won’t have any more children that she hopes has a birth defect in brain wiring.
George, if you had a son, would you wish he were homosexual?

@George Wells: Just read this:

Michael Sam gained overnight fame by becoming the first openly gay football player to be drafted into the NFL.

Now the 25-year-old Texan will show off his soft shoe by joining the celebrity contenders on season 20 of Dancing With The Stars, according to TMZ.

At 6 ft 2 and 261 lbs, Michael certainly could handle the rigorous rehearsals that go into each and every show.

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I read that entire story, and strange as it might seem, it didn’t say he’s going to be paired with a male partner. Isn’t that a double standard? Wouldn’t a male-male pair be a shoo-in to win? I’m sure it’s who he dances with in gay bars, etc. What is this, a double standard?


You really ask the silliest questions.

“How does a lesbian get pregnant?”
“Who is this gay guy going to dance with?”
“If I (George) had a son, etc.”
“ass-less chaps blah-blah-blah”

Your whole line of questioning leads only to the conclusion that you are terribly bored and don’t mind sharing your boredom with others.

If you asked questions that actually meant something significant, that would be different.
But you are pursuing a brain thread unworthy of an intellectually challenged elementary school boy, and you wonder why I don’t respond.
Hint: It’s not worth the trouble.

@George Wells:

Your whole line of questioning leads only to the conclusion that you are terribly bored and don’t mind sharing your boredom with others.

You go back and peruse my old comments to find some question that you consider silly just beacause you don’t have a ‘smart’ answer for them and make a list of them and then tell me that I must be bored. And you don’t mind sharing that is how you spend your time. Ok, George,
I notice that the only answer you had for how a lesbian gets pregnant is by sitting on toilet seats in public restrooms.
You did say that you agree that Gay guys should dance with Gay guys, right?

@Redteam #6:
“You did say that you agree that Gay guys should dance with Gay guys, right?”

Misquoting me – or misconstruing what I have said – does not make for an interesting conversation.
Asking me a question on a topic that I have CLEARLY not commented on, as if I have, isn’t a conversation at all.
It’s just a pathetic effort to annoy.
Stop trying so hard.

@George Wells:

It’s just a pathetic effort to annoy.
Stop trying so hard.

Buuuuuutttttttt, you will agree, I’m successful at it.

Why would you not support DWTS pairing a Gay with a Gay? Wouldn’t that be playing to your agenda?

@George Wells:
Don’t most of the celebrity females dance with ”gay guys?”
(Sure…… there are some straight male professional dancers.)
I guess I don’t get it.
If Michael Sam wants to dance as a male he should get a female professional dancer as his partner.
If he wants to dance as a female will DWTS give him a professional dancer as a partner?
Now, that would be a breakout move for this series!

@Nanny G:

If he wants to dance as a female will DWTS give him a professional dancer as a partner?
Now, that would be a breakout move for this series!

Nanny, that’s the point I was trying to make with George. George says that America has turned the corner and more people now favor homosexuals than don’t, so i’m sure DWTS would be bombarded with voters ‘liking’ the homosexual pair, don’t you? I don’t know why George wants to skirt around the issue and act as it’s a homophobe problem or something.

@Redteam and Nanny G:
I posted elsewhere that I don’t watch “entertainment” on television. I find it mind-numbing. A friend had to explain to me that you both are referring to a television “contest” show. I don’t watch any television contest shows, with the exception of following returns coverage on election night. That has some small measure of meaning to the lives of other people, what you are watching does not.

@George Wells:

I posted elsewhere that I don’t watch “entertainment” on television. I find it mind-numbing.

Is it the entertainment tv that you do watch or the entertainment tv that you don’t watch that is mind numbing?
If you don’t watch it, how do you know it’s mind numbing.
Is your mind numbed for long periods of time or just while watching (or not watching), whichever it is that causes it? Is it only your mind that is numbed or are some of your senses also numbed at that time? Could this problem be associated with the faulty brain wiring that resulted in homosexuality, or do you think it is unrelated?

with the exception of following returns coverage on election night.

is your mind numbed while watching the returns, thereby proving your theory that entertainment tv is mind numbing, or if it is not numbed, do you associate that with being equivalent to election returns ‘not being entertainment’ tv?
Should watching entertainment tv be a ‘test’ to determine if that is peculiar to homosexuals? Mind numbing being a ‘positive’ result?