For the second day in a row, an incensed Rush Limbaugh spent a significant portion of his show covering National Review’s bombshell report by David French detailing the state sponsored home invasions (or swattings as Patterico called them) that were perpetrated against private citizens by a hyper political District Attorney, a rubber-stamping judge and an all too compliant police force in Wisconsin in the Fall of 2003.
As Rush noted, “truly outrageous things” went on in the state of Wisconsin that was happening “at the same time as — and as part of — the effort to destroy Scott Walker.”
An effort was made “to destroy anybody and everybody who supported him and vote for him or donated money to him.”
“This effort was conducted by law enforcement!” Rush exclaimed.
The innocent in Wisconsin were guilty because they were conservative. The left in Wisconsin was losing everything. They were losing their union domination and control. Scott Walker was decimating all the systems they had put in place.
They literally lashed out in panic, anger, and you name it to punish people who had voted for Walker, who had raised money for him, who they thought had voted for him. It was the kind of thing that Vladimir Putin does and we all laugh about because that’s what we expect in a tyrannical dictatorship like the Soviet Union or Russia. We find out that it can happen here and has happened here, and there was no mechanism to stop it. The prosecutor’s name is Chisholm, John Chisholm, and I hope his name is never forgotten. .
The judge, without whom this case could not have happened, is Barbara Kluka, K-l-u-k-a, and I’ll tell you what she did.
She came along in the second John Doe investigation, and she approved every petition, every subpoena, every search warrant in the whole case in less than one day’s work. She enabled law enforcement to raid these innocent citizens’ homes. She’s since recused herself from this, but not before she enabled all of this to happen in the second phase of the John Doe 2 case here.
In the second John Doe case, the DA, John Chisholm, had no real evidence of wrongdoing by anybody. It didn’t stop him. Conservative groups were active in issue advocacy, which is protected by the First Amendment. It didn’t violate any campaign finance laws. Issue advocacy is politics 101. These people were targeted because they’re conservatives and liberals. As I say, what happened here in not only the treatment Scott Walker got, but everybody else, this is liberalism run amok without any checks, without any opposition, without anybody pushing back, and in its own way California is the same example.
Despite the fact that there were no violations of the law in any away, the DA, Chisholm, convinced “prosecutors in four other counties to launch their own John Does, with Judge Kluka overseeing all of them. Empowered by a rubber-stamp judge, partisan investigators ran amok. They subpoenaed and obtained (without the conservative targets’ knowledge) massive amounts of electronic data, including virtually all the targets’ personal e-mails and other electronic messages from outside e-mail vendors and communications companies. The investigations exploded into the open with a coordinated series of raids on October 3, 2013. These were home invasions,” including the ones that I have detailed previously in this half hour.
Somehow the Left’s henchmen ignored the fact that there was a perfect suspect in the original fraud case so they could cast their wide net and harass people who couldn’t possibly be suspects!
If we don’t re-institute the rule of law in this country soon, it won’t be fixable at all.