Romney – ‘If America Does Not Lead, Other’s Will..Others Who Do Not Share Our Values’


I believe that if America does not lead, others will—others who do not share our interests and our values—and the world will grow darker, for our friends and for us. America’s security and the cause of freedom cannot afford four more years like the last four years. I am running for President because I believe the leader of the free world has a duty, to our citizens, and to our friends everywhere, to use America’s great influence—wisely, with solemnity and without false pride, but also firmly and actively—to shape events in ways that secure our interests, further our values, prevent conflict, and make the world better—not perfect, but better.

Our friends and allies across the globe do not want less American leadership. They want more—more of our moral support, more of our security cooperation, more of our trade, and more of our assistance in building free societies and thriving economies. So many people across the world still look to America as the best hope of humankind. So many people still have faith in America. We must show them that we still have faith in ourselves—that we have the will and the wisdom to revive our stagnant economy, to roll back our unsustainable debt, to reform our government, to reverse the catastrophic cuts now threatening our national defense, to renew the sources of our great power, and to lead the course of human events.


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@Greg: If they would have armed the rebels, it would have been only with Aks and RPGs. No way would we let MANPADS fall into their hands, Greg.


Try to stay with the conversation, Ivan.

Kind of hard ever to get you to admit you’re wrong, Mata. Where shall we discuss those “elusive” MANPADS were you were hysterical about?

You want to do a post about how right you were and let me dissect it for you?

People who think we should have stood by while the madman killer of American soldiers and civilians decimated the city of Benghazi are fools.We did the right thing in assisting, primarily through NATO air support, the Libyan rebel’s removal of the mad Col.

BTW I’d love to see Assad meet a similar fate.

Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:

the city of Benghazi are fools.

That would be Mata and Aye you’re referring to! They were apoplectic when Ghadaffi was killed.

You are correct, Richard, G was an American-killing lunatic.

@Richard Wheeler:

Getting rid of vicious ME dictators is working out well in Egypt, isn’t it, Rich?

But then, Obama told a bunch of donors last night that we have Al Qaeda on its heels. (just don’t pay attention to all those riots in the Middle East or four dead Americans in Benghazi)

@Ivan, since you do so love to embarrass yourself, I’ll be happy to provide the link to Aye’s documentation in his comment #21, which aptly took you to the woodshed, as only Aye can. You, of course, being the guy who said that SA7s are “**not** that dangerous…”

Richard Wheeler
the madman had being pacified, he became useful and did cooperate with the US
ON TERRORIST ,ACTIVITY, as we learned,
now you exchange a madman with a million madmen,
its all about arithmetic is in it?
like who said that

BESIDE THE AIR SUPPORT, oh and destroyer?
THE FRENCH supply tanks and big weapons

@ilovebeeswarzone: good one Bees

what come to mind, is that possibly OBAMA SUPPLY LIBYA’S REBELS
WITH GADAFI own money . which he Gadafi ask for to GOLDEN SACH that was many billions to fight his
revolution and GOLDEN SACH who told him there was no more
because of bad deals made, and right then ,OBAMA told GADAFI to resign which GADAFI very angry to have lost
his billions refuse

Oh, my, are some people going to have egg on their faces:

Dan links to YidWithLid that has the ABC video and the AP news release.

And in spite of Jay Carney, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. ALL blaming the “sponteneous protest” in Benghazi on an internet video, now they are claiming they never said that?

Jeeze, are there any adults in this Administration?

@MataHarley: ….as far as MANPADS are concerned.

You keep leaving that out. Why is that? Oh yeah, because it’s comparative and you don’t like that I was correct.

Dumb beach.

Secondly, We now know I was 100% correct about your hyping the issue. It has been over a year and we don’t have any attacks by the VAUNTED and MYSTERIOUS missing “Manpads”.

Where are these attacks? To read your story about 20% of Europe’s planes should be nothing more than lawn darts.

It’s been over a year, Mata. No attacks. Not even in Syria, where you were convinced they had shown up.

You and Aye, the tag team of hype and ignorance.

I’m right, you two are wrong. Just like with Trayvon Martin. You and your lynch mob.

Ivan, if anyone gives a flying fart to your drivel, it’s all on the previous thread linked. Where are the attacks? Gosh darn… where are they? What did they use? Where did they get it? Not the US, of course.

You don’t need my help in making an a$$ out of yourself. Anyone can choose to read for themselves. Chill.

Woodshed. What hogwash.

Where are these missiles? Where I ask you?

How many did you say were taken? 30,000? 10,000? When, Mata, when will they materialize? Why would the bad guys hold on to them?

Ivan, the challenged: Where are these missiles? Where I ask you?

How many did you say were taken? 30,000? 10,000? When, Mata, when will they materialize? Why would the bad guys hold on to them?

Actually, Ivan “I” didn’t say anything that wasn’t stated by intel officials in my sundry linked articles in my original post. You, of course, are too lazy to click and read. Not my problem. It was the experts that stated their worries about the missing Gaddafi weaponry, which is still reiterated today. So I suggest you take your whining to the State Dept and Pentagon instead.

As for the rest of your indignant BS? See my comment above, Ivan. As I said, you need no help in making an ass of yourself. Your comments are there for posterity to view. Live with it. It was unimpressive the first time, and isn’t likely to improve a year later.

Bees The Madman was not pacified. He was within hours of destroying an entire city and it’s civilians.
Retireo5 This isn’t about Obama. Mac or Mitt would most certainly have taken out the Mad Col. as well as the crazed Dictator Mubarek, with ZERO American casualties. It was a no brainer.

rich, Obama did not take out Gadaffi. That was done by Libyans who represent their stellar replacement governing types, who believe in lynching rather than trials.

What an improvement, eh? Unfortunately, they aren’t as beneficial for US security as Gadaffi was, post Sept 11th, 2001. This new Libya has little desire to keep their militants in check.

@Richard Wheeler:

I never said we had the MadMan pacified. But we had opportunity after opportunity to take Mubarak out after Lockerbie. But Mubarak kept the Islamists in check, just as Gaddafi did. Now we see what removing somone who kept the radical Islamists in check has wrought. ZERO American casualties, Rich? Four dead Americans in Benghazi, one of them an Ambassador. Not since Carter have we lost an ambassador.

And yes, this is about Obama and his ME policies. When other presidents, including Clinton and Bush, understood that the devil you get is often worse than the devil you had, we are seeing what that brings. It should be clear to you that even though we helped Libyans remove Gaddafi, they still want to kill us, where ever they can find us. Nothing has changed. The old dictators will be replaced with new dictators. See Egypt.

You don’t poke a snake with a stick. You cut its head off so that it can never bite you. Instead, Obama poked the entire Middle East with a stick thinking he could appease his way into a historic new level of friendship with Islamic nations. He was wrong. And so are you.

Israel knows what is at risk if Obama is re-elected. It knows Obama doesn’t have their backs, and they will be left hanging out to dry. I don’t think Obama is a Muslim (at best he’s an agnostic at worst, he’s an atheist like his mother) but I do think he has Muslim sympathies, and that he thought his glowing personality could appease radical Islam. This is just the beginning. Syria and Turkey at at each others throats; Eygpt is becoming more and more radicalized with the Muslim Brotherhood in control; Jordan is in peril and Saudi Arabia knows that Iran is just itching to get at them.

Keep you blinders on, Rich, but the whole Middle East is about to explode thanks to the poseur in the Oval Office.

Richard Wheeler
what kind of leader , do you think can lead those people without an iron fist,
they can begin by agreeing to the PEOPLE, but eventually they discover
that kind
OF PEOPLE want to kill him, why ?

Retireo5 Response re “pacified Madman” was to Bees assertion.
You wanna sleep with dogs like Gaddaffi and Mubarek go ahead and buy your flea repellant.The people of Libya and Egypt are better off with them gone.New Democracies like Iraq,Libya and Egypt don’t always elect leaders that the U.S would prefer. In the long run,sometimes the short run,it beats the alternative of propping up despised dictators. The tyrants in Iran and Syria will also hopefully be brought down from within.
We will stand with Isreal as needed.The ME has been in turmoil throughout history.
We must maintain vigilence yet support freedom loving peoples whenever and wherever we can.

Semper Fi

rich wheeler: The people of Libya and Egypt are better off with them gone.New Democracies like Iraq,Libya and Egypt don’t always elect leaders that the U.S would prefer.

The purpose of US foreign policy is to advance US interests. Period. Personally, I don’t give a crap what is “good” for other countries in your opinion, rich. That’s their own concern. Not yours or mine.

Mubarak and Gaddafi did three things we, the US, no longer have thanks to this POTUS. They cooperated with the US on counterintelligence, they kept their jihad elements under control, and they maintained a peace with Israel. Iraq? We stuck around and made sure that after ousting Saddam by military might, the incoming new regime was US friendly. THAT is smart US policy. If the US intervenes to destroy a regime, they’d damn sure better make sure that the regime replacing it is an improvement for *our* interests.

You think otherwise? Go join the Peace Corp. I could give a rats ass if any of the citizens of these countries voted or not, or lived under a despot.

@Richard Wheeler: Then I suppose we should have tried to kill Hirohito after the war, he to ruined cities and killed American soldiers. Like it or not, the peace was made with Gaddafi, or is the word of the US worth so little?

The time to kill Gaddafi was when Regan tried, then quit short of the mark. The time to boot Saddam was when Bush 41 had him on the run instead of waiting and costing more lives. The GOP has done it’s share of fouling up the middle east and misusing the military as well.

@Richard Wheeler:

You are not just blind, you’re clueless.

New democracies like Iraq, Libya and Egypt? Are you brain dead? You really think those nations are moving toward democracy with the Muslim Brotherhood now in control and Morsi’s announcement that their constitution will be solidly based in Shiri’a law?

Allow me to point to Iran. Iran under the Shah saw a nation headed toward being like the Western nations. Women were allowed to dress Nancy Sinatra style, attend universities, become lawyers, doctors, scientists. They owned businesses and ran businesses. They taught in the schools. They were not required to wear beekeeper outfits. There was no “culture” police who drug women to jail for not having their heads covered or because they were seen in the company of a man they were not related to.

But Carter, in his infinate wisdom, turned his back on the Shah because he thought Iran could do better. What happened? A dead ambassador and Americans held captive for over a year. The very man that the Shah booted out of his nation because that man was too radical, returned when Carter refused to help the Shah. The rest is history. That, Rich, is what is going to happen to your “new democracies” in Iraq, Libya and Egypt.

The mistakes of this president, Carter II, are going to be felt for generations just like Carter, I’s mistakes with Iran now pose a grave threat to not only the entire Middle East, especially Israel, but to us as well.

Dogs? Fleas? News flash, Rich; when the sheep are wandering off the ranch and need to be brought back into the fold, you don’t care that the Australian Shephard has fleas. You simply want the dog to rein in the sheep so they don’t get eaten by the wolf, and believe me, the wolf in the Middle East is hungry and licking its chops at the thought of all those sheep being available for its dinner.

Now we are sending troops to Jordan. Syria and Turkey are about to go to war. Iran is thumbing its nose at this administration. Al Qaeda is taking over the Free Syria Army. Al Qaeda is gaining strength in Iraq and Libya. My God, man, get your head out of the sand.

geez it seems that OBAMA will be dangerous for AMERICA until the last minute of his PRESIDENCY,
as dangerous as to put the MILITARY in danger,
if they are not sustained by adequate support,
well we know he never bothered with that fact,
he trust the haters to be on their heels,
I think they are on his own heels

Retireo5 I would not put The Shah in the same pound with Mubarek and Gaddaffi.
Did you know The Book Of Mormon suggests a benevolent monarchy is the ideal form of governance? It realizes however, that absolute power almost always corrupts, and therefore a Democracy is preferred.
I’d say the overall fight against Al Queda has gone pretty well in last 3 years. i regret NATO did not bring down Assad when he was seriously weakened this summer.F Iran The Israelis with the support of U.S., and NATO will do what is necessary to prevent their nuclear armament
I guarantee the Marines are in the Med and ready to go as needed. My vision is clear,thank you.

EXIT THOUGHT If we’d had one more helicopter in the desert raid, Carter might well have been re-elected. Hindsight

Richard Wheeler
as PRESIDENT, MITT ROMNEY WILL be doing what he knows best, as learned from his personal experience and up bringning has nothing to do with what MORMON are saying as each have their own mind, except unified by their love of GOD , patriotism and dedication to AMERICA,
are you insinuating that he would favor a monarchy for AMERICA?
aint you trying all you can to minimize MITT ROMNEY PROFILE?
yes you are and you’re showing your side mindset as OBAMA is
with the big bird


You are not just blind, you’re clueless.

I see that when Mata beach-slapped you a few months ago she infected you with her venom and now you’re acting just as vituperative as she is.

Can’t you advance an argument without insulting people?

@retire05: Good analysis. It is simple enough that even the people who puts Big Bird in political commercials!

@Richard Wheeler: Well Rich, you are not even aware of the whole store in Iran. It would taken much more than 1 more helo. Carter blew it before any one went to Iran. The force was too small to accomplish the mission. It was doomed from the start. You may be able to find the real story from somone who was there. That is how I learned about it. You will not find it in the news. Carter was afraid that sending in the force the military wanted would make other nations fearful that the US could do that to any of them. Remind you of any current presidents?


People, who pander in stupidity because of their political leanings deserve to be insulted.

There is no way, absolutely no way, that we can put a happy face on Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.’s Middle East policy. What we are seeing is the removal of dictators who were, for all intent and purposes, secularists who were interested in protecting themselves against the radicalism of fundalmentalist Muslim. That worked for the benefit of the U.S.

Now we are seeing the entire Middle East in full meltdown mode. It will not get any better. The woman who was in charge of providing security for the consulate in Benghazi just testified (although she tried to spin it) that additional security in Libya was denied because the State Department had determined it was not necessary. Not only was additional security denied, existing security was removed in August.

There were over 230 incidents of terrorist activity in Benghazi in the year leading up to the Sept. 11th attack. The British, and the Red Cross, deemed the situation so bad that they pulled out, with the Brits leaving the vehicle, and weapons, with the U.S. Benghazi consulate.

And Rich wants to say that what we did in Libya was good and Libya is now a “new democracy?”

Sorry, that is pure stupidity and needs to be rebuked.

@Richard Wheeler:

No, the Shah was NOT in the same mold as Gaddafi or Murbarak. Yet, Carter did nothing to aid a pro-Western ruler. And the result of that decision is now all too apparent. And good God, man, what does Mormonism have to do with anything being discussed here except for you to throw a barb? Pathetic.

So you think the battle against AQ is going well? Based on what? The death of ObL? Yet, the second in command under Osama, Ayman al Zawahri, had his own brother orchestrating the protests against the U.S. in Cairo. Four Americans are dead, due to a spin off group of AQ and you have the audacity to say the “overall fight against AQ is going pretty well in the last 3 years?” And people wonder why I call you clueless, and let’s just ignore the American military that has been lost in Afghanistan since Obama entered the Oval Office. Guess you think that’s going pretty well, as well, right?

Are you so blind you cannot see what the disaster the Middle East has become in the last year? Are you so in the tank for Obama that you cannot admit, even to yourself, that we are LOSING the battle against radical Islam and that this president has done NOTHING to make it better? Are you so blind as to think that all Obama’s pretty speeches, full of platitudes to the radical Muslim world, have made us stronger?

Four Americans are dead, and yet, your seemingly blind loyalty to the Administration won’t even allow you to be honest about the situation on the ground. Tell me, how does one become so indoctrinated as you seemingly are? Because I can’t understand that for one second.

OBAMA DOESN’T FIND THAT IMPORTANT, just a bump on the road, he protect the haters,
does it mean that all the other embassys are having the same
low profile security, he never had an inch of a doubt that there would be a danger for their lives ,
OBAMA he choose to believe and rely on the MUSLIM, totally taking their words
who else could secure them but the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,

Retire05 You continue to rant and rave like a sad and angry old lady.I feel sorry for any who are around you. Are there any? If so it must be very difficult for them.

Your hate for Obama absolutely blinds you. As previosly pointed out by people of sanity like Aye and Mata, you’re a mess lol

@Richard Wheeler:

Am I angry that four Americans, who devoted their lives to this nation, are dead because of the absolute ineptness of the current administration? YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT, I’M ANGRY. And it is appalling that you are not, instead trying to make excuses for it.

But then, you don’t seem to care that Americans are dead as long as The One can continue to blow smoke up your ass. Do I hate Obama? No, he’s not intelligent enough to hate. I just want him gone on January 20, 2013 and I don’t care if Big Bird takes his place because even a dumb bird could not do a worse job.

And don’t try to recruite others to help you as you exhibit your stupidity.

Richard Wheeler
you call that hate?
you mean to say that your many comments mean that you hate the CONSERVATIVES

Maybe I would take the republican outrage more seriously, if it weren’t for their recent efforts in the House to reduce State Department funding by 43 percent. It’s that budget item from which things like embassy security are paid for.

The first thing to pop into Romney’s mind when our embassies were threatened seems to have been how the situation could be politically exploited. He was busy attacking the embassy statement and the Obama administration while the Cairo embassy was still under siege.

I believe political exploitation to be the primary republican objective at present, as well.



Well, Greggie, not once did Kennedy or Lamb make the claim that the State Department’s refusal (three times) to add addition security to Benghazi was due to lack of funds. Not only did State not give Benghazi more security as requested, it pulled most of the security that was already there out in August, one month before the attack.

But wait, our embassy in Vienna has a bunch of new Chevy Volts and has spent hundreds of thousands of our taxpayer money on “going green.” Bet that is a solace to Chris Stevens’ family, don’t you think?

Oh, and the reason State denied additional security? Threat assessment. Even after two previous attacks on the Benghazi consulate and one gun shot injury to a American security official.

What I think the main republican consideration about Chris Steven’s death has been is how to use it to pick up votes. That’s what I think. I have some other thoughts as well, but I’m too polite to express them.


Sorry, Greg, only this administration uses assassinations for votes as evidenced by Obama’s continual remarks on the death of ObL.

But hey, if it was only FOUR Americans dead in Benghazi, what’s the big deal, right?

Retireo5 As I’ve mentioned your angry irrational rants are perfect for recruiting moderates and Indies to the Democratic side.You’re a poster gal for all that’s wrong with the extreme right.Can you PLS send a picture of your angry puss to go with your diatribes.

@Richard Wheeler:

This is the mental image I have when I see her posts:



People, who pander in stupidity because of their political leanings deserve to be insulted.

Look, we can disagree without being disagreeable. I find quite a few people making stupid statements, but I try to attack their arguments, not them. It weakens the Right-wing when we engage in personal attacks, Retire.

Also, you and I agree on many issues and have few differences. I don’t know why or how it came to be that we’re always getting in some pissing contest. I don’t care for them and I don’t think you do. Shall we put that all behind us?

And Rich wants to say that what we did in Libya was good and Libya is now a “new democracy?”

I’m sorry, but legacy of the 20th and 21st Centuries will be that of failed “democracies.” The concept is outdated and failed. Giving everyone the vote has led to complete and utter chaos in the ME, Europe and in the Americas.

Sorry, that is pure stupidity and needs to be rebuked.

Rebuke it fine, but let’s be civil.


This is the mental image I have when I see her posts:

Totally uncalled for, Aye. Attack his arguments, not him.

I suspect if RW was in the same room with you you wouldn’t be such a brave internet tough-guy.

@Richard Wheeler:

Can you PLS send a picture of your angry puss to go with your diatribes.


Keep it civil. Okay?

Aye Where did you get that picture of HER, and with Holloween just around the corner.
Ivan Try to get your posters straight.I’d enjoy being in the company of Aye anytime.

Semper Fi


Yo dumbazz. I wasn’t insulting Rich.

If you’re going to insert yourself into someone’s conversation you should at least be attentive enough to know what is going on.

I find quite a few people making stupid statements, but I try to attack their arguments, not them. It weakens the Right-wing when we engage in personal attacks, Retire.

Does it weaken the right-wing when you refer to people as “cheese dick” or “race traitor”?

How about when you call a woman a “whore”?

Does that sort of stuff weaken the Right-wing? Or does it not?

Pretzel logic at it’s finest.

Congratulations on that.

You’re a lying liar who lies when you claim that you don’t attack people personally but, rather, their arguments instead.

@Greg: You must always blame the house. Did they reduce the funding for embassy security or was that on the block. Maybe they can reduce some of the security for the US Embassy in Great Britan where we can rely upon on the locals to secure our embassy and move it to some other embassy that really needs it. That is what an effective organization would do. You are a true liberal. I can tell, because you must always blame others for your shortfalls.

@Greg: Gosh Greg, being polite never stopped you from making an ass of yourself before! Can you ever believe that some of us who have risked our lives for our country are concerned that others who are risking their lives for our country should have at least a fighting chance to live? THose 4 US Citizens deserved a chance that an incompetent administration knowingly failed to provide!


Aye was slamming me. You see, Aye thinks he’s being cute but the only one he impresses is himself. I just consider the source and ignore it.

Four dead guys are only a bump in the road according to the President.


You see, Aye thinks he’s being cute but the only one he impresses is himself.

I don’t know who Aye is performing fellatio on to get away with all this personal attacks that he engages in on FA, but he has only Mata has his confederate. I think both Mata and Aye lost their last allies during the Trayvon Martin fiasco. You see very few here on FA echoing their arguments any more.

What we need to do is stop with the personal attacks. We need to come together and WORK together to defeat Obama. Disagree with each other-fine, but do it in a mature manner.

Disagree with each other-fine, but do it in a mature manner.

The line quoted above comes from the same guy who, five lines earlier, was accusing me of performing fellatio on someone.

Curious, that.

If only Ivan was aware of the self-parody he has become.