Robert Francis “Blotto” O’Rourke, Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Own a Gun Due to His Drunk Driving and Felony Evasion Crimes, Whines to Twitter Over Someone’s “Molon Labe” Taunt

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Twitter doesn’t bother taking down actual death threats from the left, or even tweets from Democrats at about this level, like Eric Swalwell’s announcement that we have nuclear weapons to deal with vermin such as you.

Riding to Blotto O’Rourke’s defense? The translucent fun-size soybag Alex Griswold from the Free Beacon — you know, the liberal “conservative” rag that hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump and Ted Cruz.

People tend to forget that last part and just say they paid Fusion for dirt on Trump. Nope. They wanted dirt on Cruz, too.

Anything to take out any challengers to their preferred liberal/corporate fake conservative candidates like Jeb! and Dreamy Marco.

But it’s a Real Media property, not the propaganda front for a political organization.

here are liberals in the GOP, and they should be allowed to work in “conservative” branded media.

But should a group that represents 10% at most of the GOP dominate 90% of the “conservative’ media?

But as they only follow and link each other on Twitter, they also only hire each other and suggest each other for hiring. The whole system is dominated by liberals, and just as in colleges, they’re impossible to dislodge as they are tribally loyal and cultish. The only response is boycott.

By the way: AllahPundit retweeted this.

Not done virtue signalling to his liberal Twitter buddies, Hashtag Soybag decided to also attack anyone who thought that David French’s defense of Drag Queen Story Hour as a “blessing of liberty” with another shot of rote Millennial snark.

Here’s David French’s quote, which he’s so proud of that he’s tweeting out links to the liberal magazine that gave him some attention:

And here’s the “conservative” Alex Griswold mocking both 2nd Amendment supporters and people opposed to government employees using government-supported government buildings (libraries) as venues for Drag Queens to show off their Gender Flexibility to children.

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Dear Beto the Stupid more people were killed by Drunk Drivers then were killed in the Vietnam War yet Hollywood still makes crappy movies like Sideways where drinking alchole is glorifed

So, a question… if Twitter took down Cain’s “threat”, why do they allow Puto O’Rook to copy and repost it? Is it less threatening when a liberal is using it to promote a lie? Maybe Puto should wait until someone posts a picture holding his fake decapitated head, preforms a play about his assassination or a music video of him being shot before he whines about being threatened?

I bet even Buttgag thinks O’Rook is light in the loafers.

@Deplorable Me:

Of course, to gain as much press as he can over Briscoe Cain’s tweet, whiney, weasely Beto has claimed he has contacted the FBI over Cain’s tweet.

You want to know how dumb O’Rourke is? What Cain said was a take-off on the “Come And Take It” history of O’Rourke’s own state and shows just how clueless Robert Francis is. And how was that a threat against whiny, weasely Beto? Did he intend to go to Briscoe Cain’s home to try to take away Cain’s firearms? What an absolute ninny Robert Francis is. In all honesty, the threat is Bozo Beto’s, when he is threatening to take away the firearms from law abiding citizens and violate their Second Amendment right.

Now Cain is under guard by the Texas Department of Public Safety due to the death threats he, and his family, have received. Not to mention that his family and friends are being doxxed. It’s not liberals who should fear conservatives, it’s conservatives that should fear liberals (who had no problem trying to knock down Tucker Carlson’s door when only his wife and children were inside the home and accosting conservatives in restraurants).

Robert Francis’ campaign is on life support. He has no chance. All his “I have no intention of taking your guns” crap when he was running against Ted Cruz is now coming out a the lies many Texans knew they were.

“Beto O’Rourke said ‘hell yes we’re taking your AR’s.’ Well Beto, we’re discounting AR15’s to such a low price that EVERY AMERICAN can afford one,” Alpha Dog wrote in a Facebook post. “How about the low low price of just $349.99? Yeah, that works.”

Just disarm his Bodyguards teach them how to use The Force to disarm Crinimal’s just like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker can. He is Stark Raving Stupid