RNC member: Dump Trump is gearing up for convention battle

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John Sexton:

The movement to dump Trump at the convention has picked up enough steam that a Republican on the permanent rules committee has written a letter to his colleagues warning of “rage” if Trump is denied the nomination. The Associated Press reports on the thinking behind the effort to dump Trump:

“If Trump is the nominee, we truly believe it’s the end of our party,” said Kendal Unruh, a Colorado delegate who is leading the effort to dump Trump. “We’re trying to save the party.”
There could be floor fights over convention rules and the party’s platform. And instead of a coronation, the roll call to nominate Trump could allow delegates to voice their displeasure on national television.

“What’s worse for the Republican Party — this is the calculation — one week of absolute chaos and all sorts of recriminations or four and a half months of this looming, rolling catastrophe?” conservative Milwaukee radio host Charlie Sykes said on his Tuesday show.

In a radio show appearance, Republican Bruce Ash, who sits on the rules committee, noted the recent appointment of two men to the rules committee who have connections to Mitt Romney. Ash defended his criticism of the appointment in a subsequent letter to his colleagues. Politico published the full letter which reads in part:

I have enormous respect for Mitt Romney, however, in view of his support of the NeverTrump movement I questioned how it looked that two of the leaders in the 2012 Romney campaign (Enid Mickelson and Ron Kaufman) were running convention rules and former RNC Chair Haley Barbour is running Permanent Organization in the middle of a rising “conscience” vote movement being organized by Governor Romney and others who seek to nullify 56 state contests and possibly bring in another nominee?


I pray we avoid drama such as what occurred at the 2012 convention rules committee. We have our county’s future and the future of our party in our hands. Can you imagine the rage if Trump is denied the nomination? The RNC created a level playing field to select our 2016 nominee. Against 17 contestants Donald Trump surprised the political world and out-performed everyone. He bested his closest contestant Ted Cruz by a nearly 2 to 1 margin. Fellow members, the only way we can win in 2016 is to stick together. If we don’t, the result will be catastrophic. Donald Trump might not have been our first choice but he is the people’s choice and I support his candidacy…

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But polls show that over 60% of americans dont want them to dump trump they need to dump themselves and the news media reptiles into the swamp

“If Trump is the nominee, we truly believe it’s the end of our party,” said Kendal Unruh, a Colorado delegate who is leading the effort to dump Trump

What an arrogant little prick. It will be the end of the Republican Party if they do derail Trump from the nomination. The primaries are in, the people voted. If they try to pull that shit off I vow never again to vote Republican (even though Trump was not my favorite candidate).

If they can do this, why even bother to have a primary? The illusion that we, the peons, have a say in things?
This is not an effort to stop Mr. Trump.
This is an effort to crown Ma Barker.
“we truly believe it’s the end of our party”
Your Republican party is already dead.
Our Republican party, however, is just getting started.

@Petercat: you do know this wouldn’t be a first? Abraham Lincoln got the nomination this same way, delegates voting him over his opponent who had more votes. Sometimes ( almost always) mob rules is just that, mob. Deceiving don has gotten where he is by lying, demeaning mocking. He is unfit to serve as POTUS. The delegates have the responsibility to select the person best suited for that office and for the country. This person is NOT deceiving don. With so much new info coming out on his underhanded dealings, it’s the delegates duty to select whom their conscious tells them is the right person. I pray that is exactly what they do.

To my utter shock Mark Levin had good things to say about DT yesterday. Don does one thing very well he attacks other people, yesterday he was speaking about Hillary. He did to Hillary yesterday what Romney should have done to Obama 4 years ago. So Mitt, kiss my lily white arse you couldnt put up so shut up. I know Don is a square peg for a fit for a well rounded Republican. I really, really dont like him, he couldn’t win the nomination without lies huge lies. Without playing on the ignorance of most of his followers knowledge of the delegate process. It was all unfair and rigged or fraud unless he won. He has no platform, what is his agenda? The media only fawned on speeches he read from a teleprompter, how Presidential he sounded.
He is better than Hillary, what a pathetic reason to vote for someone.
So ask yourselves if the delegates dump Trump and he goes 3rd party will you vote for the republican party nominee, or give the White House to Hillary?

@Spurwing Plover: that’s exactly opposite. Less than 40% want him. Pretty much the same number that voted for him.

@Petercat: no one wants Hitlary either. But, they’re the same: new York liberals with new York values. BTW: deceiving don is the one that used that phrase first. Not Sen. Cruz. But, 40% is not enough to constitute the “will” of the people. More voted against him, than for him. He won through lying, besmirching and just plan Ole thuggery. 60% of us said no to him and continue to. He is not what this country needs. Nor is hitlary. Out of 300 million people and this is the best? Nope. Not even close. I pray the delegates do their job and put someone with some class and brains in there for us.

@Peggy Willams: Absolutely Concur

@kitt: I will vote for the person I feel is best for the country, even if I have to write it in. As of now, I’m voting for neither deceiving don or hitlary. They’re both lying, new York liberals. If either of them win our country is screwed. Deceiving don is talking bankruptcy for our country and hitlary is talking flat out marxism. Neither is acceptable and for those that think deceiving don will listen to and surround himself with the “best”, how’s that going so far? He backtracks on literally everything. His “big brain” and “bigly words” aren’t working together. He will be just as bad for the country as hitlary, and worse for the conservative brand. He’s no conservative. He’s barely a Republican. His kids couldn’t vote for him bc they were registered demoncrats!! Just like dear ole dad. How wonderful that we’ve been put in this position. Being right in one thing does not a president make. Doesn’t even make a nominee. I am really scared right now. For my country, and my kids, and my grandkids. Please delegates!! Do the right thing!!! Dump the turd throwing chimpanzee!!

Why, exactly, would the country be “screwed” if Hillary Clinton became president? It hasn’t been “screwed” owing to the Obama presidency, which has essentially presided over a prolonged stretch of economic recovery, and has acted in accordance with a belief that rational actions should be taken based on thoughtful deliberation rather than impulse and emotion. That doesn’t guarantee you always get it right, but it certainly increases the likelihood. Clinton would keep to that course. If you want continuity and stability, those would be her goals.

The only thing that worries me about Clinton is her more hawkish nature, and I’m not entirely convinced that current geopolitical developments don’t warrant such an adjustment.

The presumptive alternative? Trump is a know-nothing poser, driven primarily by his need for ego gratification. Few things have ever been so obvious. People haven’t got a clue what his actual positions are on anything, other than his unshakable belief that the nation is desperately in need of as much Trump as possible.


It hasn’t been “screwed” owing to the Obama presidency, which has essentially presided over a prolonged stretch of economic recovery,

If the Obama administration had not thrown out benchmarks and standards that have been in place for almost 3 decades, the unemployment rate (U-3) would be over 10%, not the bullshit rate they wave around now. And those jobs that have been created have been largely low-wage unskilled work. Oh yeah, the economy is doing fine. Wall Street is, but we the people aren’t.

Clinton would keep to that course. If you want continuity and stability, those would be her goals.

8 more years of this shit (race relations at their lowest in 45 years, high unemployment, Universities being indoctrination centers for babies incapable of listening to opposing viewpoints (that behavior being duplicated in Congress by Democrats yesterday), Middle Class being squeezed by excessive regulations blocking new business creation), I shudder to think where we’re going.

Unfortunately, the alternative republicans seem determined to offer to Clinton is Donald Trump in the White House. Off all the people they could offer as an alternative, they choose this guy.