Report: Never Trump Ex-Jeb Bush Staffer Admits Planting Anti-Roy Moore Story in Washington Post

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A Friday Big League Politics report claims Tim Miller, a Republican operative prominent in the “Never Trump” movement, helped pitch the Washington Post story in which the first allegations of sexual misconduct nearly 40 years ago were made against Alabama GOP senatorial nominee Roy Moore.

The report contains screenshots of what are alleged to be text messages between Miller and conservative publisher Charles C. Johnson of The texts show Miller insulting Judge Moore’s fitness for office and bragging about how “Beth” is “good to work with.” He is implied to be referring to Beth Reinhard, one of the two authors of the original Washington Post story.

Reinhard, before joining the Washington Post, worked at the Wall Street Journal during the 2016 GOP presidential primaries as the embedded reporter covering the Bush campaign. She, therefore, likely had regular interaction with Miller since at least 2015.

Miller, who served as Jeb Bush’s communications director in the 2016 GOP presidential primaries, categorically denies any involvement in the Washington Post story. He told Breitbart News:

I had no involvement in pitching the Washington Post story or any others where women spoke out about Judge Moore. Moore allies have tried to pitch this to 10+ outlets, conservative and mainstream, who have all rejected the story after examining the facts because there is no truth to it.

Big League Politics Editor-in-Chief Patrick Howley makes his case as follows:

These text messages reveal a few things: the Republican Establishment’s relationship with the Post’s anti-Moore coverage, the cunning of writer Charles Johnson in trapping Miller, and former Bush staffer Miller’s cluelessness about how to conduct himself in the world of political subterfuge. Miller denied to BLP that he was involved in the Washington Post story “or any others where women spoke out about Judge Moore,” but the text messages below leave no doubt as to his invovlement [sic][.]

During and after the 2016 primaries, Miller was one of the leading voices against eventual GOP nominee Donald Trump. He played a role in the decidedly unsuccessful attempt by Never Trumpers to disregard the will of Republican voters and deny Trump the nomination through the use of convention rules.

Miller remains an outspoken critic of Trump and consistently opposes Republicans of the pro-Trump or populist-nationalist bent. He has frequently appeared on cable news programs as an anti-trump Republican voice and now is one of far-left’s 25 favorite “conservatives.”

Miller has aggressively campaigned for Judge Moore’s liberal Democratic opponent Doug Jones. on Twitter, announcing last month that he had donated money to Jones:

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Yes the never Trumpers would rather lose than give the voters choice, we knew that, this is another proof that the Republic must be saved by the people, for the people.

I wonder when Democrats and some Republicans alike figure out that instead of fighting for the old, status-quo, you-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours political game, they are simply going to have to forget their personal enrichment and go to work for the people that voted for them?

@Bill… Deplorable Me: The old uniparty has been in power so long they just cant accept we are done, dont make promises that you have no intention of even attempting to keep. We will choose who we want not any old codger in on the joke they put up and bankroll.

@kitt: “The enemy of my country is my friend” has become the new mantra.