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The “retreat from the Sestak issue” by Issa is because it looks personal, plus all the there that is there is probably already available, so continuing will be a fruitless exercise. Usually these sort of things play out in the press, where a sense of shame causes somebody to resign .. this administration has no shame .. at least on this issue. The only way to get their attention would be be if it cut into support for some other priority, but I doubt at this point it would have much impact. And ultimately, it would have to go to the DOJ, who would only sit on there hands, even with a winning hand.

Issa has known all along that there was nothing illegal about offering Sestak an appointment. People don’t seem to get how the Hatch Act gets in the way of any legal argument that a bribe was offered. An appointment can’t be given in exchange for not running for an elected office when the appointment, if accepted, automatically precludes you from holding the office in question. This isn’t an exchange. It’s a choice between two mutually exclusive options.

Unfortunately, the “Continue reading” thingus points to a site that the Ass Of Spazz HQ won’t allow me to read.

Probably isn’t worth it anyway.