Rep. Clyburn: Conyers only harasses white women

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A writer for The New York Times Magazine and National Geographic tweeted that Clyburn invoked the name of Susan Smith, South Carolina’s infamous child murderer, in his defense of Conyers.

“James Clyburn compared Conyers’ accusers to the child murderer Susan Smith, who initially claimed a black man had abducted her kids. Clyburn said, these are all white women who’ve made these charges against Conyers,” Robert Draper tweeted.

When asked if that comment was true, Draper said he verified it through two sources, adding “Clyburn has used the Susan Smith parallel more than once, to members & staffers.”

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According to Clyburn, Conyers has a quadruple layer of protection around him. He’s black, he’s black (and his accusers are allegedly white), he’s a liberal and he’s a member of Congress. By “held to a higher standard” he apparently means the charges have to be cut and dried, supported by photos, video and audio and then… well, maybe. However, even Pelosi realized how stupid she sounds defending him and said he must resign.

He even rolled out the “innocent till proven guilty” mantra, something not extended to anyone but liberals. Republicans may be too quick to rid themselves of someone under accusation but the left will cling to a guilty piece of sh!t relentlessly.