Refer to women as “dumb twat” and “c*nt” and Wasserman-Schultz will appear on your show

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Wasserman-Schultz on “Meet the Press”

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D-FLORIDA): Then the other news in contraception this week was Rush Limbaugh criticizing a young law student who stood up and said, look, at Georgetown Law School, not only am I required to pay for my own health insurance because Georgetown Law requires all students to pay for health insurance, but contraception’s not covered. And what did he do? He called her a slut. A slut. And now I’m sorry, I know he apologized, but forgive me if I doubt his sincerity given that he lost at least six advertisers. And the bottom line is that the leading candidate on the Republican side for president couldn’t even bring himself to call Rush Limbaugh’s comments outrageous and call him out and ask him to apologize.

DAVID GREGORY, HOST: You’re talking about Mitt Romney.

REP. SCHULTZ: Yes. Mitt Romney. What, what woman in America–and Rush Limbaugh, in that apology, said that he was trying to be humorous. I don’t know any woman in America, David, that thinks that being called a slut is funny.


But Maher thinks that’s funny and so do his fans.

On March 18, 2011, to cheers and applause, the host of HBO’s Real Time called former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a “dumb twat.”

Then, according to the Dallas Voice, while performing at the Winspear Opera House nine days later, Maher called Palin a “cunt.”

If slut is so offensive to Wasserman Schultz, shouldn’t “dumb twat” and “cunt” also be?

Apparently not for on January 13, 2012, the Congresswoman appeared on Maher’s HBO show.

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Laura Ingraham reminded folks that MSNBC’s Ed Schultz (sp?) called her a slut just last month and NEVER apologized!
Where is the outrage?
Civility will only be enforced from left toward right, is that it?

@Nan G:

Civility will only be enforced from left toward right, is that it?

That’s how it is now, Nan. I find it rather disgusting that any woman would admire a guy like Bill Maher, who has described conservative women in much more vulgar fashion than Rush’s “slut” reference.

The “civility” theme the left is pushing is nothing more than an attempt to limit the language the right has available to them, meanwhile the left ignores civility in their language.

Why any of the Republican Candidates would have to answer any questions about Rush Limbaugh’s comment is pointless political grandstanding by the questioner. Has Obama ever been asked to call out the pastor Wright for his slurs against America, or if he ever asked the Reverend to apologize for inviting the antisemitic Louis Farrakhan to speak to his congregation? No one in the Republican party is responsible for what Rush says on his program, nor does Limbaugh represent anyone’s opinions but his own.

Why not ask Wasserman Schultz to name someone who has actually spent $3000 on contraception, and to itemize how anyone could possibly spend that much money on contraceptives. What about the sexually deprived wallflower’s of society? Will we next be expected to provide prostitutes and hourly motels to provide release from the mental anguish and frustration of the sexually deprived?

This is a distraction from the real important issue of the unconstitutional violation of religious establishments and 1st amendment rights, over cheap and often free contraceptives, which are easily available to women. As a voter I am insulted that the news media has pumped-up this ridiculously small side issue into such a climax. And that Democratic political operatives are chatting it up, as if it’s the free availability of condoms that’s important in the presidential elections.