Red Guards of the West: How the Woke Movement Resembles China’s Cultural Revolution

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Tucker [00:00:00] Shortly after George Floyd died, Memorial Day weekend 2020, people began to say what was happening in the United States bore some resemblance to what happened in China 50 years ago the Cultural Revolution with Red guards and struggle sessions, public humiliations, public atonement, a kind of secular frenzy that looked very much like a hate centered religious right. The Cultural Revolution. But what’s that overstatement? Well, Xi Van Fleet has seen both. She’s Chinese. She was seven years old in 1966, when the Cultural Revolution started, and 17 when it ended with Mao’s death in 1976. And along the way, she became one of its victims. She moved to this country, to Kentucky in 1986, and she’s been here ever since. So she has seen both revolutions firsthand, and she’s written a new book comparing them with the warning. It’s called Mao’s America, and we’re grateful to have her XI Van Fleet in the studio with us now. Xi thanks so much for coming on.

Xi Van Fleet [00:01:02] Thank you. This is some unbelievable that I’m here with you.

Tucker [00:01:05] Oh, I’m so grateful. You are so you were seven years old when the Cultural Revolution started. The equivalent first grade. What was the moment you realized something strange and important was happening in China?

Xi Van Fleet [00:01:17] Yes. To me my memory is it happened overnight and overnight. I just noticed there’s a lot of what’s called big character posters everywhere. It’s just big pieces of paper and with, words written in very large letters so everyone can read it from distance. Kind of like today’s social media.

Tucker [00:01:40] Crude propaganda.

Xi Van Fleet [00:01:42] Yes. It’s really, the, posters, really of people, denouncing others. In my school, I remember it’s, the papers were denouncing, administrators or teachers, and it’s overnight and it’s just everywhere and in the cafeteria, because that’s the only place that I walk that’s indoor. And it just from my ceiling, from the, floor to the ceiling. And it’s, class, stopped. And so one day I went to the classroom and I saw, note on the blackboard, no class for three days. And that three days lasted for two years.

Tucker [00:02:26] Two years, two years.

Xi Van Fleet [00:02:27] No school. Because this school was, like all the other institutions, was shut down by the Red guards and the Red guards. And I think nowadays more and more Americans are familiar with that. And Red Guards with the kids from elementary school, two universities. So they took over the country. So there’s no school for two years. So what I, what did we do as a kid? We went to the street, so every day we went to the street. We watched the Cultural Revolution unfolding. And that is struggle stations. Parade of those people who were denounced. And eventually become violence.

Tucker [00:03:13] So it was young people aiming their rage at the behest, in the direction of the central government of Mao, against not foreigners who threaten China, but it against against Chinese, against your own people?

Xi Van Fleet [00:03:25] Yes. And it is difficult even for me to understand. And it took me a long time to understand what that cultural revolution was about. It is a revolution that Mao launched against CCP, against his own party, against his own government. Why? Because he thought he was losing influence. He thought he was no longer had absolute power. So it’s really a power struggle. And this time, he did not use the armies. He did not have to. He had tens of millions of young people that they have indoctrinated in the government school for the past 17 years. They’re ready to go. Just give them a call. Say you are now mobilized to defend the, to defend Mao and to defend communism. And that’s what, the, how they got the, kids all involved. And, they’re familiar to Americans now. They dismantled the, criminal justice system. No police.

Tucker [00:04:37] Really?

Xi Van Fleet [00:04:38] Just like a defund police. So the Red guards could do anything through no consequences. And eventually they start to kill. Kill their teachers, kill their principals, and they kill millions of people.

Tucker [00:04:54] Did, I mean, the normal people who are watching this, your family I assume. Did anybody say anything about it?

Xi Van Fleet [00:05:00] Nobody can say anything. Just like here. Because Mao openly supported them, and Mao had, eight, rallies to meet the Red Guards in Tiananmen square eight times to declare that the. He was their red commander in chief. And those are his little Red Guards.

Tucker [00:05:26] So there’s no dissent at all, at all. And things just get progressively crazier and crazier and crazier. Do people think that this was going to stop?

Xi Van Fleet [00:05:36] No one knows. And I remember that in the first. And it started it was somewhat peaceful because all they did was destroy the, the past. And in most words, it’s the four olds: Old ideas, old culture, old custom and old habits. Get rid of them all that include, destroy all the statues. The statues. Mostly in Buddhist statues, Christian statues. Everything has to come down. And everything that is old has to be destroyed. So when they finish with the public, spaces, they went to people’s homes. And I witness the Red Guards went to people’s homes, took everything they thought was old. All this bad. Old is something that need to be. Get rid of including furniture, people’s old photos, everything. Because the goal is to get rid of the past, we can replace it with the pure Maoism.

Tucker [00:06:42] I remember reading about the culture revolution years ago, reading a biography of Mao, and was so struck by how much Mao hated the Chinese, hated the country, hated the history, hated the culture, and yet he was in charge of the country and thought, that’s very strange.

Xi Van Fleet [00:06:56] So we were taught that the Mao was our savior. Yes. And we’ll have songs saying that he was our savior. He made it possible for us to have a better life. Why? Because he removed this three bit mountains that had been suppressed. And Chinese people that they imperialism, the old feudalism and the, well, capitalism. He removed them all. That’s why we could have such happy life. So, no, no, no, we never thought that. That he hate us. No. He did. But we were told we should be so grateful. And he was our not only savior during the Cultural Revolution, he really became our God.

Tucker [00:07:43] Was there a, do you remember the moment that the Red Guard went from carrying slogans and yelling at people, humiliating them to the point where they went to killing people? Did that seem were you shocked by that?

Xi Van Fleet [00:07:55] Were people shocked when actually it started about the same time, because the only, in the very beginning, it only started on campuses and and Canning started as early as August of 1966, a few months after the Cultural Revolution. The first killing took place in the very prestigious middle school for girls. They bunch of girls, young girls as young as 12 and old as 16. They beat, tortured and killed their principal. That was in August 1966, and I was, elementary school, student. So in my school I do not see killing, but I did see attacks by the kids. And one of the things I remember so vividly is a teacher. She is, she is, a pretty good teacher, and she usually will dress kind of nicely. And that’s considered a persona. So the, the kids. Followed her call her names. Eventually this surrounded her and spit on her. So after a while she was covered with spit from head to toe, and that was considered mild because she was not hurt, physically. The same time we heard caning happened in middle school, especially universities. But the police were told to stay away from campuses, and if the Red guards hit them, they are not allowed to hit back, just like here.

Tucker [00:09:36] So what happened to you as you got older during this period?

Xi Van Fleet [00:09:40] So the violence of the red guard movement. Lasted until 1969. By then all the power was taken down by the Red Guards for Mao so basically, the all the institutions, all paralyzed, there’s no one in charge. So they thought, okay, now it’s time for us to get some power. And then they start to fight each other for power. And that’s when it’s getting really, really violent. It become almost like a civil war. They raided the military, institute. They raided the ministry places and got a real weapon before it was just sticks and stones and rocks, and now it’s a real weapon. And they started to kill each other.

Tucker [00:10:32] The different Red Guard factions.

Xi Van Fleet [00:10:34] Factions, because they thought, now it’s time for now for us to get power. And then you. Exactly the faction. It got so bad that tanks were deployed in cities where there’s a lot of defense factory, and that’s not that far from where I live. And. And it was not safe by then for us to go to the street. One day, a stray bullet landed under our window when we were have dinner. So it was. And it was so bad that one day I described in my book that we were outside and we heard this really awful Chinese funeral music. And then the words came back that they have a cop parade. So it’s one faction of the Red guards try to gain public, sympathy. So they had the people that were killed by the other faction on the parade. That was the time that Mao got rid of them.

Tucker [00:11:35] So they basically they were his creation. He gave them all this power. Yes, to consolidate his own. But once they became a threat to him, he did what he suppressed.

Xi Van Fleet [00:11:47] Yeah. So the military to suppress them. So they, we don’t know the number, the real number. But he killed tens of thousands of Red Guards, and then eventually he got them together, the leaders, and said, you disappointed me. And then, just like that, the whole movement was dismantled, and they all sent to the countryside, many of them sent to the virgin land like a gulags. To be reeducated through physical labor. And that’s how you become real communists. You can’t just do the, what you did in the city. You have to be, really go through hard labor to become real communist and off the go. And a from 1969 from that time on, all city kids from high school were sent to the countryside. And when I graduated from high school, in 1975, I was to send to the countryside and doing the physical, labor that was very primitive. And I stayed there for three years after Mao died and after ten shopping re-opened universities. That’s how I could go to college to study.

Tucker [00:13:10] What did you do in the countryside?

Xi Van Fleet [00:13:13] Yeah. That is not a farm. So a lot of people think about the countryside. To think about farm? No.

Tucker [00:13:18] Yeah. Countryside here is a good thing.

Xi Van Fleet [00:13:20] Yeah. No, no it’s, a commune. Every. A rural area was arranged or organized as coming on campus collective forming. So in the commune there are a lot of production teams and so it’s all run by the CCP. So what I did is every day we would gather in the a meeting place of the production team, and the leader would tell us what to do. So we do the work and we get a point. And then in the harvest time, you use the point to get some, produce grain or potato or whatever.

Tucker [00:13:59] To get food?

Xi Van Fleet [00:14:00] To get food. Yeah. So I not only experienced and witnessed the whole Cultural Revolution, I also get three years work in the field and get to know how peasant did. Those peasants put Mao in power. He mobilized the whole peasantry and promised them free land. They put them in power after the revolution succeeded in 1949, the peasants, the same people that put him into power, found them in the very bottom of the society, and they were the ones that could not leave their land because…it’s called a hokou. It’s like a household registration system. So they become serfs. They just really live the life of the poorest. Kind of, in a way, I’m glad I get a chance to be with them and to know that this is communism. This is socialism, supposedly to liberate them from the oppression of the oppressors. And they they end up way more worse off than before. And during the famine in 1959 to 1962, up to 50 of them starve to death. The peasants.

Tucker [00:15:26] 50 million.

Xi Van Fleet [00:15:27] 50 million.

Tucker [00:15:29] Unbelievable. So you’re there three years, so you’re there from ’75 to ’78, and then eight years later, you’re in the United States. How did you get here and why did you come here?

Xi Van Fleet [00:15:41] So I was so lucky that I was able to go to college at the age of 19, which is still not because I was sent to the countryside when I was only 16. So after I got my degree, I was given a job. You don’t just get a job. You were given a job. So I was given the job to teach in the teacher’s college. And, in the early 80s, more and more Americans, come to China to volunteer to teach during the summer. So there I met a wonderful lady. Her name is Pat. We became friends. And she wanted to help me to come to America. And so, true to her words, she did help me. She got assistantship for me and she sponsored me in 1986. I never dreamed that would happen to me. And I got my visa and I was on my way to America.

Tucker [00:16:49] Amazing. And you went to Kentucky.

Xi Van Fleet [00:16:50] Kentucky. Western Kentucky University.

Tucker [00:16:54] So you lived here. You married an American. You lived in this country, it sounds happily from, let’s just say ’86 to 2020. George Floyd gets killed and all of a sudden, in a day, the country changes. What did you notice about those early days, late May, early June 2020, and what did it make you think as you watched it?

Xi Van Fleet [00:17:19] It’s a long time coming because I start to notice things earlier, even as early as 1990s. And I remember in a class that I took and it’s about special education when the the act of American Disability…

Tucker [00:17:39] The ADA. Disabilities, 1990-91.

Xi Van Fleet [00:17:41] Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. And the teacher was telling us, you know, now, you know, that they are protected and, as, teachers, that we should… I just took the class, but there are others that are special ed teachers that we should be very, very respectful. And we should never say blind. We should say people with vision…Impaired vision, something like that. I don’t even remember. And I was so impressed. I said Americans are the nicest people, they tried, you know, to be nice and not, you know, not hurt people’s feelings. And now we know right during the process and we were taught, you can’t say vision impaired. Now it’s something different. And now you know what? What’s the correct way to call those people? Blind? Blind? Yeah, according to Stanford. Now, that is the correct way. So that just remind me of the Cultural Revolution, that there was only one correct way of thinking, of talking. And if you don’t do it, you’ll get into trouble. So I just noticed.

Tucker [00:18:49] So when the language started changing and people announced that, you know, from here on out, we’re calling x, y we’re calling, I don’t know, Peking, Beijing or the Orient, Asia or whatever, the blind visually impaired that reminded you of the Cultural Revolution

Xi Van Fleet [00:19:08] A little bit. I’m just saying, if you ask me what I noticed. Yeah, that was something I noticed because I noticed later. You can’t say that. You can’t. There are so many things you can’t say or you have to say differently. And who will tell you? The authority will tell you that’s the correct way of saying things. And that’s correct way of thinking. Okay, but still, I did not lose my sleep over those things. And until later. And in my book, I did say Trent Lott probably is the person that came to my mind that can really pin down the moment I really say this is kind of really like cultural revolution. I don’t even know the story. Whatever. He was called a racist because he said something. I said, that really sounds like Cultural Revolution. You say something and your life is over.

Tucker [00:19:58] Trent Lott was a Republican Senator from Mississippi who went to the funeral of the longest serving Republican senator from South Carolina, Strom Thurmond, and praised him at his funeral. And for that, he was –

Xi Van Fleet [00:20:10] Forced to resign. Right? Yeah. And that really made an impression on me. I think that’s just like cultural revolution. And hings get from bad to worse. And it was way before 2020 that I know that things really, really going wrong. Because in the workplace, I was invited to be a member of D&I. Back then it was D&I: Diversity and Inclusion Council, and I notice every member has an identity there. And I just realize this is not really about making people work together or how people work together. It’s more like political identity. But things, you know, got so much bad in the, 2020 when I saw the Antifa and BLM burning our cities, I said, this is no longer some kind of troubling sign here. This is a full blown Marxist revolution. This is exactly what I noticed, or what I witnessed during a cultural revolution. So I said I got to do something. I have to get involved one way or the other. And that’s the end of 2020. I got involved with the Loudon County Republican Committee. And after that, and now we get emails and, you know, ask us to go to school board. And, I was never, never involved politically to go and give a public speech. It was just intimidating to me. But I got so much support from the members. I said, I don’t even have children in school at that time. They said it doesn’t matter. We’re all taxpayers. And you should go there and voice your opinion. So I said, okay, okay.

Xi at school board meeting [00:22:03] I’ve been very alarmed about what’s going on in our school. You’re now teaching, training our children to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history. Growing up in Mao’s China, all this seems very familiar. The communist regime used the same critical theories to divide people. The only difference is they use class instead of race.

Xi Van Fleet [00:22:25] And back then, you know, you had to wear a mask. I said, thank God I have to wear a mask and I can cover, you know, hide myself. So I went there and I did that, and I have no clue. I have no clue. What happened after that?

Tucker [00:22:38] Well, I have to say, one of the features, just as a foreigner reading about it of the Cultural Revolution that’s always struck with me is the mass hysteria. Rational people becoming irrational, people going crazy, getting caught up in this frenzy and really believing things that are absurd. I want to show you a piece of tape from the United States. This is after George Floyd’s drug overdose death. And this is a table of affluent white ladies who have paid money to be told they’re racist. And I just want to get your view of this. Watch this.

Women (soundbite) [00:23:13] Actually, Margaret, you didn’t say yours. What? Your racist thing. The thing that you’ve done, thought about or done. You have something inside of you that’s not quite – like that’s racist. So you must have you examples in your own life. Well, I also work in environmental engineering. I have absolutely no people of color or minimal people of color, possibly with the exclusion of being slightly Hispanic.

Narrator (soundbite) [00:23:41] Saira doesn’t like her attitude.

Women (soundbite) [00:23:43] I can say a racist thing you’ve done because it just happened when you just talked to me the way you just did. This is how white women talk to us all the time. These are microaggressions. When I say the exact same thing to my white girlfriend who says the same exact thing. I don’t care if you talk to everybody like that. The way you just spoke to me was straight up white supremacy. You actually just answered with racism.

Narrator (soundbite) [00:24:08] White supremacy is said to be hidden in innocuous phrases and banal behavior. The smallest things could be considered racist. It’s enough that a person from a minority group feels insulted.

Woman (soundbite) [00:24:19] Sounding terribly white. I don’t know that I was all that racist to start with, but I also will be more aware or hyper aware of my thoughts or reactions to circumstances that would be racist.

Tucker [00:24:40] So here we have privileged white ladies being barked at by even more privileged nonwhite ladies about their sins, and the white ladies are loving it. What is that?

Xi Van Fleet [00:24:50] That’s a struggle session. Yeah, and that’s something that everyone have to go through. During the Cultural Revolution, in the very beginning, that was those in power that was taken down by the Red Guards that were struggled against in the so-called struggle session. That was brutal. Some of them were killed right there in the public trial, but everyone have to go through the gentler form of struggle session, and that’s called criticism and self criticism. So as kids, we all have that kind of a struggle session every week. And we all sit together and after, you know, referring some of Mao’s quotes and we will, criticize self. You really start with yourself. And you would say, and I did this and that, not quite up to the requirement by Mao’s instruction. And and I still have this bourgeois influence in me. And then everyone will join and say, yes, you’re right. You did this and this that day. You said, this is this, that day. And then we go around. So we struggle against others and we against ourselves. So to get rid of every little incorrect thought from our mind. That’s what it is.

Tucker [00:26:09] So China is, I mean, overwhelmingly Han Chinese. So you’re not going to have racial lines in a country that’s got one race. But if you take the race stuff out, white supremacy, it’s identical.

Xi Van Fleet [00:26:28] Identity politics. That’s exactly what it is. In China, it started with class. Yes. And they divide the whole population into two classes: red class and the black class. And you can figure out pretty much what it means. Red, the correct class. And the black is the incorrect class. Those are the property owners, landlords or people with bourgeois worldview. They’re all black class, so they are the enemy of the state. We all look alike, right? But that’s how China was divided, by Mao. And I’m talking about identity. It’s not something, you know, just say, okay, I’m black class. No, you are black class and that is your identity. And that is required in every government document. Just like here, race, you have to figure out. You have to figure out what your race, what your race is there. You have to fill out what your class is, and then you passed it on to your children and your children’s children, and you will forever be the enemy of the state. And here we still have class. You know, Bernie Sanders still talk about 1% versus 99%. But race is the most potent way to divide America. And that’s just exactly the same thing that happened in China.

Tucker [00:27:58] Maybe another similarity is that the people who are screaming about privilege, themselves have the most privilege. Right. I mean, so the people leading the struggle sessions were obviously more privileged in the people being interrogated. Correct?

Xi Van Fleet [00:28:12] It’s in the revolution. Most of the revolution, you can see who started. It’s usually the elite. Mao was from a rich family. All his comrades are from rich family. Only people from rich family had the time to entertain how to start a revolution? Exactly the same. And then they turned the people against the other elite. And that is always the case. Because they want people fight against each other and that’s how they control them.

Tucker [00:28:41] So as you’re starting to notice these things, do you tell your husband who’s American, your children are born here, your friends who are American – do you say, wow, this looks like what I grew up with? Do you tell anybody that?

Xi Van Fleet [00:28:55] That is a mistake I’ve made that for a long, long time I never really talk much about my past. Yes, because I want to forget it myself. It’s unpleasant, it’s awful. And no, I haven’t share a lot of the stories with my family and with my colleagues. A lot of them say oh, she had such an interesting story because it’s awful things that you want to forget. And that is the mistake that I made. And that is the mistake the conservatives made. They never really fight for the schools to teach the horror of communism. People don’t know. People have no idea. And, when I went to that school board and given that speech. I think a lot of them have probably the first time heard such a thing as culture revolution. Yes, that’s why that’s, I say, when we people like me who live through communism, we sort through it right away. The Americans have no clue. That’s why they don’t realize what was happening here in 2020. And what’s happening now is communists take over. I mean, there’s no doubt about it. It is communist takeover.

Tucker [00:30:10] When you say that to Americans, how do they respond?

Xi Van Fleet [00:30:12] I think more and more started to see it. But many told me they never. They don’t know anything about Cultural Revolution. They know very little about communism. They thought communism was defeated. Berlin Wall was torn down. It’s over. And. I think that’s the mistake the conservatives made.

Tucker [00:30:34] Tell us about your speech at the Loudoun event.

Xi Van Fleet [00:30:38] It’s only one minute. And. So the only thing I can say is that what’s happening in our schools and how you push the CRT, just to me, is just a repeat of the Cultural Revolution. During the Cultural Revolution, I witnessed students and teachers turned against each other. We changed school names to be politically correct. We were taught to denounce our heritage. The Red Guards destroy anything that is not communist. Statues, books and anything else. And we were also encouraged you to report on each other, just like the, student equity ambassador program and the bias reporting system. This is indeed the American version of the Chinese communist, the Chinese cultural revolution. The critical race theory has its roots in cultural Marxism. It should have no place in our schools.

Tucker [00:31:33] What kind of response did you get?

Xi Van Fleet [00:31:35] Well people applaud. And then my minute was over and I was just, you know, I really I just left the meeting and, because I took time off my work, I have to go back and make up the time. So I thought everyone knew it. Cultural revolution. Who doesn’t? Well, then I got calls later and the people want to interview. And I realized, my God, people just don’t know. Americans do not know.

Tucker [00:32:03] And why don’t you think? Why don’t they know?

Xi Van Fleet [00:32:06] I think it’s on purpose. That is absolutely to me. I’m convinced it’s on purpose. They do not want to teach communism, and they do not teach the horror or the history of communism, because those they can control. They are Marxists. They want to use the same tactics. To gain power. That’s why it’s not taught. It’s not taught at all. And as later from my Twitter followers and I see comments like in school we learned slavery and everyone knows slavery. Everyone knows, Nazi Germany. We’re never taught communism. And that’s why people don’t know what’s going on today.

Tucker [00:32:52] Yeah, because they know that history has been withheld from them.

Xi Van Fleet [00:32:56] Yes.

Tucker [00:32:57] Do you notice similarities in, between, Mao’s attempt to destroy Chinese culture, history, language and our government’s attempt to hide our history and change our historys, lie about our history to the populace.

Xi Van Fleet [00:33:13] That’s exactly the same thing. History is so important. And as we know that whoever controls the present, controls the past. And whoever controls the past, controls the future. That’s what our CCP did when they took over China in 1949. They totally took over the educational system. They remade the curriculum. But what they really put their energy and focus on is to rewrite history. So the history that I learned, and even today I have to get rid of all this misinformation that I’ve received as a, as a schoolgirl and later on in college. All fictional. Absolutely fictional. And that. But that that’s how they control you. And you believe, just as I said earlier, you believe that Communist, the CCP is our savior. Mao is our savior to, to save us, to liberate us. Now, we heard that word, too. To liberate us from the oppression of those, you know, imperialism, feudalism and capitalism. And you believe it. And people ask me, did you question? I said, how could I question? I was taught one thing. I have no access to other information. I could not think. Thinking. I think, requires, you know something. You have information, you have different sources of information. And hopefully you can, you know, go through them and come up with your own conclusion. That’s critical thinking, right? When you have only one information you can’t think. I can only think one way. That’s Mao’s way. That’s the correct way. And I have been like that for a long time. Some people were saying that they see though things in the cultural revolution, not me. I’m totally into it. I’m totally accept everything I was told, no matter how absurd it is, was I accepted because party can’t be wrong. Mao can’t be wrong.

Tucker [00:35:18] You’ve seen the whole cycle. You’re born ten years after the Communist revolution. And you, you know, you watch the whole cycle of it. So given that, where do you think things are going in this country right now? Where are we in that progression?

Xi Van Fleet [00:35:36] People ask me that a lot. You know, it is really, really decades in the making in America. After the. The 60s, when the Marxists took over our universities. They have been creating generations, not just one generation, generations of Marxists or people who absolutely, follow that those ideologies. Now they are in our institutions, in every institution, including educational system, corporations, government and even our military. It is everywhere. So I always say that the infiltration of communism is complete in this country. And, so it is it is really, really we’re in a dire situation. So what do we do? Well, we’ll have to start from educating people and to wake people up by telling them history, by telling them that what’s going on here is nothing new. It happened before. Not that long ago. It happened to me 50 years ago. The witness, the survivors are still here trying to tell American people this is a communist revolution. And the goal is to destroy this country. And the goal is for the globalists, globalists to take power.

Tucker [00:37:03] Can it be stopped?

Xi Van Fleet [00:37:04] It has to be stopped. So we have to wake people up, get involved. And, sometimes I feel so, just feel like there’s no hope. But many times I do feel like there’s a great hope. I have been invited to talk to so many people around the country, and I met people who got parents who never involved politically, just like me. But they are involved now. They’re fighting. They’re fighting in the trenches. And so I say there is a hope. There is a great hope. And, we can’t just fight because we kind of figure we might win. To me, we have to fight because we believe in it. And what I believe in is America. And so there’s no choice but to fight.

Tucker [00:37:54] People who grew up in this country. Most, I know, assume that it can never get to out of control here. Yes, there’s revolution going on. We’re living through it right now. But because it’s America, that revolution will never entail the killing of a lot of people. All revolutions end up killing a lot of people, but ours won’t somehow. What do you think?

Xi Van Fleet [00:38:16] Just looking out on the streets and the campus today. Look, those people who have no empathy because their empathy is, guided by the, the ideology, that ideology is Marxist ideology about oppressors and oppressed. The world view is looking at everything in terms of who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed. And that that is absolutely the communist worldview. And for those who are oppressed, anything they do to the oppressed, or the oppressor is justified. That includes murder, kidnap, raping, that’s all justified, just like the Cultural Revolution. And that’s what’s happening in today’s America. Those are the absolute result of decades of indoctrination.

Tucker [00:39:11] So people with no empathy will kill.

Xi Van Fleet [00:39:14] Will kill. And today they’re just out there accepting, justifying and celebrating violence. It’s only a short step away from committing violence. Those kids in China that kill their principals, their teachers. They’re not monsters. They’re not. They were, most of them were from very prestigious universities and, and high schools.

Tucker [00:39:42] You know, I mean, the parallels are unbelievable.

Xi Van Fleet [00:39:44] Unbelievable.

Tucker [00:39:45] So the Chinese Harvard was more radical than the Chinese HVAC repair school?

Xi Van Fleet [00:39:50] Absolutely. The cultural revolution started in Tsinghua and Beijing University. The top of the top. And those the red guards that committed murders were the best of the best, supposedly. And then they kill. And there was one, one short step that would see this happen if we don’t stop it.

Tucker [00:40:12] When you say that, do people take you seriously? Do you think in this country, they believe you?

Xi Van Fleet [00:40:16] I think the people who listen to me, yes, they believe me. And that’s why I think it’s, I play a very, very important role because I’m telling people not something I just learned from books or just I did some research. It is from my lived experience using the left’s terminology. I lived through it. I saw it, and. Absolutely. This can happen here. And this will if we don’t stop it.

Tucker [00:40:43] So. But our system was supposed to. We were taught growing up that our system would never allow something like this to happen, because it’s a democracy and the people are in charge. And you can vote them out if you don’t like them.

Xi Van Fleet [00:40:55] I know, I know.

Tucker [00:40:56] What do you think of that?

Xi Van Fleet [00:40:57] I love what John Adams said. Our system, our constitution, is made for moral and religious people, and it won’t work for any other. And that the Constitution is still there. The rule of law is still there. But the people have changed, and that is what’s happening today. We are dealing with Marxists and Communists who control our institutions, and so they can use this democratic process and carry out their agenda and destroy everything on the path.

Tucker [00:41:36] So the process itself is irrelevant. It depends on the intent of the people.

Xi Van Fleet [00:41:40] Yeah. And people have changed. The people have really changed.

Tucker [00:41:44] Why do you think that? What do you think they have changed?

Xi Van Fleet [00:41:46] Indoctrination. Decades. And just. Just think about it. From the 60s. It’s several decades. That’s the power of indoctrination. That’s why I always tell people the only way for us to win the war is, to, get our schools back, get our university back, and of course, media, because those are the institutions that shaping people’s mind. And they’re all in the hands of Marxists.

Tucker [00:42:19] What motivates Marxists?

Xi Van Fleet [00:42:21] Power. Power. When you think that way, everything’s easier to see. I do not know why Mao would just launch this revolution that destroy everything and destroy people’s lives. My life. Power. Power. He wants to launch the Cultural Revolution because he want to have absolute power. And he did. In the process, he become not just the supreme leader. He’d become our God.

Tucker [00:42:49] In China today, are average people aware that the Cultural Revolution happened, are they upset about it, do they talk about it?

Xi Van Fleet [00:42:59] That is a great question. I think it’s so important for people to understand. People in power. They want to control history and they want to erase inconvenient history. And that’s exactly what happened in China. Young people were not taught Cultural Revolution. And, when they, talk about it, they were told that was an anti-corruption campaign. That’s it. And the young people, many of them never heard about the Tiananmen massacre because it was not in the history book. Not taught, forgotten, all the history of the atrocities by the CCP were not taught to the new generation.

Tucker [00:43:46] Is it, I mean, it’s not, very reassuring that the political party that killed tens of millions of people is still in power.

Xi Van Fleet [00:43:56] Absolutely. Because they control the history. Yeah. You don’t know. And young people don’t know. And old people dare not to talk about it. And that’s happening here. We don’t know history. People who know. A lot of them don’t want to talk about it.

Tucker [00:44:14] My last question to you. You survived all of this. This first revolution. What advice would you give to Americans for how to respond to our revolution right now happening in this country?

Xi Van Fleet [00:44:27] I would say you understand what’s going on. Only when you understand what’s going, you can fight back. Otherwise, you can’t fight something you don’t understand. And it’s not some kind of crazy kind of Democrats that they just do some crazy things. No, this is absolutely a full blown communist revolution. And the goal is very simple. It’s just one: destroy this country so some people can have total control of power.

Tucker [00:44:54] So it has nothing to do with improving anybody’s life?

Xi Van Fleet [00:44:56] No. And if you want to, if you want to save this country and save it for your children and your children’s children, you have to get involved. You have to fight back as your life depend on it.

Tucker [00:45:11] With that, Xi Van Fleet. Thank you very much. Thank you. And congratulations on this book.

Xi Van Fleet [00:45:17] Thank you.

Tucker [00:45:17] Horrifying as it is.

Xi Van Fleet [00:45:18] It is.

Tucker [00:45:20] Thank you.

Xi Van Fleet [00:45:20] Thank you.


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When did the meaning of diversity change?
The condition of having or including people from different ethnicities and social backgrounds.

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Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Way back in 2005 this “anatomy of a photograph by Zombie the anonymous photo blogger shows that commies have been directing blacks, anarchists, American leftists in general.
See it all here:

Last edited 11 months ago by Nan G