Pussy (Hats) Whipped

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That’s all you got?

Two years of non-stop campaigning, denouncing and doxing — and all the Resistance has to show for it is a House majority smaller than the one Republicans currently have and a net loss of three Senate seats? (Thank you, Justice Brett Kavanaugh!)

Democratic leaders may try saying, “THIS IS JUST WHAT WE WANTED! We wanted to be down by three Senate seats.” But I think their voters are saying, We were hoping for more of a rebuke.

The media exhausted itself on this election! Can they go back to that level of hysteria today?

President Clinton lost 54 House seats and eight Senate seats in his first midterm, as voters responded to Hillary’s attempt to socialize health care. President Obama lost 63 House seats and six Senate seats in his first midterm, as voters responded to the Democrats’ successful party-line vote to socialize health care.

America’s response to Trump’s first two years? Republicans lost fewer than 40 House seats and gained Senate seats. (Again: Thank you, Justice Kavanaugh.)

And that was with more than 40 House Republicans being spooked into retiring rather than go down to certain defeat in what the media convinced them would be a big blue wave.

It’s always a bad idea to give Democrats control of any part of government. You don’t want those guys running a lemonade stand.

But — wow — are there silver linings!

First, all the worst Republican House members were defeated, such as cheap labor advocate Kevin Yoder of Kansas and Florida’s Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a second-generation immigrant who goes around calling his fellow Republicans white supremacists. (Alleged white supremacist Steve King won and Curbelo lost — hahahahaha!)

As the movie character Ninotchka said of Stalin’s reign of terror: “The last mass trials were a great success! There are going to be fewer but better Russians.”

Second, the main accomplishment of the Resistance in the first midterm was to help Trump win his re-election bid.

Even voters skeptical about Trump will embrace him after two minutes, let alone two years, of watching Speaker Nancy Pelosi run the House, Rep. Maxine Waters chair the House Financial Services Committee, Rep. Jerry Nadler head the Judiciary Committee — and Rep. Adam Schiff run around issuing subpoenas all over town.

How about Rep. Alcee Hastings, an impeached and convicted bribe-taker? His seniority surely requires giving him a committee chairmanship! Is Pelosi going to discriminate against Hastings just because he’s a proud black man? Right now, Pelosi is trying to determine which committee chairmanship requires no honesty whatsoever.

If you were hoping the Democrats would seize this opportunity to make utter fools of themselves — impeachment hearings, resurrecting the Kavanaugh gang rape claims, and Russia, Russia, Russia — I’ve got good news! That’s exactly what their base is demanding. I promise you, Maxine Waters is not going to say, “Don’t worry, guys. I’ll be keeping a very low profile.”

Voters will be pleading, Couldn’t we get an infrastructure bill? Will you please do something about all these criminal aliens in my sanctuary city? And the Democrats will be carrying on about Trump’s taxes.

The Senate math was on Republicans’ side, but countering that were several GOP retirements. Republicans not only held the Senate with a bigger margin … but now with no Jeff Flake, John McCain or Bob Corker!

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If the Democrats thought they were going to deploy their pet FBI into initiating more pointless politically-driven “investigations” of Trump, that prospect just changed. Trump put a new sheriff in town and he’s not one of the coupsters.

I suggest that Mad Madame Maxine go see a head shrink and so something about his idiotic ranting spells

@Spurwing Plover: #2
No, no! Let her keep going as she is!
She’s our secret weapon for 2020!