Public Health Experts: Protesting Racism More Important Than Coronavirus

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Conservatives play the Lucy football game too often. One of the most frequent mistakes is taking lefty premises and principles at face value and then arguing against them by showing inconsistency or hypocrisy. Or, even worse, proposing to out-left the left. “I’ll ask a Muslim bakery to bake a Mohammed cake”. “Why not believe Tara Reade?” “Democrats are the ones responsible for racism and police brutality”.


The Left has one solidly consistent principle. “I win, you lose”. Everything else is momentary strategy and messaging. Now the farcial profession of public health expert, which suddenly turned obscure cogs into unelected tyrants, is predictably pivoting to explain why we have always been at war with racism and that’s a much bigger public health crisis than #StayHome #WashYourHands #LoseYourRights.

“We should always evaluate the risks and benefits of efforts to control the virus,” Jennifer Nuzzo, a Johns Hopkins epidemiologist, tweeted on Tuesday. “In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”

Killing grandma is much less important than defunding cops.

But key words, “public health risks”. Friends, this party is just getting started. Every lefty cause will be a public health crisis. Think of the “public health risks” of not protesting for the environment or protesting Trump, “a one-man health crisis”. And, it ought to go without saying, that Democrats and their conventions are a vital means of upholding public health while Republican gatherings are a public health hazard.

If the coronavirus continues to dismantle civil liberties for the public health crisis regime, that regime will wipe out all political dissent.

For “public health”. Why do you hate science?

“The injustice that’s evident to everyone right now needs to be addressed,” Abraar Karan, a Brigham and Women’s Hospital physician who’s exhorted coronavirus experts to amplify the protests’ anti-racist message, told me. “While I have voiced concerns that protests risk creating more outbreaks, the status quo wasn’t going to stop #covid19 either,” he wrote on Twitter this week.

Wait, it wasn’t? So why were we terrorizing people for burying their dead? Why did people die alone in hospitals?

former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Tom Frieden, who loudly warned against efforts to rush reopening but is now supportive of mass protests. Their claim: If we don’t address racial inequality, it’ll be that much harder to fight Covid-19.

Tom Frieden is an inept leftist hack? I’m shocked.

It’ll be that much harder to fight the coronavirus if we don’t clump lots of black people together without social distancing making it more likely that they’ll catch the virus? Which white supremacist came up with that genocidal ploy?

 There’s also evidence that the virus doesn’t spread easily outdoors

As Liz Warren would say, “Those are right wing talking points.”

Remember when it was crazy right-wing anti-science people saying stuff like that.

The experts maintain that their messages are consistent—that they were always flexible on Americans going outside, that they want protesters to take precautions and that they’re prioritizing public health by demanding an urgent fix to systemic racism.

It’s consistent. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

We have consistently told people to huddle under their beds and avoid contact with other human beings for fear of killing everyone around you… unless it’s to protest racism.

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If only they could prove Floyds death was racially motivated….

In other unreported news
A report out of Germany, an initiative of a department of the interior ministry called Unit KM4 and in charge [of] the ‘Protection of critical infrastructures’.”

“Some of the [leaked] report key passages are:
* The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
* The people who die from Corona are essentially those who would statistically die this year, because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stress (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation).
* Worldwide, within a quarter of a year, there has been no more than 250,000 deaths from Covid-19, compared to 1.5 million deaths [25,100 in Germany] during the influenza wave 2017/18.
* The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
* A reproach could go along these lines: During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.”

How ironic. The demokrats’ Covid 19 police states were ended by the demokrats’ riots.

we are not dealing with literate or marginally literate people. these thugs are no trashing Children’s Hospital in houston. the mayor, ag, and chief of a none existant police force are all liberal democrapts. there is no law in houston. the assholes in the above picture are just students or assistance. to the media is you do not have a stethoscope around your neck you are not a doc. the combined death rate in la., nyc., and chi is about 140,000/year according to 2015 census. nobody does their homework this is why politicians love peope with short term memory or no memory at all-like the media.

Antifa,BLM and who left behind all those Bricks and for What reason? Not to Build a House that’s for sure

Health experts might be wrong.
In Minnesota, where National Guard has been on the front line the longest, we have this:

Deployed member of the Minnesota National Guard tests positive for COVID-19, 9 others show symptoms.
The Minnesota National Guard will test “all of its active members.”

The state’s National Guard has deployed nearly 7,000 personnel in response to mass protests sparked by George Floyd’s death.

Activities that take place at protests, such as yelling and chanting could exacerbate spread of the virus, said epidemiologist Bob Bednarczyk at Emory University.
People are forced into close contact at such protests where there’s a lot of shouting and chanting, which are both factors that contribute to spread he said.
He added that the use of tear gas on groups of protesters could also cause people to cough and spread the virus even more.

this is the blatant hypocracy of the democrats. lawyer in minn. noted the following:
Indeed it was, as a Minneapolis attorney friend also pointed also out:

Here’s a question I haven’t seen asked yet:

Why did the mourners for Mr. Floyd get to have a traditional, closely-packed, non-socially-distanced, very moving, memorial service, when I couldn’t have a funeral for my grandfather last month? It was illegal for me to have a funeral. Why do they get to have one? It doesn’t seem fair. Was his death more important (sort of like the “essential services” exception to the lockdown)?

How do I ask Gov. Walz and the other powers that be that question?

The numbers for Minnesota for June 5th are in and they are not good, plus they can later be adjusted UPWARDS!
After getting new cases down to 300, the lowest since April, Minnesota allowed rioting and close quarters demonstrations.
The new daily case number is 707.
The day before that it was 403.
The day before that it was 362.
Click on world map, then USA over on the left.
Then use the arrow below that section to get from Admin 0 to Admin 1.
Then scan down to Minnesota and look to the bottom right.
Click on the daily cases and expand that chart.
Sadly, Wuhan virus is on the upswing in Minnesota just after the 10 day incubation period since the riots began.