Congratulations. You and the rest of the world have managed to survive the largest, most globally coordinated psychological warfare operation in the history of mankind: the COVIDcrisis. During this period, on a daily basis, we had to experience the US Government and many western nations deploying highly refined, military-grade fifth generation warfare technologies and PsyWar weapons against their own citizens. For those who avoided the genetic vaccine jabs, which are now proven to be neither safe nor effective in preventing infection, replication, or spread of SARS-CoV-2, and do not prevent disease or death attributed to COVID-19 disease, you deserve a medal for your ability to see through the fog of information warfare. For those, like me, who trusted the FDA and took the initial jabs only to suffer the adverse effects of same, perhaps a purple heart for being wounded in battle is in order. For the millions of battlefield dead, the excess mortality documented by Ed Dowd and so many others, a moment of silent mourning is in order. Then there are the countless children, who have endured masking and social distancing in school for years on end. How do they recover developmentally? How do we ensure that this never happens again?
This essay focuses on how to stop the military grade psyops from happening on a global or even national scale in the future. Or at the very least, how to learn to not be a target of these techniques and to be able to use them yourself to fight back “against the machine”. Because governments are currently planning for the next “pandemic” (“Plandemic?”) and they have no intention of scaling back their weaponized public health policies, which are being used to control us all. And this control is not just limited to COVID-19 policies; the ability to control populations through the use of psy-ops and 5th-gen warfare is just too tempting for governments and international organizations (such as the United Nations and The World Economic Forum), to not deploy in the future. The use of military-grade PsyWar methods on civilian populations to alter election outcomes, to weaponize fear, and to influence or control (literally) all information, beliefs and emotions of civilian populations is just to lucrative and enticing for those who subscribe to the logic that the ends justify the means.
So, what is fifth generation warfare and why does it matter?
“The deliberate manipulation of an observer’s context in order to achieve a desired outcome.”
“The basic idea behind this term [fifth-generation warfare] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens.”
(from the: The Handbook of 5GW: A Fifth Generation of War Abbott, 2010)
5th-Gen warfare is an extension of Asymmetric and Insurgent Warfare strategies and tactics, whereby both conventional and unconventional military tactics and weapons are incorporated and deployed, including exploitation of political, religious and social causes. This new gradient of warfare uses the internet, social media and the 24-hour news cycle to change cognitive biases of individuals and/or organizations. It can be conducted by organized or unorganized (ergo decentralized) groups; it may be led by nation states, non-nation state actors and organizations, non-governmental organizations or even individuals. A key characteristic of 5th Gen warfare is that the nature of the attack is concealed. The goal is to disrupt and defeat opponents by creating new cognitive biases.
The most effective 5th-Gen warfare strategies employed by those lacking integrity are not purely based on pushing false narratives, mis- dis- or mal- information. The most effective strategies mix truth with fiction, and act to increase confusion and disorder in the thoughts and minds of those being targeted, so that they are not sure what or whom to believe.
“The very nature of Fifth Generation Warfare is that it is difficult to define.”
(“Handbook of 5GW”, Abbott, 2010).
Some have written that the term 5th-Gen warfare should only be applied to those opponents with fewer resources (asymmetric warfare), but this is not consistent with current practice. Large and small governments, transnational corporations, globalist non-governmental organizations (such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and the UN, WTO, WHO and their affiliates which seek to govern world affairs, and even ordinary citizens have learned how effective the 5th-Gen toolkit is, and deploy 5th-Gen warfare tactics to their advantage.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
-Arthur C. Clarke.
With this chapter (essay), my goal is to teach the reader how to begin to recognize 5th-Gen warfare tactics and to learn to use these tools for him or herself in surviving the “information warfare” they are being subjected to. Only after realizing the broad scope of what is being done to all of us can each of us begin to master these methods and become truth warriors in the 5th Gen battles that lie ahead.
Just to be clear, the concept of 5th generation warfare as being traditional “warfare” is not accurate. When the term “war” is applied, the concept of a physical war as a battle for territory using kinetic weapons looms large. This is not the case with 5th-Gen warfare.
For my own use, I find the term fifth-generation psyops or PsyWar as more accurately characterizing what is currently happening across the world-wide web. 5th-gen warfare is a more general term. When a collaborative or synchronized 5th-Gen psyops program is being referred to, then I will use that term when appropriate.
There is also the small point that although “5GW” or 5G warfare is commonly used, this term can often confuse those first encountering 5th-Gen warfare terminology, who may confuse 5th Gen warfare with 5G communication technologies (cell phone tower tech). For this reason, I avoid using the “5GW” acronym. This may all seem esoteric, but words and definitions matter.
The “Handbook of 5GW” (Abbott, 2010) defines fifth generation warfare as:
- A war of information and perception
- Targets existing cognitive biases of individuals and organizations
- Creates new cognitive biases
- Is different from classical warfare for the following reasons:
- Focuses on the individual observer / decision maker
- Is difficult or impossible to attribute
- Nature of the attack is concealed
Below is a general summary list of common 5th-Gen warfare weapons, tactics, and technologies:
- Misinformation (Data Driven)
- Deepfakes. Deepfakes are audio and visual media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else’s likeness. With AI, even matching audio voiceovers can be generated. While the act of creating fake content is not new, deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content. It is predicted that deep fakes will soon be so real, that even “experts” will be unable to tell the differences. Digital certificates (or footprints) are being developed to differentiate real from fake media
- Cyberattacks
- Honeypots (not the sexual entrapment kind). Honeypots mimic typical victim-targets of cyberattacks, such as vulnerable networks or individual email accounts. A “honeypot” can be used to attract, detect, and thereby deflect hacks from potentially vulnerable high-value systems or targets.
- “Social engineering.” Social engineering is any manipulation technique that exploits human behavior and error in order to gain access to sensitive or confidential information. Where some scammers would steal someone’s personal information, social engineers convince their victims to willingly hand over the requested information like usernames and passwords. “Nudge” technology is actually applied social engineering.
- Social media manipulation (Data Driven)
- Decentralized and highly non-attributable psychological warfare fake/deepfake information (memes, fake news, planted stories). Often elements of truth will be woven into the narrative, to confuse and change the biases of the individual(s) being targeted. Evolving GPT-based “artificial intelligence/machine learning”-based information technologies can be deployed to generate convincing deepfake documents and videos, but it is already trivial to construct fake “tweets” and other forms of disinformation and then distribute these fakes into social media discussions. This will eventually require development of methods to differentiate fake from real documents, but until that time it will continue to be “viewer beware” as chaos agents and disruptors generate and distribute synthetic disinformation via a wide range of methods.
- Controlled opposition, disruptors and chaos agents. Historically, these tactics involve a fake protest movement that is actually being led by government agents- otherwise known as false-flag operations. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries- going back at least as far as Sun-tzu and his classic monograph titled “The Art of War”. However, in 5th-Gen warfare, controlled opposition often may come in the form of disruptors and chaos agents. Either “real” people or bots that generate outrageous claims intended to delegitimize a movement (examples currently may (or may not be); “snake venom in the water” or “everyone is going to die who took the vaccine within two years”). Another tactic is the placement of agents of chaos (chaos agents) into key positions within otherwise legitimate organizations or “enablers” of protest movement leaders. The job of the chaos agents is to disrupt organizations and events. This may also come in the form of “reporters” who assert fake or highly exaggerated news stories, and who most likely are funded by the opposition. “Undermine the order from the shadows ” is the tactic here.
- Bad jacketing, cyberstalking, gang stalking, flash mob and Astro-turf organizations are common tools used by organizations or agents deploying 5th-gen warfare tactics and strategies.
- Mass surveillance, including “data fusion” operations which integrate social media, other cyber surveillance tools, and high resolution geospatial tracking and imaging technologies (such as cell phone and “gorgon stare” technologies).
- Open-source intelligence. Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is the collection and analysis of data gathered from open sources (covert and publicly) to produce actionable intelligence.
- Tracking surveillance software (such as COVID trackers and cell phone keyword searches).
- Commercially available social media analytics.
- The use of publicly available raw data and surveys to sway public opinion by use of memes, essays and social media posts.
- Grey and dark market data sets. A grey market or dark market data set is derived from the trading of information through distribution channels that are not authorized by the original manufacturer or trade mark proprietor.
- Commercially available Satellite / SA imagery
- Commercially available Electromagnetic intelligence
- Cryptographic backdoors. This is any method that allows an entity to bypass encryption and gain access to a system. Often these are placed purposefully but sometimes an unintentional “backdoor” can be located, allowing a system to be hacked.
- Open-source encryption/ DeFi (decentralized finance)
- Community technology. Community technology is the practice of synergizing the efforts of individuals, community technology centers and national organizations with federal policy initiatives. This may include the use of broadband, cell phones, information access, radio, education and economic development.
- Low-cost Radios that can escape normal surveillance techniques.
- Traditional protest tools combined with 5th-gen warfare. An example would be a large rally combined with social media tools to create synergy or opposition for a movement.
- The synergistic use of mixed media to build excitement or to create outrage.
- Decentralized leadership or leaderless movements that use the above technologies.
So, although the list is extensive, the truth is that only a subset of these tools are readily available to poorly resourced individuals and groups. However, these groups may compensate for the deficit by leveraging popularism.
The asymmetric warfare battlescape
Asymmetric warfare is a conflict in which the opponents’ resources are uneven or not balanced. When it is the people against a government or governmental policy, the people may have numbers behind them, but typically fewer technology, financial, and physical assets (vehicles, kinetic weapons, intelligence gathering capabilities). Late 20th century (Viet Nam, for example) and the current 21st century (Taliban, Al-Qaeda et al) warfare clearly demonstrates that by coordinating their efforts, very effective asymmetric battlefield campaigns can be deployed by forces and organizations that confront more powerful opponents which otherwise have strategic and tactical advantages in terms of first through third-generation warfare technology.
The good news is that some of the most effective 5th-Gen warfare tools are the ones that cost the least. Decentralized and highly non-attributable psychological warfare and community synergy are two methods that can be utilized by individuals and groups to make a difference.
Another recent example of the use of 5th-Gen warfare in an asymmetric battlefield involves activists being able to shift the general narrative about COVID-19 vaccines to acknowledge that post-COVID vaccination myocarditis occurs in athletes and children. In this example, when a new case is identified, posts and media are shared both openly and via semi-private direct message to influencers. The information about the victim is spread and often goes viral throughout the world-wide web. These posts reach not only those who already believe that there is a problem, but those who are unaware of the myocarditis adverse events.
One of the recent techniques used by the Left/dems in their psywar is the use of rhetoric that assumes they have already won and now you opposers are just the few scraps that need to be wiped off the floor.
joe went so far, today, as to claim OUTRAGEOUSLY that all America’s children belong to the state.
That’s not even up for debate, he is a liar.
But look how he framed it.
Recently the deepfake was used against Vivek, the Republican candidate for presidnet.
Years ago, when he first got rich off of tech, he was INVITED to join George Soros’ young future leaders org.
He refused and went on with his life.
BUT now, dems are claiming he IS a member of that globalist org under the WEF!
Chutzpah is strong with these liars.