Princeton Looking to Hire “Men’s Engagement Manager” to Combat Aggressive Masculinity, Teach Men Not to “Get Tougher,” And Help Them Transition Into Docile Young Women

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I added the last part, but it seems implied, no?

There were four alleged rapes this is in response to — three allegedly committed by Princeton U. employees, and one allegedly committed by… a student working on the SHARE committee.

A committee which patrols for sexual harassment.

Well done.

Why does everyone else have to pay for Princeton employees’ and sexual harassment SJWs’ sins?

The job involves ‘challenging social constructs that contribute to violence’They include upturning stereotypes of ‘tough men’ who can’t be ‘vulnerable’

The listing appears to frame sexual violence as purely male-on-female

There were 13 violations of sex codes, including rape, at Princeton in 2015-16

Four of them were made by employees; the sex of those involved is unclear

In April, SHARE, the office advertising the new position, was named in a lawsuit

It says ‘John Doe’ was sexually assaulted twice by a male SHARE associate

Although “John Doe” could be a woman, I’m going to assume it was in fact a guy, making the alleged perp also a guy.

Are you quite sure that masculinity per se is your problem?

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Teach men to be whimps teach them to be Ballet Dancers Herb Gardeners or Piano Players to eat vegan diets and to be Pee Wee Hermin’s riding around with their faces painted white and on a big dumb red bicycle