President Obama Waving Grudgingly

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Waving is an odd thing, if you think about it. It’s like, Hello, look, here is my hand. I’m moving it all around because we can see each other! Most people don’t wave that often, but President Obama does it all the time, whether for a crowd or a camera. Not because he necessarily wants to, but because it’s expected of him. The president is supposed to be a friendly and folksy character, and waving as if he gives a shit helps to foster such an image. Usually, Obama pulls it off just fine, with a big happy grin. But sometimes, he just can’t fake it, and the look on his face reveals how grudgingly and unenthusiastically he is performing this charade for us.

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Why oh why, can’t some people see through this thing (obama). It’s hard to understand, (well I guess you really can’t understand) people who hate so bad that they would accept this thing, (obama) it’s sick. and I am sick to death of this thing. (obama) eck.

The Chairman waves…

Even when Obama smiles he is so practiced that people think his face is being photoshopped onto his body!

He has a few studied face poses.
All he is is a front, so why be surprised?

he’s way of waiving, mean, get lost